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DaF - German as a Foreign Language - Courses - Semester of German for Visiting Students

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Around 1500 international students from more than 90 different countries are currently enrolled at Universit?t Regensburg. Many of these students are part of an exchange program with other universities. Even if your university does not have an exchange agreement with Universit?t Regensburg, you can still come here as a ¡°visiting student¡± for one or two semesters. Visiting students get to take courses from the Department of German as a Foreign Language, allowing them to learn basic language skills and discover German culture and history.

The Benefits of Being a Visiting Student in Regensburg:

  • Learn German with students from all over the world at a university with ideal conditions for academic success and an attractive campus that is completely walkable. In addition, our excellent network of different organizations and societies is committed to helping you settle in and make the most of your time in Regensburg.
  • Get your own student ID and enjoy all the amenities available to regular Universit?t Regensburg students. From access to the library and cafeteria, support for whatever you may need, to a semester ticket that will take you wherever you need to go, visiting students have a huge range of services at their disposal.
  • Choose your German courses from the Course Catalog according to your language level and needs. We offer courses for all levels of language proficiency - from A1 to C2.

Covid-19 Update for the Summer 2021 Term

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges associated with it, our Visiting Student program has been modified. Please note the following information:

  • ?All courses during the summer 2021 term will be taught remotely
  • ?Please note that there are three different types of course:
  1. Courses without fixed hours: These are courses that allow you to learn independently, i.e. whenever you want, without needing to stick to a particular schedule. Most of the courses that fall into this category are designed as e-learning courses and offered by vhb (Virtuelle Universit?t Bayern).
  2. Courses with fixed hours: These courses take place at a specific time and date. You will meet with the instructor and other course participants in a virtual classroom.
  3. ¡°n.V. courses¡± are courses with no fixed hours or schedules. In general, you can study whenever you want without needing to stick to a particular schedule. Still, there might be virtual meetings with the instructor (by appointment) in small groups where you can get answers to any questions you may have.

Our Courses


Visiting students in the German Semester in Regensburg Program get to take advantage of our comprehensive curriculum which covers language levels A1 to C2. These courses allow you to improve your German and build on the skills you already have. At the same time, you get a chance to learn more about Germany and German culture.

Our German courses cover a wide range of essential skills, such as reading, listening, writing, and speaking. At the same time, we want students to experience German culture up close. To this end, we offer classes on German history and literature, film seminars, pronunciation enhancement classes, and other language classes that are tailored to the students¡¯ specific field of study. In addition to these courses, students also get to participate in ¡°Babylon,¡± the international theater organization here at the Department of German as a Foreign Language. ¡°Babylon¡± was awarded the European Language Label in 2011 and is one of our most immersive German courses.

Visiting students can also improve their German by making use of our Department¡¯s online platform and the online lectures offered by Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb).

Requirements and Conditions

The following conditions and requirements must be met by applicants for the Visiting Students program:

  • You need to be enrolled at an international university
  • You need to show proof that you have the required qualifications for admission to a German university
  • You need to show proof of German proficiency at level A1 when you apply
  • You can only be a visiting student for a maximum of two semesters
  • As a visiting student, you can only take courses that are part of the Non-Degree program offered by the Department of German as a Foreign Language.
  • Please note the information about placement and registration for courses in our German Non-Degree program.

Application and Registration

If you¡¯re interested in the German Semester in Regensburg program, feel free to send us an email. We¡¯ll provide you with all the relevant information.

Our application deadlines are as follows:

January 15 for the summer semester (April-September)
July 15 for the winter semester (October-March)

Tuition and Fees

Visiting students pay a €530 tuition fee plus the €150 semester fee for each semester. The semester fee includes a semester ticket for public transit. This allows you to travel by bus and train in and around Regensburg (within a 50 km radius) for free.


We cannot provide accommodation for visiting students. You will have to find accommodation on your own. Do get in touch with the International Office as they will be able to point you in the right direction and give advice on who to contact. Find out more information about securing accommodation here:?Finding Accommodation

City and University


Regensburg is located right in the heart of Europe, making it the ideal city for a semester abroad. The city looks back on almost 2000 years of fascinating history and has its own unique way of life with a thriving cultural scene. In 2006, Regensburg became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Nowadays, the city is vibrant, colorful, and modern, thanks in large parts to the many students who live here and help shape the city¡¯s cultural landscape. Regensburg now boasts a huge range of activities from shopping and culture to a pulsating and diverse nightlife. Thanks to its fantastic and very central location, Regensburg is the perfect place to start exploring Bavaria, Germany, and many other parts of Europe.

Universit?t Regensburg is a modern campus-based research university that is located on the outskirts of the historic old town. Founded in 1962, it now comprises 11 faculties and departments and has more than 100 fields of study from which to choose. Around 20,000 students are currently enrolled at Universit?t Regensburg, about 1,400 of which are international students. It ranks number 1 in Germany and Europe in terms of quality of life and social integration for international students according to a survey among international students from 203 European universities (¡°International Student Barometer 2010,¡± i-graduate).

You can find out more information in the ¡°Life in Regensburg¡± tab on the homepage of our International Office. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us: