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Instrumental Analysis Group

Prof. Dr. Frank-Michael Matysik

In our group, we focus on instrumental method development for a wide range of applications. Our research comprises among others capillary electrophoresis, ion chromatography, electrochemical techniques, novel injection and detection concepts, and mass spectrometry. Our laboratories are equipped with modern commercial as well as laboratory-constructed instruments including a capillary ion chromatograph, a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, a scanning electrochemical microscope, a compact mobile capillary electrophoresis device (laboratory-constructed), and tools for online coupling of electrochemistry with mass spectrometry.


01 Tof02 Ic

  2. Institute of Analytical Chemistry

Prof. Dr. F.-M. Matysik

Institute of Analytical Chemistry,
Chemo- and Biosensors

Secretary CH 12.1.85

Nicole Guber

Phone 0941/943-4547
Telefax 0941/943-4491
