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Prof. Dr. Dr. Moritz K?ster

Sedanstra?e 1, Zi. 015

Telefon: 0941 943-7683

E-Mail: Moritz.Koester@psychologie.uni-regensburg.de

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung


Im Kern meiner Forschung befasse ich mich damit, wie sich der Mensch, im Laufe der Entwicklung, an seine Umwelt anpasst, um so die Grundlagen für die individuelle Vielfalt und kulturelle Diversit?t menschlicher Entwicklungspfade besser zu verstehen. Hierzu erforsche ich die frühe sozial-kognitive Entwicklung, die neuro-kognitiven Mechanismen des menschlichen Lernens im S?uglings- und Erwachsenenalter, sowie soziale und kulturelle Einflüsse auf die Entwicklung.

Einen ?berblick über meine Forschungsthemen finden Sie hier.


  • seit 2022 Professor für Entwicklungs- und Kognitionspsychologie, Universit?t Regensburg
  • 2017-2021 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc), Freie Universit?t Berlin
  • 2018-2019 Gastwissenschaftler (Postdoc), Kyoto Universit?t, Japan
  • 2017-2019 Gastwissenschaftler (PostDoc), Max-Planck-Institute für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften Leipzig
  • 2018 Promotion in der Psychologie (Dr. phil., summa cum laude), Universit?t Osnabrück
  • 2016 Promotion in der Psychologie (Dr. rer. nat., summa cum laude), Universit?t Münster
  • 2013 Diplom in Psychologie (mit Auszeichnung), Universit?t Osnabrück
  • 2012 Bachelor in Cognitive Science (mit Auszeichnung), Universit?t Osnabrück


Google scholar


Garzòn, M., Korja, R., Ainamani, H., Ndyareeba, E., T?pfer, P., Holmberg, E. & K?ster, M. (preprint) Unpredictable Maternal Behavior and Infant Emotional Reactivity in the Context of High Maternal Adversity. doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/xmr7a

Fulcher, T., K?ster, M., Woodward, A. (preprint) Infants Understand Others’ Needs – An Independent Replication. doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4347478

Tebbe, A., Rothmaler, K., K?ster, M., Wiesmann C. (preprint) Infants and adults neurally represent the perspective of others like their own perception.

2024 & in press

K?ster, M. (2024)?The theta-gamma code in predictive processing and mnemonic updating. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2023.105529

K?ster, M. & Hepach, R. (2024). Preverbal infants' understanding of social norms. Scientific Reports. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-53110-3

Bohn, M., da Silva, W., Giner Torréns, M., K?rtner, J., Itakura, S., Cavalcante L., Haun, D., K?ster, M.*, & Kanngiesser, P.* (2024). Mealtime conversations between parents and their 2-year-old children in five cultural contexts. Developmental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001688

Mendl, J., Banerjee, S., Fischer, R., Dreisbach, G.*, & K?ster, M.* (2024) Control in Context: The Theta Rhythm Provides Evidence for Reactive Control but no Evidence for Proactive Control. Psychophysiology. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.14625

Bánki, A., K?ster, M., Cichy, R. M., & Hoehl, S. (2024). Communicative signals during joint attention promote neural processes of infants and caregivers. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.?doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2023.10132

K?rtner, J., & K?ster, M. (2024) Early social-cognitive development as a dynamic developmental system—a lifeworld approach. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1399903

Kopp, K.*, Kanngiesser, P.*, Brügger, R., Daum, M., Gampe, A., K?ster, M., van Schaik, C., Liebal, K.*, Burkart, J.* (2024). The proximate regulation of prosocial behaviour: Towards a conceptual framework for comparative research. Animal Cognition. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-024-01846-w


K?ster, M., Bánki, A., Yamasaki, D., Kato, M., Itakura, S., & Hoehl, S. (2023). Cross-cultural differences in visual object and background processing in the infant brain. Imaging Neuroscience. doi.org/10.1162/imag_a_00038

K?ster, M.*, Brzozowska, A.*, Bánki, A., Tünte, M., Ward, E., & Hoehl, S. (2023). Rhythmic visual stimulation as a window into early brain development: a systematic review. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2023.101315

K?ster, M.*, & Meyer, M.* (2023). Down and up! Does the mu rhythm index a gating mechanism in the developing motor system? Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2023.101239

Jurkat, S., K?ster, M., Hernandez, L., Itakura, S., & K?rtner, J. (2023) Visual attention across cultures: Similarities and differences in child development and maternal attention styles. Developmental Science. doi.org/10.1111/desc.13368


Xie, S., Hoehl, S., Moeskops, M., Kayhan, E., Kliesch, C., Turtleton, B., K?ster, M.* & Cichy, R. M.* (2022) Visual category representations in the infant brain. Current Biology. doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2022.11.016

K?ster, M., & Gruber, T. (2022). Rhythms of human attention and memory: An embedded process perspective. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2022.905837

K?ster, M., Giner Torréns, M., K?rtner, J., Itakura, S., Cavalcante L., & Kanngiesser, P. (2022). Parental teaching behavior in diverse cultural contexts. Evolution and Human Behavior. doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2022.07.002

Bánki, A. A., Brzozowska, A., Hoehl, S., & K?ster, M. (2022). Neural entrainment vs. stimulus-tracking: A conceptual challenge for rhythmic perceptual stimulation in developmental neuroscience. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.878984


K?ster, M., Langeloh, M., Michel, C., & H?hl, S. (2021). Young infants process prediction errors at the theta rhythm. Neuroimage. doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118074

K?ster, M., Langeloh, M., Kliesch, C., Kanngiesser, P.*, & H?hl, S.* (2021). The value of subsequent memory paradigms in uncovering neural mechanisms of early social learning. Neuroimage. doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117978


K?ster, M., Kayhan, E., Langeloh, M., & H?hl, S. (2020) Making Sense of the World – Infant Learning from a Predictive Processing Perspective. Perspectives on Psychological Science. doi.org/10.1177/1745691619895071

K?ster, M., Langeloh, M., Kliesch, C., Kanngiesser, P.*, & H?hl, S.* (2020). Motor cortex activity during action observation predicts subsequent action imitation in human infants. Neuroimage. doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116958

K?ster, M., Goeke, C., Bonkoch-Goeke, E., Hoffmann, T., & Kaspar, K. (2020). Auditory information support the learning transfer from L2 to L3 tonal languages. Current Psychology. ?doi.org/10.1007/s12144-018-9792-z

K?ster, M., Yovsi, R., & K?rtner, J. (in press). Cross-Cultural Differences in the Generation of Novel Ideas in Middle Childhood. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01829

Mavridis, P., K?rtner, J., Cavalcante, L., Resende, B., Schuhmacher, N., & K?ster, M. (in press) The Development of Context-sensitive Attention in Urban and Rural Brazil. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01623

Jurkat, S., K?ster, M., Yovsi, R., & K?rtner, J. (2020) The development of context-sensitive attention across cultures - the impact of stimulus familiarity. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01526

Haun, D.*, Liebal, K.*, Amici, F., Bender, A., Bohn, M., Br?uer, J., Buttelmann, D., Burkart, J., Cacchione, T., Detroy, S., Fa?bender, I., Fichtel, C., Fischer, J., Gampe, A., Gray, R., Horn, L., Ona, L., K?rtner, J., Kaminski, J., Kanngie?er, P., Keller, H., K?ster, M., Kopp, K., Kornadt, K., Rakoczy, H., Schuppli, C., Stengelin, R., Trommsdorff, G., Van Leeuwen, E., Van Schaik, C. (2020) Ein Pl?doyer für die Relevanz der Vergleichenden Psychologie für das Verst?ndnis menschlicher Entwicklung. Psychologische Rundschau. doi.org/10.1026/0033-3042/a000467


K?ster, M.*, Langeloh, M.*, & H?hl, S. (2019) Visually entrained theta oscillations increase for unexpected events in the infant brain. Psychological Science. ?doi.org/10.1177/0956797619876260

K?ster, M., Martens, U., & Gruber, T. (2019). Memory entrainment by visually evoked theta-gamma coupling. Neuroimage. doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.12.002

Ko?ster, M., & K?rtner, J. (2019). Why do infants help? A simple action reveals a complex phenomenon. Developmental Review. doi.org/10.1016/j.dr.2018.11.004

Ko?ster, M., Itakura, S., Omori, M., & K?rtner, J. (2019). From understanding others’ needs to prosocial action: Motor and social abilities promote infants’ helping. Developmental Science. doi.org/10.1111/desc.12804

Dworazik, N., K?rtner, J., Lange, L., & K?ster, M. (2019) Young children respond to moral dilemma like their mothers. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02683

Schuhmacher, N., Ko?ster, M., & K?rtner, J. (2019). Modeling prosocial behavior increases helping in 16-month-olds. Child Development. doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13054


K?ster, M.*, Finger, H.*, Graetz, S., Kater, M., & Gruber, T. (2018). Theta-gamma coupling binds visual perceptual features in an associative memory task. Scientific Reports. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-35812-7

Ko?ster, M., & K?rtner, J. (2018). Context-sensitive attention is socialized via a verbal route in the parent-child interaction. PLoS ONE. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0207113

K?ster, M., Itakura, S., Yovsi, R., & K?rtner, J. (2018). Visual attention in 5-year-olds from three different cultures. PLoS ONE. ?doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200239

Fonseca, B., Cavalcante, L., K?rtner, J., & K?ster, M. (2018). Maternal socialization goals and the spontaneous prosocial behavior of children in rural contexts. Psychology: Research and Review? ?doi.org/10.1186/s41155-018-0108-x

Sch?ne, B., Ko?ster, M., & Gruber, T. (2018). Coherence in general and personal semantic knowledge. Experimental Brain Research. ?doi.org/10.1007/s00221-018-5324-1

Kruger, D.J., Ko?ster, M., Nedelec, J.L., & Murphy, S.F. (2018). A life history framework advances the understanding of intentions for police cooperation. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. ?doi.org/10.1037/ebs0000109


K?ster, M., Castel, J., Gruber, T., & K?rtner, J. (2017). Visual cortical networks align with behavioral measures of context-sensitivity in early childhood. Neuroimage.? doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.08.008

K?ster, M., Haese, A., Czernochowski, D. (2017). Neuronal oscillations reveal the processes underlying intentional compared to incidental learning in children and young adults. PLoS ONE.? doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0182540

K?ster, M., Finger, H., Kater, M., Schenk, C., & Gruber, T. (2017). Neuronal oscillations indicate sleep-dependent changes in the cortical memory trace. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.? doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_01071


K?ster, M., Cavalcante, L., Carvalho, R., & Resende, B. D., K?rtner, J. (2016). Cultural Influences on Toddlers’ Prosocial Behavior: How Maternal Task Assignment Relates to Helping Others. Child Development.? doi.org/10.1111/cdev.12636

K?ster, M. (2016) What about microsaccades in the EEG of infants? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.? doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.0739

K?ster, M., Ohmer, X., Nguyen, T. D., K?rtner, J. (2016) Infants understand others’ needs. Psychological Science.? doi.org/10.1177/0956797615627426


K?ster, M., Schumacher, N., & K?rtner, J. (2015) A Cultural Perspective on Prosocial Development. Human Ethology Bulletin? link

Goeke, C., Gramann, K., Kornpetpanee, S., K?ster, M., Revelles, F. & K?nig, P. (2015). Cultural background shapes spatial reference frame proclivity. Scientific Reports.? doi.org/10.1038/srep11426

K?ster, M., Rüth, M., Hamborg, K.-C., Kaspar, K. (2015). Effects of personalized banner ads on visual attention and recognition memory. Applied Cognitive Psychology.? doi.org/10.1002/acp.3080

2014 & 2013

K?ster, M.*, Friese, U.*, Sch?ne, B., Trujillo-Barreto, N., & Gruber , T. (2014). Theta-gamma coupling during episodic retrieval in the human EEG. Brain Research.? doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2014.06.028

Friese, U.*, K?ster, M.*, Hassler, U., Martens, U., Barreto, N. T., & Gruber, T. (2013). Successful memory encoding is associated with increased cross-frequency coupling between frontal theta and posterior gamma oscillations in human scalp-recorded EEG. Neuroimage.? doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.11.002

* Joint first/last authors

  2. Institut für Psychologie

Entwicklungs- und Kognitionspsychologie

Lila, tropfenf?rmiges M?nnchen, das mit einem Stock und einem Ring spielt.


Raum: 023, Sedanstra?e 1

Telefon 0941 943-7650

E-Mail Sekretariat.Koester@ur.de