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As an institution of the University of Regensburg we have the mandate to conduct research on mental disorders and their treatment as well as the new and further development of therapies.

Therefore, we ask our patients and their parents or guardians for their consent to evaluate their treatment data and, if applicable, audio and video recordings from therapy sessions for research purposes. The patients' data will be pseudonymised for research purposes, i.e. stored and processed under a code instead of their name. In addition, we might ask our patients and their parents or guardians whether they would like to participate in a specific research project. For example, this could involve psychophysiological measurements (e.g. of the heart rate) or a participation in evaluation studies on new therapy methods.

Within all research projects the data of our patients are treated confidentially and in accordance with current data protection guidelines.

Current research projects

The following major research projects are currently being carried out at the University Outpatient Psychotherapy Centre for Children and Adolescents:

Exposure treatment in virtual reality for children and adolescents with anxiety (in cooperation with the University Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic)

Digital therapy feedback and monitoring in child and adolescent psychotherapy

University Outpatient Psychotherapy Centre for Children and Adolescents

Contact by E-Mail or

Phone: 0941 943-6038

(availability by phone on tuesdays 10am -1pm and wednesdays 10-11 am)