CITAS and the Leibniz ScienceCampus invite staff, students and the public to join this international conference on the social, cultural and political consequences of the pandemic across the world....
Edith Feistner, Verena Ebermeier and Kim Wüstenhagen will present their research project on "Historical Narratology and Spatial Chronicles" in a Brownbag Session on 4 May 2022....
ScienceCapmus visiting professor Jean-Marc Moura, will give a talk in the lecture series on migrant literautres and their relations to postcoloniality and globality. 2 May, 18:15, in H19 (UR Sammelgeb?ude)...
Ronald Suny, Visiting Fellow at the ScienceCampus, will give a talk on May 9, 2022, as part of the lecture series "Frictions and Transformations of Globalization"....
Blaze Joel is at UR as part of the Berkeley-Regensburg Doctoral Exchange Program. In this CITAS Brownbag Session, he will present his comparative study of the consequences of memory cultures in post-conflict societies across Europe. You are warmly invited to join the discussion in person or online....
This interdisciplinary workshop is aimed at doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, as well as students who are developing a master's thesis that will incorporate gender and feminist theory....