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Mcs Uni -23

The field of real estate economics presents the most important topics that play a role in the understanding of cities and real estate markets (commercial real estate markets as well as housing markets): the influence of economic principles on the demand for real estate, the functioning of real estate markets, the relationship between land use, land value and location. Students who have completed the subject should understand how real estate markets work and how they relate to other markets. It also discusses the reasons for state intervention, the forms of state intervention and the assessment of policy measures.


Prof. Gabriel S. Lee, Ph.D. studied mathematics and economics at the University of Alberta (B.Sc.) and the University of Western Ontario (M.A. Economics). He earned his Ph.D. (Economics) at the University of Chicago with a thesis on "Housing Investment under Time to Build and Adjustment Costs". After various research stays, which led him among others to the University of Pittsburgh, the University of California, Davis, the University of Vienna and the University of Innsbruck, he taught as a lecturer at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna. Since April 2004 he holds the Chair of Real Estate Economics at the newly founded Institute for Real Estate Management of the University of Regensburg. Professor Lee is primarily concerned with macroeconomic and financial issues and, in this context, examines the role of real estate in the investment portfolio of an economy.

C.V. (2021)


Research Topics

  • Real estate demand and investment under uncertainty
  • Dynamic Equilibria of Housing Search and Unemployment
  • Asymmetrical information and real estate cycles??
  • Optimal investment in the real estate sector with heterogeneous companies (and investment restrictions)

Educational objectives

The main objective of the program is to provide a wide range of courses for those who are in any way interested in the decision-making processes in real estate markets and who are keen to deal intensively with this topic. For further information, please refer to the homepage of the Institute for Real Estate Management.



Prof. Gabriel Lee, PhD


Room VG 2.17

Phone +49 941 943-5060

Fax +49 941 943-5062
