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..and various other topics..

..in cooperation with external partners. …development of DeNOx procedures [1]… …photoacoustic multigas sensors [2-4]… …characterization of adhesives [5]… …HPLC analysis of polymers… …age determination of ivory… …determination of sterol compounds… ...microfluidic systems...

Our cooperation partners include:

BMW, Infineon, Wacker, OTH Regensburg, Zentrales Radionuklid-Laboratorium, Universit?tsklinikum Regensburg, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados.


[1] P. Braun, J. Gebhard, H.-P. Rabl, F.-M. Matysik, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2018, doi: 10.1002/cite.201700122.

[2] T. Rück, R. Bierl, F.-M. Matysik, Sens. Actuators A 2017, 258, 193-200.

[3] T. Rück, R. Bierl, F.-M. Matysik, Sens. Actuators A 2017, 263, 501-509.

[4] T. Rück, R. Bierl, F.-M. Matysik, Sens. Actuators B 2018, 255, 2462-2471.

[5] S. Viehbeck, F.-M. Matysik, Monatsh. Chem. 2016, 147, 1349-1352.

Our recent publications can be found here.

If you are interested in cooperating with us, please contact Prof. Dr. Frank-Michael Matysik.

  2. Institute of Analytical Chemistry

Prof. Dr. F.-M. Matysik

Institute of Analytical Chemistry,
Chemo- and Biosensors

Secretary CH 12.1.85

Nicole Guber

Phone 0941/943-4547
Telefax 0941/943-4491
