Master classes offered by the Chair of Controlling and Logistics:
Tutor:?Andreas Otto, Christoph Nie?er
Discusses the basic methods and techniques in management accounting . Since according to the schedule, the course "Logistics- and Supply Chain Controlling" is not offered any longer, diploma students are requested to attend the master class "Controlling" as an equivalent.
2-term (summer term)
The handout of the scripts takes place at the chair. Details about the coupons and the scripts are indicated at the beginning of the term via GRIPS. Detailed information are published via GRIPS.
Written, summer & winter. The participation in the re-examination is also open for students taking part for the first time. These examinations take place in the regular examination period. The dates will be indicated by the examination office - not by the chair. The written examinations in both summer and the winter term account for 100% of the total grad.
Students who need a certificate of attendance are asked to contact the lecturer after each lecture and exercise in order to document their presence.
Students taking part in the courses and in examinations will receive certificates, where grades and ECTS are documented. As for Erasmus-Students a registration for the examinations usually is not possible via "flex now", the registration can be done in our office. Information about the registration dates as well as about the examinations will be indicated in time on our homepage as well as on the information board in front of the library of economics (Teilbibliothek Wirtschaft).
The dates for the next Erasmus Examination will be given later in GRIPS.
Tutor: Andreas Otto, Christoph Nie?er
The subject of this specialization course is the conceptual teaching and practical application of software packages used in controlling and supply chain management/logistics (Excel/VBA, SQL, QGIS, Python, KNIME).
After completing this module, students will be able to select and apply suitable software packages in the field of controlling and supply chain management.
The lecture is based on a case study and realistic data.
This course is taught in English.
?2-term (summer term)
The dates of the Lecture and the Exercise are indicated in the lecture timetable on GRIPS.
Available via GRIPS
Further information concerning the exercises will be given in the lecture.
Several homework assignments
Wirtten examination are offered in winter and summer. The cours itself is offered in the summer. Participation in the repeat examinations is also open for first-time candidates. These examination take place during the regular rexamination period. The exact dates will be indicated by the examination office - not by the chair.
Students who need a certificate of attendance are asked to contact the lecturer after each lecture and exercise in order to document their presence.
Students taking part in the courses and in examinations will receive certificates, where grades and ECTS are documented. As for Erasmus-Students a registration for the examinations usually is not possible via "flex now", the registration can be done in our office.
The examination in Digital Tools for Controlling and Supply Chain Management for erasmus and exchange students takes place within the examination of all course participants.
In order to take part in the examination and to recieve an erasmus certificate, candidates are asked to indicate in the office their name, matrikel-number and the phone number.
Tutor: Andreas Otto, Tobias Schacherbauer
Introduces students to the basic concepts of logistics and supply chain management from a managerial perspective. Lays the groundwork for the other courses in the focus area. The lecture is held in German, as well as the examination. The case studies will be handed out in English. However, Erasmus students may do the case studies as well as the examination in English or in German.
2-term (winter term)
The dates of the Lecture and the Exercise are indicated in the lecture timetable on GRIPS.
Available via GRIPS
Written, winter & summer. The participation in the re-examination is also open for students taking part for the first time. These examinations take place in the regular examination period. The dates will be indicated by the examination office - not by the chair.
The regular written examination in the winter term accounts for 80% of the total grade and is complemented by a supplementary term assignment, containing four case studies which account for 20% of the final grade.
In the sommer term the written examination for participants taking the exam for the first time accounts for 100% of the total grade. Therefore, the contents of the case studies are very important for the summer term's examination.
If a student generates the supplementary term assignment and registers for the examination, but, however, cannot take part in the examination or fails the examination, the supplementary term assignement will be transferred to the re-examination taking place in the summer term. The re-examination is the same exam as for students taking part for the first time.
If a student generates the supplementary term assignment and does not register for the examination, the supplementary term assignment expires.
The supplementary term assignment can only be transferred to the next term. If the student fails the total examination of Supply Chain Management in the summer term, the supplementary term assignment of the winter term expires. The reasons for the failure in the examination cannot be considered.
The examination has to be passed with 4,0 (scale from 1,0 to 5), in order to pass the total Supply Chain Management examination.
Students who need a certificate of attendance are asked to contact the lecturer after each lecture and exercise in order to document their presence.
Students taking part in the courses and in examinations will receive certificates, where grades and ECTS are documented. As for Erasmus-Students a registration for the examinations usually is not possible via "flex now", the registration can be done in our office. Information about the registration dates as well as about the examinations will be indicated in time on our homepage as well as on the information board in front of the library of economics (Teilbibliothek Wirtschaft).
The master seminar deals with selected topics form the fileds of controlling, logistics and supply chain management.?
During the winter semester of 2024/2025, the seminar will seek to develop solutions for the efficient calculation of toll costs for truck transports in Europe. In light of the increasing road usage costs, it is of paramount importance for shippers to incorporate these accurately into their offers. Although the transportation of goods is typically between specific locations, the calculations will be applied to regions to determine toll rates for different regional pairs. The objective of the seminar is to develop a model for calculating toll costs using navigation service in order to facilitate the rapid and cost-effective resolution of queries. Furthermore, the model will be developed in a manner that allows for minimal queries and straightforward updates in the event of changes to the toll rules.?
in each semester (winter and summer semester)?
Please note the information:?guidelines for thesis.
If you would like to write your master?s thesis at our chair, which we warmly encourage, we ask that you write your seminar paper with us first.
The Master's thesis is part of your education and aims to train and improve your ability to write a scientific paper and, ultimately, to test it.?
You are free to ask us for a topic suggestion or to propose a topic of your own choice. This can also be done in collaboration with a company. Please note that it usually takes a few weeks to finalise a topic with a company. We need to make sure that the topic leaves enough "space" for excellent scientific work. This can always be done together with the company - but experience has shown that several rounds of emails are necessary. So start thinking early about the topic and, if necessary, partners for this important step in your education.?
We assume that you have already written your research seminar thesis with us.?
Please contact us if you have any further questions.?
Please also refer to the?guidelines for thesis.