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Female Professors

UR | Family and Academic Career Compatibility

UR | Appointment Procedures

In the process of selecting the best candidate for an open position, the UR endeavours to attract highly qualified female researchers through its appointment procedures for new professors.

Apart from a high proportion of women on the appointment committees, the assessment criteria should follow the DFG's "Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality" and the recommendations on the organisation of appointment procedures by the German Council of Science and Humanities.

For more information, please refer to?UR's Equality Concept 2018-2022?...

UR | Support for Dual Career Couples

The University of Regensburg is a member of the?"Dual Career Netzwerk Nordbayern (DCNN)"??and supports dual career couples in continuing their careers and integrating into Regensburg and the northern Bavaria region.?

Our services are aimed at newly appointed professors as well as executives and their?respective partners.

Contact person at UR

UR | Coaching for Female Professors

If you are a female professor at UR and you would like to access individual, professional executive coaching, please feel free to contact us at any time.

UR | Programme for Women Professors II of the Federal Government and the L?nder

The aim of the Programme for Women Professors of the Federal Government and the L?nder is to promote gender equality at universities, to improve the representation of women at every qualification level in the research system, and to increase the number of female researchers in leading academic positions.

Universities, universities of applied sciences, and art colleges that are dedicated to pursuing equal opportunities may be eligible for initial funding for the appointment of up to three women to permanent W2- or W3-professorships. Approval of a future-oriented equality concept was the prerequisite for participation in this programme, and UR was a successful applicant with its Equality Concept?2013-2018.

With the available funding, UR has provided initial funding of a W3-professorship and has financed the following measures which promote gender equality:

  • Habilitation, postdoc, and doctoral scholarships for law students
  • mobility and short-term grants
  • maternity support
  • mentoring programme
  • emergency childcare

For more information on the?Programme for Women Professors II of the Federal Government and the L?nder, please click here ...

UR | Programme for Women Professors III of the Federal Government and the L?nder

The First Stage of the Application Procedure

With its?Equality Concept 2018-2022, the University of Regensburg successfully applied for the Programme for Women Professors III of the Federal Government and the L?nder. In the first round of submissions, UR received a positive review.?

  • For more information on the Programme for Women Professors, please visit the homepage of?the?Federal Ministry of Education and Research?...
  • You can access an overview of all universities that successfully applied in the first round of submissions?here?...

The Second Stage of the Application Procedure

The University of Regensburg has appointed two female professors according to the guidelines of the Programme for Women Professors and has applied for funding for them. Since the financial resources is granted, UR implements a variety of additional measures to promote equal opportunities for female researchers in the period from 2019 to 2024.

  1. University of Regensburg
  2. Equal Opportunities Coordination Office

Promotion of Women


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