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Dr. Anja Berger


Email: anja.berger@ur.de


Curriculum Vitae

Academic Education

  • 2021 Doctoral degree in Psychology (Promotion) (University of Regensburg)

  • 10/2015 - 09/2017: Master of Science in Psychology, University of regensburg (thesis: Affective valence of conflict and non-conflict and its influence on conflict adaptation)

  • 10/2012 - 08/2015: Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Regensburg (thesis: The Effect of Positive Affect on Proactive Control)

Professional Employment History

  • 10/2017 - 09/2020: PhD student in the DFG project DR 392/6-3 "Reaktionskonflikt und perzeptuelle Verarbeitungsflüssigkeit als affektive Signale der Verhaltenssteuerung"
  • 11/2015 - 08/2017: Research assistant, chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg
  • 08/2016 - 10/2016: Intern at the department of Cognitive Psychology (Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences) at the University of Leiden (NL), supervisor: Dr. Henk van Steenbergen
  • 04/2013 - 09/2015: Student assistant, chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg



  • Berger, A., Dolk, T., Bogon, J., & Dreisbach, G. (2020). Challenging Voices: Mixed evidence for context-specific control adjustments in the auditroy domain. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

  • Berger, A., Mitschke, V., Dignath, D., Eder, A., & van Steenbergen, H. (2020).?The face of control:?Corrugator supercilii tracks aversive conflict signals?in the service of adaptive cognitive control. Psychophysiology.?https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.13524

  • Dignath, D., Berger, A., Spruit, I.M., & van Steenbergen, H. (2019). Temporal dynamics of error-related corrugator supercilii and zygomaticus major activity: Evidence for implicit emotion regulation following errors. International Journal of Psychophysiology.??doi:?10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2019.10.003

  • Berger, A., Fischer, R. & Dreisbach, G. (2019). It's more than just conflict: The functional role of congruency in the sequential control adaptation. Acta Psychologica. 197, 64-72. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2019.04.016

  • Dreisbach, G., Fr?ber, K., Berger, A. &?Fischer, R. (2019). Unexpected conflict signals loom larger in a positive context: Evidence from specific control adjustments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 45(8), 1398-1409.

Conference Presentations

  • Berger, A. (2019). Affective contexts modulate conflict adaptation. 8. Doktoranden-Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie, Mannheim, Germany, 28.07.2019. [talk]

  • Berger, A., Fischer, R. & Dreisbach G. (2019). Both shielding and relaxation contribute to conflict adaptation.?61. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), London, England, 15.04.2019. [talk]

  • Berger, A., Fischer, R. & Dreisbach G. (2018). Shielding and/or relaxation? Conflict adaptation in an auditory Simon task. 7. Doktoranden-Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie, Mainz, Germany, 14.07.2018. [talk]

  • Berger, A., Fischer, R. & Dreisbach G. (2018). Evaluative conditioning of neutral stimuli does not modulate conflict adaptation. 60. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany, 14.03.2018. [poster]

  • Berger, A. & Dreisbach, G. (2017). Shielding or relaxation: Is it adaptation to conflict or adaptation to non-conflict? 59. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Dresden, Germany, 26.03.2017. [poster]

  1. Fakult?t für Hunanwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Psychologie

Chair for General and Applied Psychology

Prof. dr. gesine dreisbach

Claudia Lehnes

Raum: PT 4.1.31

Telefon 0941 943-3816

Fax 0941 943-1995