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2024 -

May 2024

Max Müller has finished his PhD studies. Congratulations Max!

March 2024

Most group members attended and presented their research at the 6th Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (CBSEC) in Prague/Czech Republic and contributed to the scientific program with presentations. Elahe won an award for her presentation.

March 2024

Johannes’s paper "Simultaneous Scanning Ion Conductance and Electrochemical Microscopy in Lithium-Ion Battery Research" appeared on the front cover of the March issue 2024 of ChemElectroChem.


2021 - 2023

April 2023

Daniel B?hm has finished his PhD studies. Congratulations Daniel!

April 2023

Several of the group members attended and presented their research at the 5th Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (CBSEC) in Waldmünchen.

Martin and Elahe won an award for their presentations.

?M?rz 2023

Daniel?s paper entitled "Combining amperometry and mass spectrometry as a dual detection approach for capillary electrophoresis" appeared in the March issue 2023 of Electrophoresis and was highlighted by the publisher.


Januar 2023

Daniel B?hm won the third prize at the 33rd Seminar on Separation Science in Hohenroda 2023. The title of his talk was The marriage of amperometry and mass spectrometry as a novel dual detection approach for capillary electrophoresis. Congratulations!

November 2022

The group had a lot of fun on the autumn hike in the Otterbachtal.

September 2022

Most group members visited the Electrochemistry in Berlin/Germany, and contributed to the scientific program with oral presentations and posters.

Juli 2022

Daniel?s paper entitled "Dead volume-free flow splitting in capillary electrophoresis" was highlighted as front cover of the July issue of Electrophoresis.

April 2022

Most of the group members visited the 4th Cross Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry in Prague/Czech Republic and contributed to the scientific program with presentations. Elahe, Martin and Daniel won an award for their presentations.

April 2022

The manuscript “Dead volume-free flow splitting in capillary electrophoresis” was published in Electrophoresis.


March 2022

The manuscript “Edges are more electroactive than basal planes in synthetic bulk crystals of TiS2 and TiSe2” was published in Applied Materials Today in cooperation with the Pumera Group.


September 2021

Dr. Stefan Wert received the Best Young Scientist Paper Award 2020 for his manuscript “A cost-efficient approach for simultaneous scanning electrochemical microscopy and scanning ion conductance microscopy” in Monatshefte der Chemie – Chemical Monthly. Congratulations Stefan!

September 2021

Johannes Eidenschink presented his research with a presentation at the International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry” in Prague. He won an award for his presentation. Congratulations Johannes!

July 2021

Jennifer R?mer finished her PhD studies. Congratulations Jennifer!

July 2021

The manuscript “Catalyst formation and in operando monitoring of the

electrocatalytic activity in flow reactors” was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in cooperation with the Pumera Group (CEITEC).


July 2021

Our paper “Characterization of linearly coupled capillaries with various inner diameters in the context of capillary electrophoresis” was published in Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly.


July 2021

Beate Scherer finished her PhD studies. Congratulations Beate!

June 2021

Stefan Wert finished his PhD studies. Congratulations Stefan!

April 2021

The Matysik team organized the 3rd Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry in cooperation with the ELACh Arbeitskreis of the GDCh and the Czech Chemical Society. Due to the corona pandemic the seminar took place in a digital version.

Most group members presented their research with a presentation. Nicole Heigl and Stefan Wert won an award for their presentations. Congratulations Nicole and Stefan!

March 2021

Our paper “Development of a Temperature-pulse Enhanced Electrochemical Glucose Biosensor and Characterization of its Stability via Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy” was published in Electroanalysis.


February 2021

Stefan Weigl finished his PhD studies. Congratulations Stefan!

January 2021

The 3rd Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry will take place from?8. - 9. April 2021 in a completely digital version.


January 2021

Beate’s paper “Investigations of polymer samples of polyamide 11 concerning the content of monomer, oligomers, and the oxidation stabilizer Irganox 1098 by utilizing inverse gradient HPLC in combination with a triple detection system (diode array detection / mass spectrometry / charged aerosol detection)” was published by Talanta Open.


January 2021

Many of our group members participated in the virtual 31st Doktorandenseminar on separation science in Hohenroda. Beate contributed to the scientific program with a presentation.

2019 - 2020

September 2020

Stefan’s paper “Effects of ambient parameters and cross-sensitivities from O2, CO2 and H2O on the photoacoustic detection of acetone in the UV region” was published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.


September 2020:

Daniel B?hm was honored for his master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry by the GDCh Fachgruppe Analytik. Congratulations Daniel!

September 2020:

Nicole Heigl and Daniel B?hm participated virtually in the 16th International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry” in Prague and contributed to the scientific program with presentations. Daniel won an award for his presentation. Congratulations Daniel!

August 2020:

Our paper “Analytical characterization of polyamide 11 used in the context of selective laser sintering: Physicochemical correlations” was published in Polymer Testing.


July 2020:

Our paper “Material characterization of polyamide 12 and related agents used in the multi-jet fusion process: complementary application of high-resolution mass spectrometry and other advanced instrumental techniques” was published in Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly.


July 2020:

Thomas Herl finished his PhD studies. Congratulations Thomas!

June 2020:

Timo Raith finished his PhD studies. Congratulations Timo!

March 2020:

Our paper “Recent Developments in Electrochemistry–Mass Spectrometry” was published in ChemElectroChem.


March 2020:

Our paper “Investigation of the Electrooxidation of Thymine on Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes by Hyphenation of Electrochemistry and Mass Spectrometry” was published in Analytical Chemistry.


March 2020:

Our paper entitled “Photoacoustic detection of acetone in N2 and synthetic air using a high power UV LED” was published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.


March 2020:

Unfortunately, the 3rd Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry has to be postponed due to the Corona pandemic.

Stay healthy and hopefully we will meet each other soon.


March 2020:

Our paper entitled “Investigation of the electrooxidation of thymine on screen-printed carbon electrodes by hyphenation of electrochemistry and mass spectrometry” was published in Analytical Chemistry.


March 2020:

Our paper “Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy of Electrically Heated Wire Substrates” was published in Molecules.


February 2020:

Our paper “Enhanced resolution of generator-collector studies of enzymatic structures by means of hydrodynamic scanning electrochemical microscopy” was published in Talanta.


January 2020:

Dr. Bernhard Durner was awarded with the Ernst-Bayer-Preis for his publication entitled “High-resolution polymer high performance liquid chromatography: Application of a saw tooth gradient for the separation of various polymers” at the 30. Doktorandenseminar in Hohenroda. Congratulations Bernhard! Thomas Herl also visited the seminar and presented his research with an oral contribution.

Bernhard Ernst-bayer-preis

January 2020:

Johannes Eidenschink started his master thesis. Welcome Johannes!

December 2019:

The group had a lot of fun at the Christmas party of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors.


December 2019:

Thomas Herl presented his research with a presentation at the CE-Forum in Waldbronn.

October 2019:

Bernhard?s paper entitled "High-resolution polymer high performance liquid chromatography: optimization of the saw tooth gradient profile for various stationary phases and separations on preparative scale" was highlighted as front cover of the October issue of Analytical Methods.


Bernhard Jornal

September 2019:

Dr. Peter Braun successfully finished his PhD studies. Congratulations Peter!

Peter Braun Dr Neu

July 2019:

Beate and Bernhard published their paper: Comparison of Molar Mass Determination of Poly(dimethylsiloxanes) by Size Exclusion Chromatography and High-Resolution Polymer High Performance Liquid Chromatography Based on a Sawtooth Gradient.


July 2019:

The Matysik group 2019 - we updated our group photo.

July 2019:

Dr. Bernhard Durner successfully finishes his PhD studies. Congrats Bernhard!

Durner Dr2

July 2019:

Dr. Andreas Schmidberger successfully finishes his PhD studies. Congrats Andreas!

Andreas Dr

May 2019:

Thomas Herl, Stefan Wert and Timo Raith visit the 8th Kurt-Schwabe Symposium in Split/Croatia and contribute to the scientific program with presentations. Stefan Wert wins an award for his presentation.

Kurt Schwabe Symposium

April 2019:

Most of the group members visit the 2nd Cross Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry in ?eské Budějovice/Czech Republic and contribute to the scientific program with presentations. Timo wins an award for his presentation.

Crossborderseminar 1
Crossborderseminar 2

March 2019:

Most of the group members visit the ANAKON 2019 in Münster and contribute to the scientific program with posters and oral presentations.

Anakon 2019

March 2019:

Dr. Patrick Hanekamp successfully finishes his PhD studies. Congrats Patrick!

Patrick Doktorpr _fung

February 2019:

The whole team enjoys a cross-country skiing trip in Furth im Wald. That was fun!


January 2019:

Thomas’ publication on the electrooxidation of cytosine on bare screen-printed carbon electrodes is accepted by Electrochemistry Communications.

2016 - 2018

December 2018:

Dr. Stefan Viehbeck successfully finishes his PhD studies. Congrats Stefan!

Viehbeck Dr

December 2018:

Bernhard?s pioneering study on high-resolution polymer HPLC based on the application of a periodic saw-tooth gradient protocol has gone online!???


December 2018:

Our comprehensive review on selectivity enhancement in capillary electrophoresis by means of two-dimensional separation or dual detection concepts has been published in Anal. Chim. Acta.


November 2018:

Peter’s publication on investigations on the Liquid-Phase Decomposition of AdBlue Urea for the Selective Catalytic Reduction Process is accepted by Chemie Ingenieur Technik.

November 2018:

Patrick’s publication on material contrast studies of conductive thin films is accepted by the Journal of Applied Electrochemistry.

Tn Ce-forum 640x378

October 2018:

Thomas Herl presents his research with a presentation at the CE-Forum in Berghausen.

October 2018:

Timo’s publication on the effects of forced convection on SECM experiments in feedback mode is accepted by Electroanalysis.

September 2018:

Thomas Herl, Timo Raith and Stefan Wert visit the Electrochemistry 2018 in Ulm and present their research with oral contributions. and a poster.???


September 2018:

Thomas Herl and Timo Raith visit the ICIA 2018 in Berlin and present their research with posters.

August 2018:

The whole team enjoys a bike trip with best weather. That was fun!

Radtour 1Radtour 2

July 2018:

Dr. Christian Iffelsberger successfully finishes his PhD studies. Congrats Christian!

12 Christian Promotion

July 2018:

Dr. Andrea Beutner successfully finishes her PhD studies. Congrats Andrea!

11 Andrea Promotion

June 2018:

Andreas Schmidberger visits the RCA?workshop in Dresden and presents his research with a poster.

Andi Konf

June 2018:

Award for Beate?Scherer for the best Master degree in Analyt. Chemistry of the University of Regensburg. GDCh Fachgruppe Analytik.

June 2018:

Thomas Herl and Timo Raith visit the ESEAC 2018 on Rhodes/Greece and present their research with oral contributions.

09 Eseac 2018 Conference Photos 30009 Eseac2018

April 2018:

The Matysik team succesfully organizes the 1st Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry in cooperation with the ELACh Arbeitskreis of the GDCh and the Czech Chemical Society. The seminar takes place in Furth in Wald, which is among other things famous for its dragon. Of course we had to visit the dragon in its lair!

Members of the group also present their research with a presentation. Thomas Herl and Timo Raith win the awards for their presentations.

09 Elachdrache08 Elach Gruppenfoto

October 2017:

Thomas Herl presents his research with a presentation at the CE-Forum in Berghausen.

07 Ce Forum Gruppenfoto

September 2017:

Thomas Herl and Timo Raith contribute oral presentations at the 13th Modern Analytical Chemistry conference in Prague.

06 Prag Konferenz

August 2017:

The whole team enjoys a boat trip with best weather. That was fun!

05 Gruppenausflug

August 2017:

Timo Raith is accepted by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.

04 Urkunde Timo

June 2017:

Award for Thomas Herl for the best Master degree in Analyt. Chemistry of the University of Regensburg. GDCh Fachgruppe Analytik.

03 Thomas Preistr _gergdch

April 2017:

Nearly all members of the Matysik group visit the ANAKON 2017 in Tübingen and present their research with posters and oral contributions.

02 Anakon2017

March 2017:

Thomas Herl and Timo Raith visit the 11. Interdiszplin?res Doktorandenseminar in Berlin and present their research with a poster and an oral presentation. Thomas wins the award for the best poster together with Marvin Münzberg and Timo the award for the best oral presentation.

01 Interdisziplin _res Doktorandenseminar 101 Interdisziplin _res Doktorandenseminar 2

New book publication in 2017:


Trends in Bioelectroanalysis

2011 - 2015

Award for Andrea Beutner for the best Master degree in Analyt. Chemistry of the University of Regensburg. GDCh Fachruppe Analytik (September 2015)

Andrea Masterpreis2kkAndrea Masterpreis Kk

New book publication in 2014:


Advances in Chemical Bioanalysis

Poster Award for Jonas Mark

At the 7. Conference über Ionenanalyse (CIA) 2013, held in Berlin in September 2013, Jonas Mark was awarded for the best poster (according to the votes of the participants).

Urkunde2 Berlin Mark


Analytika 1


Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Dr. Preety Vatsyayan (May 2012)


Dr. Preety Vatsyayan was awarded a fellowship for postdoctoral researchers by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Front Cover Page of Analytical Methods:

Anal. Methods 4 (2012) 623-629.


Analytika 1

Lecture Award for Marco Grundmann


Marco Grundmann was awarded the best talk at the 22nd Seminar on Separation Science in Hohenroda 2012. The title of the talk was "Injektionseffizienz für die Kapillarelektrophorese: Kapillar-Batch-injektion-Kapillarelektrophorese-Massenspektrometrie (CBI-CE-MS)".

Poster Award für Jonas Mark

At the 6. Conference über Ionenanalyse (CIA) 2011, in Berlin, Jonas Mark received an award for his poster entitled "Combination of chip electrophoresis, contactless conductivity detection and single drop microextraction for the determination of aliphatic amines in food samples".

Urkunde Berlin Mark

  2. Institute of Analytical Chemistry

Prof. Dr. F.-M. Matysik

Institute of Analytical Chemistry,
Chemo- and Biosensors

Secretary CH 12.1.85

Nicole Guber

Phone 0941/943-4547
Telefax 0941/943-4491
