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Dr. Thomas Grund


Anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and despite substantial research novel therapeutics are still required. Neuropeptides represent potential candidates, such as neuropeptide S and oxytocin, which exert strong anxiolytic and fear-attenuating effects in rodents. To date little is known about the complex intracellular signaling pathways, interactions with other neuropeptide systems, and their functional projections to limbic brain areas that are responsible for the physiological and behavioral effects of these neuropeptides.

To extend our understanding of the molecular, cellular and interneuronal signaling mechanisms underlying the effects of a subsequent neuropeptide S receptor or oxytocin receptor stimulation, I use the following techniques: stereotaxic gene delivery, neuronal tracing, chemogenetics, optogenetics, intracerebral microdialysis, assessment of anxiety-related behavior, social fear conditioning, RNA and protein chemistry, and microscopy.


Since 2017

Postdoctoral researcher at Prof. Neumann’s group?



Granting of the doctorate, entitled: “Pharmacological and Chemogenetic Characterization and Modulation of the Brain Neuropeptide S and Oxytocin”



PhD student in neurobiology in Prof. Neumann's group at the University of Regensburg, Germany.


M.Sc. at the University of Regensburg with main focus on neurobiology, cell and developmental biology, and zoology; Master thesis: “The involvement and regulatory role of extracellular calcium on the Oxytocin-mediated signaling pathway in the hypothalamus”



CTA for Oligosynthesis at GeneArt/Lifetechnologies in Regensburg



B.Sc. in Biology at the University of Regensburg

Born October 26th 1988 in Arnstadt, Germany



Grund, T., Tang, Y., Benusiglio, D., Althammer, F., Probst, S., Oppenla?nder, L., Neumann, I.D., Grinevich, V. (2019) Chemogenetic activation of oxytocin neurons: temporal dynamics, hormonal release, and behavioral consequences. Psychoneuroendocrinology in press

Grund, T., Neumann, I.D. (2019) Brain neuropeptide S: via GPCR activation to a powerful neuromodulator of socio-emotional behaviors. Cell and Tissue Research 375:123-132

Menon, R., Grund, T., Zoicas, I., Althammer, F., Fiedler, D., Biermeier, V., Bosch, O.J., Hiraoka, Y., Nishimori, K., Eliava, M., Grinevich, V., Neumann, I.D. (2018): Oxytocin Signaling in the Lateral Septum Prevents Social Fear during Lactation. Current Biology 28:1066-1078

Grund, T., Neumann, I.D. (2018) Neuropeptide S induces acute anxiolysis by phospholipase C- dependent signaling within the medial amygdala. Neuropsychopharmacology 43:1156-1163

Grund, T., Goyon, S., Li, Y., Eliava, M., Liu, H., Charlet, A., Grinevich, V., Neumann, I.D. (2017) Neuropeptide S activates paraventricular oxytocin neurons to induce anxiolysis. Journal of Neuroscience 37:12214-12225

De Jong, T.R., Menon, R., Bludau, A., Grund, T., Biermeier, V., Klampfl, S.M., Jurek, B., Bosch, O.J., Hellhammer, J., Neumann, I.D. (2015) Salivary oxytocin concentrations in response to running, sexual self-stimulation, breastfeeding and the TSST: The Regensburg Oxytocin Challenge (ROC) study. Psychoneuroendocrinology 62:381-388

Slattery, D.A., Naik, R.R., Grund, T., Yen, Y.C., Sartori, S.B., Fuchsl, A., Finger, B.C., Elfving, B., Nordemann, U., Guerrini, R., Calo, G., Wegener, G., Mathe, A.A., Singewald, N., Czibere, L., Landgraf, R. & Neumann, I.D. (2015) Selective breeding for high anxiety introduces a synonymous SNP that increases neuropeptide s receptor activity. Journal of Neuroscience 35:4599-4613

van den Burg, E.H., Stindl, J., Grund, T., Neumann, I.D. & Strauss, O. (2015) Oxytocin Stimulates Extracellular Ca(2+) Influx Through TRPV2 Channels in Hypothalamic Neurons to Exert Its Anxiolytic Effects. Neuropsychopharmacology 40:2938-2947

  1. Fakult?ten
  2. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin

Dr. Thomas Grund


Grund-thomas 2

Bio D4.2.311
Tel. +49-941-943-3049
