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Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Hofbeck

Curriculum Vitae

1993 - 1997 Siemens AG, Nürnberg
Industrial apprenticeship as Energieelektroniker
1997 - 1998 Siemens AG, Industrial Solutions and Services, Nürnberg
1998 - 1999 Military service in Berchtesgaden
1999 - 2001 Berufsoberschule Neumarkt and Nürnberg
2001 - 2007 University Regensburg
Diploma Thesis:
"OLED-Emitter - Photophysikalische Charakterisierung von metall-organischen
Triplett-Emittern unter Verwendung hoher magnetischer Felder"
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. H. Yersin
12/2011 PhD Thesis:
"Radiative und nicht-radiative Desaktivierung von OLED-relevanten Ir(III)- und Pt(II)-Komplexen"
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. H. Yersin


  • Hartmut Yersin, Andreas F. Rausch, Rafa? Czerwieniec, Thomas Hofbeck, Tobias Fischer
    "The triplet state of organo-transition metal compounds.
    Triplet harvesting and singlet harvesting for efficient OLEDs"
    Coord. Chem. Rev. 2011, 255, 2622-2652.
  • Thomas Hofbeck, Hartmut Yersin
    "The Triplet State of fac-Ir(ppy)3"
    Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 9290-9299.
  • Rafa? Czerwieniec, Thomas Hofbeck, Olga Crespo, Antonio Laguna, M. Concepción Gimeno, Hartmut Yersin
    "The Lowest Excited State of Brightly Emitting Gold(I) Triphosphine Complexes"
    Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 3764-3767.
  • Tobias Fischer, Rafa? Czerwieniec, Thomas Hofbeck, Maria M. Osminina, Hartmut Yersin
    "Triplet state properties of a red light emitting [Pt(s-thpy)(acac)] compound"
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 2010, 486, 53-59.
  • Rafa? Czerwieniec, Walter J. Finkenzeller, Thomas Hofbeck, Alexander Starukhin, Armin Wedel, Hartmut Yersin
    "Photophysical properties of Re(pbt)(CO)4 studied by high resolution spectroscopy"
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 2009, 468, 205-210.
  • Walter J. Finkenzeller, Thomas Hofbeck, Mark E. Thompson, Hartmut Yersin
    "Triplet State Properties of the OLED Emitter Ir(btp)2(acac):
    Characterization by Site-Selective Spectroscopy and Application of High Magnetic Fields"
    Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 5076-5083.


  • Uwe Monkowius, Thomas Hofbeck, Hartmut Yersin
    DE 10 2011 080 240.1.
  • Rafa? Czerwieniec, Hartmut Yersin, Uwe Monkowius, Thomas Hofbeck, Antonio Laguna, Olga Crespo, M. Concepción Gimeno
    "Verwendung von Gold-Komplexen in opto-elektronischen Vorrichtungen"
    DE 10 2010 007 825 A1, WO 2011/098522 A1.
  • Hartmut Yersin, Uwe Monkowius, Tobias Fischer, Thomas Hofbeck, Thomas Baumann, Tobias Grab
    "Kupfer-Komplexe für optoelektronische Anwendungen"
    EP 2 408 787 A1, WO 2010/149748 A1.
  • Hartmut Yersin, Uwe Monkowius, Tobias Fischer, Thomas Hofbeck
    "Kupfer-Komplexe für optoelektronische Anwendungen"
    DE 10 2009 030 475 A1.


  • M. J. Leitl, T. Hofbeck, A. Bossi, P. I. Djurovich, M. E. Thompson, H. Yersin
    "Photophysical Characterization of the Brightly Blue-Green Emitting Pt(dbq)(dpm) Complex"
    ICEL 2010, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (2010) (poster)
  • M. J. Leitl, T. Hofbeck, A. Bossi, P. I. Djurovich, M. E. Thompson, H. Yersin
    "Photophysical Characterization of the Brightly Blue-Green Emitting Pt(dbq)(dpm) Complex"
    VII International Krutyn Summer School 2010, Krutyn, Poland (2010) (poster)
  • T. Hofbeck, A. F. Rausch, T. Fischer, R. Czerwieniec, H. Yersin
    "Entwicklung und Charakterisierung neuer Triplett-Emitter-Materialien für Organische Leuchtdioden (OLEDs)"
    Tag der Chemie und Pharmazie, Universit?t Regensburg, Fakult?t für Chemie, Regensburg (2009) (poster)
  • T. Hofbeck, H. Yersin
    "Photophysical Properties of fac-Ir(ppy)3 - Highly Resolved Spectra, Decay Behavior, and Magnetic Field Properties"
    3rd International Symposium on Molecular Materials-MOLMAT, Toulouse (2008) (poster)
  • T. Hofbeck, H. Yersin
    "Reinvestigation of Photophysical Properties of fac-Ir(ppy)3 Based on Highly Resolved Spectra"
    Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6999, Strassburg (2008) (poster)
  • A. F. Rausch, T. Hofbeck, M. E. Thompson, H. Yersin
    "Triplet state properties of Pt(4,6-dFppy)(dpm) - A representative of a class of OLED materials"
    17th International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds (ISPPCC) 2007, Trinity College, Dublin (2007) (poster)
  • T. Fischer, R. Forrte, T. Hofbeck, W. J. Finkenzeller, H. Yersin
    "Emission properties of the OLED materials fac-Ir(piq)3 and Ir(piq)2(acac)"
    International Summer School 2006 on Advanced Phosphorescent Materials Based on Organic Complexes of Platinum Group Metals, Krutyn Poland (2006) (poster)
  • A. F. Rausch, W. J. Finkenzeller, T. Hofbeck, M. E. Thompson, H. Yersin
    "Unusual triplet state splitting of the OLED material Pt(4,6-dFppy)(dpm)"
    International Summer School 2006 on Advanced Phosphorescent Materials Based on Organic Complexes of Platinum Group Metals, Krutyn Poland (2006) (poster)

Research Visits

  • Prof. Dr. Mark E. Thompson, The University of Southern California (2009)


Dr. Thomas Hofbeck

Institut für
Physikalische Chemie
Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstr. 31
D-93053 Regensburg


Room Nr.: Chemie 22.2.07

Phone: ++49 941 943 4465 
Fax: ++49 941 943 4488
