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Dr. Thomas Dolk


Raum: PT 4.1.22

Telefon: 0941 943-2233

Telefax: 0941 943-1995

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung


Curriculum Vitae

Academic education

  • 2013: Doctoral degree in Psychology (Dr. rer. nat.), Leipzig University, Germany.
  • 2009: Magister Artium (MA: Rehabilitation Pedagogics & Sociology), Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.

Professional employment history

  • 09/2015 - present PostDoc at the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Regensburg University.
  • 09/2013 – 09/2015 ?PostDoc at the Human Sciences Faculty, University of Potsdam, Research Group: “Diversity and Inclusion”.
  • 04/2013 – 08/2013 ?Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Group: “Competition and Priority Control in Mind and Brain:?New Perspectives from Task-Driven Vision”, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany.?
  • 09/2012 – 03/2013 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig.
  • 07/2009 – 08/2012 PhD candidate at the Department of Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig.Member of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Neuroscience of Communication: Function, Structure, and Plasticity. Supervisors: Prof. Dr Prinz and PD Dr Liepelt.

Research Interests

Action Perception and Execution, Brain Plasticity Across the Lifespan, Cognitive Control, Inter-/Intraindividual Differences, Joint Action, Multisensory Integration, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Social and Spatial Cognition.

Methodological Spectrum

Methods include behavioral, electrophysiological measures (EEG), structural magnetic resonance imaging (structural MRI) as well as non-invasive techniques like transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).


Articles (peer-reviewed)

  • Dolk, T., & Liepelt, R. (2018).?The Multimodal go-nogo Simon Effect: Signifying the relevance of stimulus features in the go-nogo Simon paradigm impacts event representations and task performance.?Frontiers in Psychology, 9:2011.
  • Dolk, T., Freigang, C., Bogon, J., & Dreisbach, G. (2018). Auditory (dis-)fluency triggers sequential processing adjustments. Acta Psychologica, 191,?69-75. This article has been retracted by the authors due to a coding error in the experimental files. Please do not cite.
  • ?

    Ticini, L. F., Dolk, T., Waszak, F., & Schütz-Bosbach, S. (2018). IPL-M1 interaction shapes pre-reflective social differentiation in the human action system: new insights from TBS and TMS combined. Scientific Reports, 8, 12001.


  • Mendl, J., Fr?ber, K., Dolk, T. (2018). Are you keeping an eye on me? The influence of competition and cooperation on joint Simon task performance.?Frontiers in Psychology,?9:1361.
  • Sabah, K. , Dolk, T., Meiran, N., & Dreisbach, G. (2018). When less is more: : Costs and Benefits of Varied vs. Fixed Content and Structure in Short Term Task Switching Training.?Psychological Research.?Apr 5. doi:10.1007/s00426-018-1006-7.
  • Gerth, S., Klassert, A.,?Dolk, T.,? Fliesser, M., Fischer, M. H., Nottbusch, G., & Festman, J. (2016). Is Handwriting Performance Affected by the Writing Surface? Comparing Perschoolers', Second Graders', and Adults' Writing Performance on a Tablet vs. Paper. Frontiers?in?Psychology, 7:1308.
  • Gerth, S., Dolk, T., Klassert, A., Fliesser, M., Fischer, M. H., Nottbusch, G., & Festman, J. (2016). Adapting to the surface: A comparison of handwriting measures when writing on a tablet computer and on paper. Human Movement Science, 48, 62-73.
  • Liepelt, R., Dolk, T., & Hommel, B. (2017). Self-perception beyond the body: The role of past agency. Psychological Research, 81, 549-559.
  • Janczyk, M., Welsh, T.N., & Dolk, T. (2016). A role of goals for social inhibition of return? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60,
  • Liepelt, R., Klempova*, B., Dolk*, T., Colzato, L. S., Ragert, P., Nitsche, M., & Hommel, B. (2016). The medial frontal cortex mediates self-other discrimination in the Joint Simon task: a tDCS study. Journal of Psychophysiology, 30, 87-101. *equal contribution
  • Sellaro, R., Dolk, T., Colzato, L. S., Liepelt, R., & Hommel, B. (2015). Referential coding does not rely on location features: Evidence for a non-spatial joint Simon effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 41, 186-195.
  • Dolk, T., Hommel, B., Prinz, W., & Liepelt, R. (2014). The joint flanker effect: less social than previously thought. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 1224-1230.
  • Dolk, T., Hommel, B., Colzato, L. S., Schütz-Bosbach, S., Prinz, W., & Liepelt, R. (2014). The Joint Simon Effekt: A review and theoretical integration. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:974.
  • Pfister, R., Dolk, T., Prinz, W., & Kunde, W. (2014). Joint Response-Effect Compatibility. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 817-822.
  • Stenzel, A., Dolk, T., Colzato, L. S., Sellaro, R., Hommel, B., & Liepelt, R. (2014). The joint Simon effect depends on perceived agency, but not intentionality, of the alternative action. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:595.
  • Dittrich, K., Dolk, T., Rothe-Wulf, A., Klauer, K. C., & Prinz, W. (2013). Keys and seats: Spatial response coding underlying the joint Simon effect. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75, 1725-1736.
  • Dolk, T., Hommel, B., Prinz, W., & Liepelt, R. (2013). The (not so) social Simon Effect. A referential coding account. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39, 1248-1260.
  • Dolk, T., Liepelt, R., Prinz, W., & Fiehler, K. (2013). Visual experience determines the use of external reference frames in joint action control. PlosOne, 8: e59008.
  • Dolk, T. Liepelt, R., Villringer, A., Prinz, W., & Ragert, P. (2012). Morphometric gray matter differences of the medial frontal cortex influence the social Simon effect. NeuroImage, 61, 1249-1254.
  • Liepelt, R., Dolk, T., & Prinz, W. (2012). Bidirectional semantic interference between action and speech. Psychological Research-Psychologische Forschung. Psychological Research, 76, 446-455.
  • Liepelt, R., Schneider, J., Aichert, D., W?stmann, N., Dehning, S., M?ller, H.-J., Riedel, M., Dolk, T., & Ettinger, U. (2012). Action blind: Disturbed self-other integration in schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia, 50, 3775-3780.
  • Obermeier, C., Dolk, T., & Gunter, T. C. (2012). The benefit of gestures during communication: Evidence from hearing and hearing-impaired individuals. Cortex, 48, 857-870.
  • Dolk, T., Hommel, B., Colzato, L. S., Schütz-Bosbach, S., Prinz, W., & Liepelt, R. (2011). How "social" is the Simon effect? Frontiers in Psychology, 2:84.

Book and Book chapters

  • Dolk, T., & Prinz. W. (2016). What it Takes to Share a Task: Sharing versus Shaping Task Representations. In E.S. Cross & S.S. Obhi (Eds.), Shared representations: Sensorimotor foundations of social life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Dolk, T. (2013). A Referential Coding Account for the Social Simon Effect. MPI Series in Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 152. ISBN 978-3-941504-36-3.

  1. Fakult?t für Hunanwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Psychologie