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Bachelor classes offered by the Chair of Controlling and Logistics.

Operations Management

Tutor: Andreas Otto, Christoph Nie?er


After an introduction into basic terms of operations management, the lecture discusses the conditions for the efficient use of production factors as material, operating funds and man power. In particular, questions of materials management, material provision, inventory management, manufacturing organization, job design and work measurement are addressed. After this, the current production planning and scheduling system will be demonstrated. The emphasis is on concepts of forecasting, production planning, material requirements planning, scheduling and capacity planning, production scheduling (sequencing) and actual systems such as Kanban or just-in-time (JiT) production.

Cycle of lecture

2-term (winter term)

Dates of lecture


Lecture notes

Available via GRIPS.


Written, winter & summer. The examinations take place within the regular examination period. The dates will be indicated by the examination office - not by the chair.

The participation in the re-examinations is not open?for students taking part for the first time. Please click here for special information about re-examinations.

Information for Students from abroad, taking part in the Erasmus-Program

Students who need a certificate of attendance are asked to contact the lecturer after each lecture and exercise in order to document their presence.

Students taking part in the courses and in examinations will receive certificates, where grades and ECTS are documented. As for Erasmus-Students a registration for the examinations usually is not possible via "flex now", the registration can be done in our office. Information about the registration dates as well as about the examinations will be indicated in time on our homepage as well as on the information board in front of the library of economics (Teilbibliothek Wirtschaft).


Tutor: Andreas Otto, Tobias Schacherbauer


The students are acquainted with decision problems of business logistics (transportation, handling and inventory, as well as purchasing, production and? distribution logistics) and appropriate qualitative and quantitative solution concepts.

The lecture consists of two parts. First, the design of elementary logistical functions as transportation, handling and inventory are taught. Thereby, the emphasis is put directly on economical problems. Technical problems are only considered marginally. The second part of the lecture discusses the function of logistics as coordination instance within the enterprise and within and between the functional sections.

Cycle of Lecture

2-term (summer term)

Dates of lecture


Lecture notes

Available via GRIPS.


Written, winter & summer. The examinations take place within the regular examination period. The dates will be indicated by the axamination office - not by the chair. The participation in the re-examinations is not open for students taking part for the first time. Please click here for information about re-examinations.

Information for Students from abroad, taking part in the Erasmus-Program

Students who need a certificate of attendance are asked to contact the lecturer after each lecture and exercise in order to document their presence.

Students taking part in the courses and in examinations will receive certificates, where grades and ECTS are documented. As for Erasmus-Students a registration for the examinations usually is not possible via "flex now", the registration can be done in our office. Information about the registration dates as well as about the examinations will be indicated in time on our homepage as well as on the information board in front of the library of economics (Teilbibliothek Wirtschaft).

Logistics Networks: Modeling and Algorithmics

Tutor: Maximilian Lukesch


Students learn to model and solve quantitative management problems in complex logistics networks. The class consists of the following chapters:

1. Graph theory

2. Warehouse location planning

3. Matching problems

4. Vehicle routing problems

5. Transportation problems

Cycle of Lecture

2-term (winter term)

Dates of lecture

See GRIPS class.

Lecture notes

See GRIPS class.


Written, winter. For detailed information, see GRIPS class. The participation in the re-examinations is not open for students taking part for the first time.

Further information

Via Email.

Information for Students from abroad, taking part in the Erasmus-Program

Students who need a certificate of attendance are asked to contact the lecturer after each lecture and exercise in order to document their presence.

Students taking part in the courses and in examinations will receive certificates, where grades and ECTS are documented. As for Erasmus-Students a registration for the examinations usually is not possible via "flex now", the registration can be done in our office. Information about the registration dates as well as about the examinations will be indicated in time on our homepage as well as on the information board in front of the library of economics (Teilbibliothek Wirtschaft).

Bachelor Thesis

We welcome all students of the major "Wertsch?pfungsmanagement" to conduct their bachelor thesis at our chair.

Please click here to understand the complete process. For further general information please click here. You can find information about the postponement of the bachlor?s thesis?here. Please contact us for any further questions.

If you have additional questions please contact us.

Please have look at our guidelines for academic work?guidelines for thesis.


Chair of Controlling and Logistics

Prof. Dr. Andreas Otto

Building RWL, Room 3.15

Phone 0941 943-2686
Fax     0941 943-3187

E-Mail Andrea Parschan