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Universit?t Regensburg, Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchenau,?12-14?Uhr, SoSe 2020
Vorlesung:?Illegitime Bereicherung. Eine Geschichte der politischen Korruption in Europa

Universit?t Rijeka, 21. Oktober 2020: Regensburg –?Rijeka Lectures: New Trends in Southeast European Studies.
Vortrag: A Grammar of Bribery - developedon the struggle over the Thurn and Taxis forests in Croatia (1919-1941) (aufgezeichnetper Zoom)

Universit?t Zagreb, 23.-24. September 2020: Konferenz ?Transitions out of Empire in Centraland Southeastern Europe“.
Vortrag: The Nationalisation and Restitutionof the Thurn and Taxis Forests in Croatia (1919-1941). A Case Study on theInterplay of National, Post-Imperial and Criminal Elite Networks

  1. Universit?t
  2. Institut für Slavistik

Institut für Slavistik