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DaF - German as a Foreign Language - Exams - DSH

Why DSH?

Applicants who do not have a high school diploma from a German speaking country are required to prove sufficient language proficiency before the start of their studies at Universit?t Regensburg. Taking the DSH test is one way to do so. The DSH test serves as proof of sufficient language proficiency for international students wishing to study at a university in Germany.

The test at Universit?t Regensburg takes place in accordance with the Framework for German Language Exams for Study at German Universities (RO-DT) and is registered with the German Rectors¡¯ Conference under No. 225-12/13. ?This registration checks and establishes the compliance of local DSH test regulations with RO-DT standards.

When Are the Next Available Exam Dates?

Exam dates 2024-2025:

DSH Exam Date Written Exam Date Oral
WS-2023/24-1 17.09.2024 26.09./27.09.2024
SoSe-2025-1 25.03.2025 31.03./01.04.2025
WiSe-2025/26-1 23.09.2025 29.09./30.09.2025

Please note that exam dates for which the maximum number of participants has been reached are no longer listed in the registration forms. Then, registration is no longer possible.

Who Is Eligible to Take the DSH Test?

The following candidates are eligible to the DSH test at Universit?t Regensburg:
  • Universit?t Regensburg applicants (with letter of admission)
  • OTH Regensburg applicants (with letter of admission)
  • Universit?t Regensburg students (with student ID)
  • OTH Regensburg students (with student ID)
  • Participants in the Preparatory German courses
  • Outside candidates (with necessary prior knowledge)

How Do I Register for the DSH Test?

How Much Does the Test Cost?

Universit?t Regensburg applicants € 80,-
OTH Regensburg applicants € 80,-
Universit?t Regensburg students € 80,-
OTH Regensburg students € 80,-
Participants in the preparatory German courses € 50,- *
External candidates € 150,-

*) Reduced exam fee of €50 only applies for the exam date that immediately follows the Intensive German course of the current semester

How Do I Make the Payment for the Test?

Universit?t Regensburg and OTH Regensburg applicants and students as well as participants in the Preparatory German courses pay the exam fee when they get to the exam room.

Outside candidates will receive information about how to make the payment along with their official admission to the test.

What Does the DSH Test Look Like?

The DSH test is divided into two parts: a written and an oral exam. The written exam is made up of the following parts:
  • Spoken material comprehension (Time: 10 minutes after the first round and 40 minutes after the second round) The presentation itself and any extra work load do not count toward the time you have to prepare for the spoken material comprehension task.
  • Reading comprehension and academic language structures (Time: 90 minutes including reading time)
  • Task-oriented written production (Time: 70 minutes)

Since the DSH test is available for candidates from all disciplines who might not necessarily have much prior knowledge about certain subjects, the tasks and topics are fairly general and accessible.

The oral exam consists of a short presentation of a maximum of 5 minutes that should be as descriptive as possible, and a 15-minute conversation on general academic problems or questions about the candidate¡¯s field of study based on a short text or a diagram (Time: 15 minutes preparation, 20 minutes for the exam).

How is the DSH scored?

To pass the entire exam, participants need to pass both the written as well as the oral part of the exam.

For the written exam, the four sub-tests; listening comprehension, reading comprehension, comprehension and working on academic language structures, and writing are weighted by a 2:2:1:2 ratio.

Test scores are divided into one of three levels:

  • DSH-1 if you get a score of at least 57% in both the written and oral part of the exam
  • DSH-2 if you get a score of at least 67 % in both the written and oral part of the exam
  • DSH-3 if you get a score of at least 82 % in both the written and oral part of the exam

In general, level DSH-2 is the minimum language level to get into a degree program at Universit?t Regensburg. Level DSH-1 is sufficient for the following programs:

  • Chemie (B.Sc. und M.Sc.)
  • Data Science (B.Sc.)
  • Deutsch-Franz?sische Studien (B.A.)
  • Deutsch-Italienische Studien (B.A.)
  • Deutsch-Polnische Studien (B.A.)
  • Deutsch-Tschechische Studien (B.A.)
  • Informatik (B.Sc.)
  • Interkulturelle Europa-Studien (M.A.)
  • Mathematik (B.Sc.)
  • Slavische Studien (B.A.)

Level DSH-3 is required for the following degree programs:

  • Humanmedizin (Staatsexamen)
  • Zahnmedizin (Staatsexamen)
  • Rechtswissenschaft (Staatsexamen)
  • Digital Law (LLB)

Master¡¯s programs at Universit?t Regensburg taught in English do not require proof of German proficiency.

More detailed information on the DSH can be found here: Ordnung f¨¹r die Deutsche Sprachpr¨¹fung f¨¹r den Hochschulzugang an der Universit?t Regensburg. There you can also find out about exams and certificates that are accepted at Universit?t Regensburg instead of DSH.

What Should I Bring on the Day of the Exam?

You should bring the following to the exam:
  • At least two ballpoint pens with blue or black ink
  • Photo ID (passport, ID, permit)
  • Letter of admission (Universit?t Regensburg or OTH Regensburg)
  • Exam fee*
  • Monolingual German dictionary

????????? *Does not apply to external candidates

Please note

  • that you are not allowed to take the DSH test if you are unable to present a valid form of ID at the time of admission to the exam
  • that health or insurance cards, student IDs, debit or credit cards, photocopies of personal identification are not accepted as proof of identity
  • that you should bring something to eat and drink as the exam takes about five hours and you are not allowed to leave the premises during the exam
  • that all electronic devices must remain switched off during the entire duration of the exam

Which Dictionaries Are Allowed to Be Used During the Test?

The following monolingual German dictionaries may be used during the DSH test at Universit?t Regensburg:
  • Langenscheidt Gro?w?rterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
  • PONS Gro?w?rterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
  • Wahrig Gro?w?rterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Underlining, highlighting, referencing (in numbers, e.g. page), and creating an alphabetical register in the approved dictionaries is permitted. Any additional handwritten or typewritten entries are not allowed.

Can I Repeat the DSH Test?

The DSH test can be repeated as often as needed. Please note that if you repeat the test, you have to take the entire test again. It is not possible to repeat just one part of the test.

Which Certificates Are Accepted as Alternatives to the DSH Test?

The following certificates are accepted as alternatives to the DSH test at Universit?t Regensburg:



TestDaF with TDN 3 in all parts of the exam TestDaF with TDN 4 in all parts of the exam TestDaF with TDN 5 in all parts of the exam


DSD II? with B2 in all parts of the exam) DSD II with C1 in all parts of the exam) -
UNIcert? - UNIcert? Deutsch III UNIcert? Deutsch IV
Goethe Goethe-Zertifikat Deutsch C1

Goethe-Zertifikat Deutsch C2


Goethe-Zertifikat Deutsch C2



telc Deutsch C1

telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule

telc Deutsch C2

telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule*

telc Deutsch C2*

?SD ?SD C1 ?SD C2 ?SD C2*
Studienkolleg Feststellungspr¨¹fung Deutsch Feststellungspr¨¹fung Deutsch Feststellungspr¨¹fung Deutsch*

* DSH-3 equivalence only with "very good" and "good" results

How Can I Prepare for the DSH Test?

Test Preparation Courses (DSH Training Courses)

The Department of German as a Foreign Language offers a wide array of different test preparation courses. These courses are subject to a fee.

Preparatory German Courses

Passing the DSH test successfully requires a very good command of the German language. DSH-2 is equivalent to language level C1 according to the CEFR. Applicants who do not have sufficient German proficiency have the opportunity to take Preparatory German courses at the Department of German as a Foreign Language.

Mock Exams

Universit?t Regensburg does not provide digital DSH mock exams. You can buy a set of 5 mock exams (with audio CD) from the Office of the Department of German as a Foreign Language.

How Do I Obtain My DSH Certificate?

The DSH certificate is usually issued 3 weeks after the date of the exam by the Department of German as a Foreign Language. Alternatively, you can pick up your certificate in person from the Office of the Department of German as a Foreign Language. All candidates will receive more information via email as soon as the certificate are available.

Does the DSH Certificate Expire?

The DSH certificate does not expire.

Can I Get a Second Certificate?

You can get a second certificate for €15. To request a second certificate, you can contact the Office of the Department of German as a Foreign Language. Please include your name, your current address, and the date of the exam.