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Gender Consulting for DFG-Funded Research Projects

Third-party funding bodies, such as the DFG, provide additional funding for equal opportunity measures (i.e. gender equality, diversity, and compatibility of family and career). In close collaboration with the UR’s Anti-Discrimination Point, the Gender Consulting Service at the University of Regensburg provides comprehensive support for collaborative research projects for these areas.?

Our Services:

Application Phase

  • Provision of text modules and data for your application
  • Support in developing a specific gender equality strategy for your collaborative research project (e.g., goals and measures)
  • Feedback and advice on your application (e.g., on content-related aspects, equal opportunity measures, awareness, gender-sensitive language, and compatibility of family and career)

Review Phase

  • Consulting and project-specific preparation for reviews
  • Support in preparing a poster and participation in the on-site review

Implementation Phase

  • Networking-events for the UR’s collaborative research projects
  • Strategic planning of meaningful measures and advice on the allocation of funds
  • Pooling of funds

We look forward to supporting you with your application. Please feel free to contact us.

Contact Person:

Carina Ehrnsperger
Employee of the University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts (Gender Consulting)
Tel.: 0941-943-3405
PT 3.3.33?

  1. University of Regensburg
  2. Equal Opportunities Coordination Office