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Selected Publications

Julia L. Dai??,?Joachim Griesenbeck,?Herbert Tschochner?und?Christoph Engel$

Synthesis of the ribosomal RNA precursor in human cells: mechanisms, factors and regulation

Biological Chemistry (2023)

Yutaro Hori,? Christoph Engel$?and Takehiko Kobayashi$

Regulation of ribosomal RNA gene copy number, transcription and nucleolus organization in eukaryotes

Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology (2023)

Julia L Dai?,?Michael Pilsl,?Kristina Straub,?Andrea Bleckmann,?Mona H?cherl,?Florian B Heiss,?Guillermo Abascal-Palacios,?Ewan P Ramsay,?Katarina Tlu?ková,?Jean-Clement Mars,?Torben Fürtges,?Astrid Bruckmann,?Till Rudack,?Carrie Bernecky,?Valérie Lamour,?Konstantin Panov,?Alessandro Vannini,?Tom Moss, Christoph Engel$?

The human RNA polymerase I structure reveals an HMG-like docking domain specific to metazoans?

Life Science Alliance, DOI: 10.26508/Isa.202201568, 2022

Michael Pilsl, Florian B. Heiss, Gisela P?ll, Mona H?cherl, Philipp Milkereit, Christoph Engel$

Preparation of RNA Polymerase Complexes for Their Analysis by Single-Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Methods in Molecular Biology (2533), 2022

Qianmin Wang*, Julia L. Dai?*, Youwei Xu$,?Christoph Engel$

Snapshots of RNA polymerase III in action – A mini review

Gene (821), 146282, ISSN 0378-1119, 2022

Inga V. Hochheiser, Michael Pilsl, Gregor Hagelueken, Jonas Moecking, Michael Marleaux, Rebecca Brinkschulte, Eicke Latz, Christoph Engel, Matthias Geyer

Structure of the NLRP3 decamer bound to the cytokine release inhibitor CRID3

Nature, 2022

Florian B. Heiss, Julia L. Dai?, Philipp Becker, and Christoph Engel$.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Conserved strategies of RNA polymerase I hibernation and activation
Nature communications 12, 758, 2021

William J. Andrews; Swagat Ray; Tatiana Panova; Christoph Engel; Konstantin I Panov
DNA Intercalators Inhibit Eukaryotic Ribosomal RNA Synthesis by Impairing the Initiation of Transcription
Genes 12 (9)., 2021

Cathia Rausch, Peng Zhang, Corella S Casas-Delucchi, Julia L Dai?, Christoph Engel, Gideon Coster, Florian D Hastert, Patrick Weber, M Cristina Cardoso
Cytosine base modifications regulate DNA duplex stability and metabolism
Nucleic acids research,?

Philipp E Merkl, Michael Pilsl, Tobias Fremter, Katrin Schwank, Christoph Engel, Gernot L?ngst, Philipp Milkereit, Joachim Griesenbeck, Herbert Tschochner
?RNA polymerase I (Pol I) passage through nucleosomes depends on Pol I subunits binding its lobe structur

The Journal of biological chemistry 295 (15), S. 4782–4795, 2020

Kevin Kramm, Tim Schr?der, Jerome Gouge, Andrés M Vera, Kapil Gupta,?Florian B Heiss, Tim Liedl,?Christoph Engel, Imre Berger, Alessandro Vannini, Philip Tinnefeld, Dina Grohman
DNA origami-based single-molecule force spectroscopy elucidates RNA Polymerase III pre-initiation complex stability.?
Nature Communications?11,??2828, 2020

Michael Pilsl, and Christoph?Engel$?
Structural basis of RNA polymerase I pre-initiation complex formation and promoter melting?
Nature Communications?11,?1206, 2020

Ewan P Ramsay*, Guillermo Abascal-Palacios*,?Julia L Dai?*, Helen King, Jerome Gouge,?Michael Pilsl, Fabienne Beuron, Edward Morris, Philip Gunkel,?Christoph Engel$, Alessandro Vannini$?
Structure of human RNA polymerase III?
Nature communications 11, 6409, 2020

Kevin Kramm;?Christoph Engel; Dina Grohmann
Transcription initiation factor TBP: old friend new questions
Biochemical Society transactions 47 (1), S. 411–423

Christoph Engel$, Simon Neyer, and Patrick Cramer$
Distinct Mechanisms of Transcription Initiation by RNA Polymerases I and II.?
Annu Rev Biophys?. 47, 425-446, 2018

Christoph Engel*, Tobias Gubbey*, Simon Neyer*, Sarah Sainsbury, Christiane Oberthuer, Carlo Baejen, Carrie Bernecky, and Patrick Cramer?
Structural basis of RNA polymerase I transcription initiation?
Cell, , 169(1), 120-131, 2017

Simon Neyer*, Michael Kunz*, Christian Geiss, Merle Hantsche, Victor-Valentin Hodirnau, Anja Seybert,?Christoph Engel, Margot Scheffer, Patrick Cramer, and Achilleas S. Frangakis?
Structure of RNA polymerase I transcribing rDNA gene?
Nature, 540 (7634), 607-610, 2016

Christoph Engel, Jürgen Plitzko, and Patrick Cramer?
RNA polymerase I-Rrn3 complex at 4.8 ? resolution
Nature Communications, 7:12129, 2016

Christoph Engel$
Purification of crystallization-grade RNA polymerase I from?S. cerevisiae
Methods Mol Biol, 1455, 85-97., 2016

Ana Lisica,?Christoph Engel*, Marcus Jahnel*, Eric A. Galburt*, Edgar Roldan, Patrick Cramer and Stephan W. Grill
Mechanisms of backtrack recovery by RNA polymerases I and II
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113(11):2946-51, 2016

Dirk Kostrewa*, Claus Kuhn*,?Christoph Engel?and Patrick Cramer?
An alternative RNA polymerase I structure reveals a dimer hinge
Acta Crystallogr D, 71(Pt 9):1850-5,?2015

Christoph Engel, Sarah Sainsbury, Alan C. Cheung, Dirk Kostrewa and Patrick Cramer
RNA polymerase I structure and transcription regulation?
Nature, 502(7473):650-5., 2013

Gert Bange*, Nico Kuemmerer*,?Christoph Engel, Gunes Bozkurt, Klemens Wild and Irmgard Sinning
FlhA provides the adaptor for coordinated delivery of late flagella building blocks to the type III secretion system?
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107(25):11295-300, 2010

*?These authors contributed equally

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Structural Biochemistry

Prof. Dr. Christoph Engel

W2 Professor

for Structural Biochemistry

Universit?tsstra?e 31

93053 Regensburg

Phone: +49 (941) 943 2718

Fax: +49 (943) 2474