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DaF - German as a Foreign Language - Language Counselling and Coaching


Welcome to the Language Counselling and Coaching?Program at the Department of German as a Foreign Language

Our Language Counselling and Coaching Program is aimed at international students enrolled at Universit?t Regensburg and has two main objectives: On the one hand, the program offers independent German learners classic one-on-one language counselling and coaching while also helping them develop essential study strategies. We also offer workshops to help students gain important study skills so that they feel equipped to handle relevant academic texts for their program and communicate effectively in the classroom and beyond.?

In winter term 2022/23 and in summer term 2023 our Language Counselling and Coaching Program will not be offered. We are happy to start again in October 2023.

Learning German Successfully: Language Counselling & Coaching

Learning a foreign language is a daunting prospect. Individual progress is complex and depends on a number of different factors. There are different types of learners who have to deal with different challenges. Some people have an innate gift for language, others have to study a little bit harder. The special features of a given foreign language make up another important element of learning a new language.

All of these factors can raise a lot of questions for someone trying to learn a foreign language: What should I learn? How should I learn? What materials should I be using? How do I overcome a lack of motivation and other learning difficulties? How do I map out and monitor my progress?

If you have any of these questions, our language tutor at the Department of German as a Foreign Language is happy to support you. We want to enable you to work on your German language skills independently. With the help of a language coach you will, for example,

  • Determine study goals
  • Create a study plan
  • Develop study strategies
  • Choose suitable study materials
  • Track your progress

Take advantage of our Counselling and Coaching Program and find out more by making an appointment with our language coach by email.

Studying in Germany: Study Strategies

Anyone studying at a German university will notice the cultural differences in the way that programs are organized. Even the way that lecturers communicate with students may be quite different from what you’re used to. That is why everyday life at a university in Germany can come with a lot of challenges for international students.

Workshops tackling specific topics related to these challenges can help you work out various aspects of how to organize your studies. You get to discuss topics that are relevant to your daily life as a student and which can be difficult to navigate for international students from different cultural backgrounds.

  • German University Culture
  • Preparing for exams and getting good scores
  • Contact with Lecturers: Emails and office hours
  • Presentations
  • Active participation in seminars
  • Excerpts and lecture notes

You can find dates for different events as well as the registration form under “Workshops.”


Sprachlernberatung - DaF
