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Bárbara Aranda

Doctoral Researcher

Office: Room BA.832, Bajuwarenstra?e 4
Telephone: +49 941?943-68561





  • 2024 – present Doctoral Researcher at DIMAS, in the Professorship of Spatial Dimensions of?Cultural Processes, Prof. Dr. Anne Brüske, University of Regensburg
  • 2023 – 2024 ?? ?Lehrauftrag, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Heidelberg
  • 2021– 2023 ?? ?Research Assistant at CAPAS (K?te Hamburger Kolleg für Apokalyptische und Postapokalyptische Studien), University of Heidelberg
  • 2016 – 2018?? ?Communicational Skills Teacher at PACE UC, Pontifical Catholic University?of Chile
  • 2013 – 2019?? ?Secondary School Teacher for Literature and Spanish at different schools in?Santiago de Chile?
  • 2010 -2011?? ?Research Assistant at the Faculty of Literature and Linguistics and the?Faculty of Education, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Educational Background


  • 2021 – 2023?? ?Master of Arts in Iberoamerican Studies, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Heidelberg
  • Masterarbeit: “De fantasmas, monstruos, mujeres, dictaduras y otros terrores. Hacia un fantástico de impronta negra en los cuentos de Mariana Enriquez”.?? ? (“Of ghosts, monsters, women, dictatorships and other horrors. Towards a Fantastic of Dark Imprint in the Short Stories of Mariana Enriquez”)
  • 2011 - 2012?? ?Bachelor of Education and Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
  • 2007 – 2011?? ?Bachelor of Arts in Hispanic Literature and Linguistics, Faculty of Literature and Linguistics, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
  • 2008- 2011 ?? ?Minor in Asian Studies/ Minor in History of Music, Faculty of History, Geography and?Political Sciences/ Faculty of Arts Music Institute (IMUC), Pontifical Catholic?University of Chile



  • 2022 – 2023 ?? ?Graduation Completion Grant for International Students, part of the?Stipendien- und Betreuungsprogramm (STIBET), sponsored by the German?Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and co-financed by the Federal Foreign?Office (AA), University of Heidelberg
  • 2021? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Exemption from Tuition Fees for International Students, University of Heidelberg
  • 2011 -2012? ? Teacher Vocation Scholarship, Government of Chile.?

Academic Activities


  • 2024?? ??? ?Presentation at the DRV-Sommerschule ?Kulturraum Amazonien: Begegnung –?Austausch – Widerstreit“, at the Johannes-Gutenberg-Universit?t Mainz, titled?“Sanchiu (2021): un viaje polifónico”. ?
  • 2022?? ??? ?Presentation at the Annual Forum, Romanisches Seminar, University of?Heidelberg, titled: “Entre un poco de sol y un poquito de sombra: un viaje a?contrapunto en Ekomo.


Research Areas and Interests

??? ?Latin American Literature?
??? ?Fantastic and Science Fiction Literature
??? ?Travel narratives
??? ?Decolonial and Postcolonial Theory
??? ?Gender Studies

Current Project:?

“Beyond the Borders of the Hero: Reimagining Travel Narratives in Latin American Literature”?

Narration and travel appear deeply linked from their genesis, from the moment in which the need to narrate arises, to tell what has happened during the journey, to transmit what has been seen or learned. The paradigmatic image of the journey, from the Western European context, is the one that illustrates Odysseus' journey to Ithaca: the hero, as the central figure of the story, stands as the human ideal (Curtius 1955) and gives rise to the heroic ethos. Yet this exact ethos and perspective supersedes others. As Le Guin (2019) discusses, to think about history is necessarily to think about the history of the hero, about narratives of magnificence, of power, of violence, narratives that are constructed from a deeply patriarchal and, in some contexts, colonial lens. The following questions then arise: What would happen if we were to change the form of this heroic ethos, with which we narrate our stories and, consequently, our journeys? What happens to travel narratives when we broaden their interpretative possibilities and when we question dominant narratives? And furthermore, what happens with narration when we shift our attention to other journeys and ways in which they are narrated??


Prof. Dr. Anne Brüske

Professorin für R?umliche Dimensionen kultureller Prozesse

Mail: anne.brueske@ur.de

Office: Room BA.830, Bajuwarenstra?e 4