o. Professor i.R. Dr. rer. nat. Universit?t Regensburg Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie und Archaeenzentrum Phone (Secretary`s office): +49 941 943 3161 e-Mail: karl.stetter@ur.de private: Phone: +49 89 680965 48 Fax: +49 89 680965 80 | ![]() |
Circa 450 invited lectures within the last 40 years.
Author and co-author of circa 370 scientific publications.
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1.?????????? K. Stetter: Die Bildung von L(+)- und D(-)-Milchs?ure einiger Lactobacillenst?mme w?hrend des Wachstums und bei Verg?rung von Glucose durch Zellsuspensionen verschiedenen Alters. Diplomarbeit Universit?t München, 1969.
2.?????????? K.O. Stetter: Physiologisch-biochemische Untersuchungen zur Bildung von Milchs?ureisomerengemischen bei Lactobacillen. Dissertation Technische Universit?t München, 1973.
3.?????????? K.O. Stetter und O. Kandler: Eine Schnellmethode zur quantitativen Bestimmung von L(+)- und D(-)-Milchs?ure in Lebensmitteln. Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. 152, 257-262 (1973).
4.?????????? K.O. Stetter: Ein Methylenblaureduktionstest zur raschen Bestimmung des Isomerverh?ltnisses milchsauerer Produkte (Kurzfassung). In: 3. Symposium Technische Mikrobiologie, Berlin 1973, S. 487.
5.?????????? O. Kandler, J. Winter und K.O. Stetter: Zur Frage der Beeinflussung der Glucoseverg?rung durch L-Malat bei Leuconostoc mesenteroides. Arch. Mikrobiol. 90, 65-75 (1973).
6.?????????? K.O. Stetter and O. Kandler: Manganese requirement of the transcription processes in Lactobacillus curvatus. FEBS Lett. 36, 5-8 (1973).
7.?????????? K.O. Stetter: Biochemische Grundlagen der Manganwirkung bei Lactobacillen (Kurzfassung). Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. A228, 119 (1974).
8.?????????? K.O. Stetter und O. Kandler: Die Regulation des Verh?ltnisses der beiden Isomeren der Milchs?ure bei Lactobacillen. In: 3. Symposium Technische Mikrobiologie, Berlin 1973, S. 489-493.
9.?????????? O. Kandler und K. Stetter: Der Beitrag neuerer biochemischer Merkmale für die Systematik der Laktobazillen. In: 3. Symposium Technische Mikrobiologie, Berlin 1973, S. 501-506.
10.???????? K.O. Stetter und O. Kandler: Untersuchungen zur Entstehung von DL-Milchs?ure bei Lactobacillen und Charakterisierung einer Milchs?ureracemase bei einigen Arten der Untergattung Streptobacterium. Arch. Microbiol. 94, 221-247 (1973).
11.???????? K.O. Stetter: Production of exclusively L(+)-lactic acid containing food by controlled fermentation. In: Proceedings of the First Intersectional Congress of IAMS 5, 164-168, Tokyo, Japan (1974).
12.???????? K.O. Stetter and W. Zillig: Transcription in Lactobacillaceae. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from Lactobacillus curvatus. Eur. J. Biochem. 48, 527-540 (1974).
13.???????? R. Hensel, U. Mayr, K.O. Stetter and O. Kandler: Comparative studies of lactic acid dehydrogenases in lactic acid bacteria. I. Purification and kinetics of the allosteric L-lactic acid dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus casei ssp. casei and Lactobacillus curvatus. Arch. Microbiol. 112, 81-93 (1977).
14.???????? K.O. Stetter: Transcription in Lactobacillaceae. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from Lactobacillus casei. Isolation of transcription factor y. Hoppe-Seyler's Z. physiol. Chem. 358, 1093-1104 (1977).
15.???????? K.O. Stetter, H. Priess and H. Delius: Lactobacillus casei phage PL-1: Molecular properties and first transcription studies in vivo and in vitro. Virology 87, 1-12 (1978).
16.???????? K.O. Stetter: Evidence for frequent lysogeny in Lactobacilli. Temperate bacteriophages within the subgenus Streptobacterium. J. Virol. 24, 685-689 (1977).
17.???????? K.O. Stetter, W. Zillig and M. Tobien: DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from Halobacterium halobium. In: Energetics and structure of halophilic microorganisms (S.R. Caplan and M. Ginzburg, eds.), pp. 455-460, Elsevier, North-Holland (1978).
18.???????? W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter and M. Tobien: DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from Halobacterium halobium. Eur. J. Biochem. 91, 193-199 (1978).
19.???????? W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter and D. Janekovic: DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from the archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Eur. J. Biochem. 96, 597-604 (1979).
20.???????? W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter, W. Schulz and D. Janekovic: Comparative studies of structure and function of DNA-dependent RNA polymerases from eubacteria and archaebacteria. In: Enzyme regulation and mechanism of action (P. Mildner and B. Ries, eds.), pp. 159-178. Pergamon Press, Oxford and New York (1980).
21.???????? W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter, S. Wunderl, W. Schulz, H. Priess and I. Scholz: The Sulfolobus-"Caldariella" group: Taxonomy on the basis of the structure of DNA-dependent RNA polymerases. Arch. Microbiol. 125, 259-269 (1980).
22.???????? H. Stetter and K.O. Stetter: Lactobacillus bavaricus sp. nov., a new species of the subgenus Streptobacterium. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C1, 70-74 (1980).
23.???????? S. Sturm, U. Sch?nefeld, W. Zillig, D. Janekovic and K.O. Stetter: Structure and function of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C1, 12-25 (1980).
24.???????? W. Zillig and K.O. Stetter: Distinction between the transcription systems of archaebacteria and eubacteria. In: Genetics and evolution of RNA polymerase, tRNA and ribosomes (S. Osawa, H. Ozeki, H. Uchida and T. Yura, eds.), pp. 525-538, Univ. of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, Japan; Elsevier, North Holland, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford (1980).
25.???????? K.O. Stetter und O. Kandler: Fermentierte Lebensmittel mit L(+)-Milchs?ure. 4. Symposium Technische Mikrobiologie, Berlin 1979, S. 159-168.
26.???????? K.O. Stetter, J. Winter and R. Hartlieb: DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of the archaebacterium Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt.
Orig. C1, 201-214 (1980).
27.???????? O. Kandler, K.O. Stetter and R. K?hl: Lactobacillus reuteri sp. nov., a new species of heterofermentative Lactobacilli. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C1, 264-269 (1980).
28.???????? K.O. Stetter, M. Thomm, J. Winter, G. Wildgruber, H. Huber, W. Zillig, D. Janecovic, H. K?nig, P. Palm and S. Wunderl: Methanothermus fervidus, sp. nov., a novel extremely thermophilic methanogen isolated from an Icelandic hot spring. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C2, 166-178 (1981).
29.???????? W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter, W. Sch?fer, D. Janekovic, S. Wunderl, I. Holz and P. Palm: Thermoproteales: a novel type of extremely thermoacidophilic anaerobic archaebacteria isolated from Icelandic solfataras. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C2, 205-227 (1981).
30.???????? O. Kandler and K.O. Stetter: Evidence for autotrophic CO2 assimilation in Sulfolobus brierleyi via a reductive carboxylic acid pathway. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C2, 111-121 (1981).
31.???????? A. Brandis, R.K. Thauer and K.O. Stetter: Relatedness of strains ΔH and Marburg of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C2, 311-317 (1981).
32.???????? T. Sozzi, K. Watanabe, K. Stetter and M. Smiley: Bacteriophages of the genus Lactobacillus. Intervirology 16, 129-135 (1981).
33.???????? M. Thomm, K.O. Stetter and W. Zillig: Histone-like proteins in eu- and archaebacteria. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C3, 128-139 (1982).
34.???????? J. Tu, D. Prangishvilli, H. Huber, G. Wildgruber, W. Zillig and K.O. Stetter: Taxonomic relations between archaebacteria including 6 novel genera examined by cross hybridization of DNAs and 16S rRNAs. J. Mol. Evol. 18, 109-114 (1982).
35.???????? A. Gierl, W. Zillig and K.O. Stetter: The role of the components s and y of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of Lactobacillus curvatus in promotor selection. Eur. J. Biochem. 125, 41-47 (1982).
36.???????? G. Wildgruber, M. Thomm, H. K?nig, K. Ober, T. Ricchiuto and K.O. Stetter: Methanoplanus limicola, a plate-shaped methanogen representing a novel family, the Methanoplanaceae. Arch. Microbiol. 132, 31-36 (1982).
37.???????? H. Huber, M. Thomm, H. K?nig, G. Thies and K.O. Stetter: Methanococcus thermos?lithotrophicus, a novel thermophilic lithotrophic methanogen. Arch. Microbiol. 132, 47-50 (1982).
38.???????? W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter, R. Schnabel, J. Madon and A. Gierl: Transcription in archae?bacteria. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C3, 218-227 (1982).
39.???????? W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter, D. Prangishvilli, W. Sch?fer, S. Wunderl, D. Janekovic, I. Holz and P. Palm: Desulfurococcaceae, the second family of the extremely thermophilic, anaerobic, sulfur-respiring Thermoproteales. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C3, 304-317 (1982).
40.???????? W. Zillig, R. Schnabel, J. Tu and K.O. Stetter: The phylogeny of archaebacteria, including novel anaerobic thermoacidophiles in the light of RNA polymerase structure. Naturwissenschaften 69, 197-204 (1982).
41.???????? K.O. Stetter: Ultrathin mycelia-forming organisms from submarine volcanic areas having an optimum growth temperature of 105°C. Nature (London) 300, 258-260 (1982).
42.???????? H. K?nig and K.O. Stetter: Isolation and characterization of Methanolobus tindarius, sp. nov., a coccoid methanogen growing only on methanol and methylamines. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C3, 478-490 (1982).
43.???????? F. Fischer, W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter and G. Schreiber: Chemolithoautotrophic metabolism of anaerobic extremely thermophilic archaebacteria. Nature (London) 301, 511-513 (1983).
44.???????? M. Thomm, J. Altenbuchner and K.O. Stetter: Evidence for a plasmid in a methanogenic bacterium. J. Bacteriol. 153, 1060-1062 (1983).
45.???????? W. Zillig, A. Gierl, G. Schreiber, S. Wunderl, D. Janekovic, K.O. Stetter and H.P. Klenk: The archaebacterium Thermofilum pendens represents, a novel genus of the thermophilic, anaerobic sulfur respiring Thermoproteales. System. Appl. Microbiol. 4, 79-87 (1983).
46.???????? R. Schnabel, M. Thomm, R. Gerardy-Schahn, W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter and J. Huet: Structural homology between different archaebacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerases analyzed by immunological comparison of their components. The EMBO Journal 2, 751-755 (1983).
47.???????? K.O. Stetter: Leben über 100°C: Ungew?hnliche Mikroorganismen besiedeln submarine Solfatarenfelder. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 36, 307-309 (1983).
48.???????? K.O. Stetter and G. Gaag: Reduction of molecular sulphur by methanogenic bacteria. Nature 305, 309-311 (1983).
49.???????? K.O. Stetter und H. K?nig: Leben am Siedepunkt. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 26-40, Oktober 1983.
50.???????? K.O. Stetter, H. K?nig and E. Stackebrandt: Pyrodictium gen. nov., a new genus of submarine disc-shaped sulphur reducing archaebacteria growing optimally at 105°C. System. Appl. Microbiol. 4, 535-551 (1983).
51.???????? K.O. Stetter: New isolates of methanogenic bacteria and studies of RNA polymerases and sulfur metabolism in methanogens. Microbial growth on C1 compounds. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium (R.L. Crawford and R.S. Hanson, eds.), pp. 177-181, American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. (1984).
52.???????? K.O. Stetter: Erzabbau durch Bakterien. In: Festschrift 25. Bayerischer Nordgautag, Marktredwitz (E. Prei?l, ed.), pp. 45-47, M. La?leben, Kallmünz (1984).
53.???????? K. Schmid, M. Thomm, A. Laminet, F.G. Laue, C. Kessler, K.O. Stetter and R. Schmitt: Three new restriction endonucleases Mae I, Mae II and Mae III from Methanococcus aeolicus. Nucleic Acids Research 12, 2619-2628 (1984).
54.???????? R. Schnabel, J. Huet, M. Thomm, W. Zillig, A. Senténac and K.O. Stetter: Phylogeny of the archaebacteria and eukaryotes: Homology of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerases. In: Endocytobiology II (H.E.A. Schenk and W.S. Schwemmler, eds.), pp. 895-912, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (1983).
55.???????? K.O. Stetter: Anaerobic life at extremely high temperatures. Origins of life 14, 809-815 (1984). D. Reidel Publishing Company.
56.???????? G. Bernhardt, H.-D. Lüdemann, R. Jaenicke, H. K?nig and K.O. Stetter: Biomolecules are unstable under "Black Smoker" conditions. Naturwissenschaften 71, 583-585 (1984).
57.???????? W. Zillig, R. Schnabel and K.O. Stetter: Archaebacteria and the origin of the eukaryotic cytoplasm. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 114, 1-18 (1985).
58.???????? A. Segerer, K.O. Stetter and F. Klink: Two contrary modes of chemolithotrophy in the same archaebacterium. Nature (London) 313, 787-789 (1985).
59.???????? M. Thomm and K.O. Stetter: Transcription in methanogens. Evidence for specific in vitro transcription of the purified DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus. Eur. J. Biochem. 149, 345-351 (1985).
60.???????? K.O. Stetter: Extrem thermophile Bakterien. Naturwissenschaften 72, 291-301 (1985).
61.???????? H. Huber, G. Huber and K.O. Stetter: A modified DAPI fluorescence staining procedure suitable for the visualization of lithotrophic bacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 6, 105-106 (1985).
62.???????? B.J. Paster, W. Ludwig, W.G. Weisburg, E. Stackebrandt, R.B. Hespell, C.M. Hahn, H. Reichenbach, K.O. Stetter and C.R. Woese: A phylogenetic grouping of the bacteroides, cytophagas and certain flavobacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 6, 34-42 (1985).
63.???????? H. K?nig, E. Nusser and K.O. Stetter: Glycogen in Methanolobus and Methanococcus. FEMS Microbiology Letters 28, 265-269 (1985).
64.???????? K.O. Stetter and W. Zillig: Thermoplasma and the thermophilic sulfur-dependent archaebacteria. In: The Bacteria (C.R. Woese and R.S. Wolfe, eds.), Vol. VIII, pp. 85-170, Academic Press Inc., Orlando (1985).
65.???????? W. Zillig, K.O. Stetter, R. Schnabel and M. Thomm: DNA-dependent RNA polymerases of the archaebacteria. In: The Bacteria (C.R. Woese and R.S. Wolfe, eds.), Vol. VIII, pp. 499-524, Academic Press Inc., Orlando (1985).
66.???????? W. Zillig, R. Schnabel, F. Gropp, W.D. Reiter, K. Stetter and M. Thomm: The evolution of the transcription apparatus. In: Evolution of Prokaryotes (K.H. Schleifer and E. Stackebrandt, eds.), pp. 45-72, Academic Press Inc., London (1985).
67.???????? H. Huber, G. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Anreicherung, Isolierung und Charakterisierung neuartiger, erzlaugender Bakterien. In: Bakterielle Laugung von Armerzen und Industrierückst?nden; Expertengespr?ch am 18. Oktober 1984 (Projektleitung Rohstofforschung Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH, ed.), pp. 105-117 (1985).
68.???????? K.O. Stetter: Entwicklungs- und Einsatzm?glichkeiten definierter Kulturen. In: Bakterielle Laugung von Armerzen und Industrierückst?nden; Expertengespr?ch am 18. Oktober 1984 (Projektleitung Rohstofforschung Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH, ed.), pp. 127-131 (1985).
69.???????? K.O. Stetter: Thermophilic archaebacteria occurring in submarine hydrothermal areas. In: Planetary Ecology (D.E. Caldwell, J.A. Brierley and C.L. Brierley, eds.), pp. 320-332, Van Nostrand Reinhold Comp., New York (1985).
70.???????? R. Huber, T.A. Langworthy, H. K?nig, M. Thomm, C.R. Woese, U.B. Sleytr and K.O. Stetter: Thermotoga maritima sp. nov. represents a new genus of unique extremely thermophilic eubacteria growing up to 90°C. Arch. Microbiol. 144, 324-333 (1986).
71.???????? P. Messner, D. Pum, M. Sara, K.O. Stetter and U.B. Sleytr: Ultrastructure of the cell envelope of the archaebacteria Thermoproteus tenax and Thermoproteus neutrophilus. J. Bacteriol. 166, 1046-1054 (1986).
72.???????? G. Huber, H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Isolation and characterization of new metal-mobilizing bacteria. Biotech. Bioeng. Symp. 16, 239-251 (1986).
73.???????? K.O. Stetter: Bakterielles Leben an der oberen Temperaturgrenze. Forum Mikrobiol. 9, 15-19 (1986).
74.???????? G. Fiala and K.O. Stetter: Pyrococcus furiosus sp. nov. represents a novel genus of marine heterotrophic archaebacteria growing optimally at 100°C. Arch. Microbiol. 145, 56-61 (1986).
75.???????? M. Thomm, J. Madon and K.O. Stetter: DNA-dependent RNA polymerases of the three orders of methanogens. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 367, 473-481 (1986).
76.???????? K.O. Stetter: Diversity of extremely thermophilic archaebacteria. In: Thermophiles: General, molecular and applied microbiology (T.D. Brock, ed.), pp. 39-74, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (1986).
77.???????? K.O. Stetter, A. Segerer, W. Zillig, G. Huber, G. Fiala, R. Huber and H. K?nig: Extremely thermophilic sulfur-metabolizing archaebacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 7, 393-397 (1986).
78.???????? H. K?nig and K.O. Stetter: Studies on archaebacterial S-layers. System. Appl. Microbiol. 7, 300-309 (1986).
79.???????? G. Lauerer, J.K. Kristjansson, T.A. Langworthy, H. K?nig and K.O. Stetter: Methanothermus sociabilis sp. nov., a second species within the Methanothermaceae growing at 97°C. System. Appl. Microbiol. 8, 100-105 (1986).
80.???????? G. Fiala, K.O. Stetter, H.W. Jannasch, T.A. Langworthy and J. Madon: Staphylothermus marinus sp. nov. represents a novel genus of extremely thermophilic submarine heterotrophic archaebacteria growing up to 98°C. System. Appl. Microbiol. 8, 106-113 (1986).
81.???????? H. Kneifel, K.O. Stetter, J.R. Andreesen, J. Wiegel, H. K?nig and S.M. Schoberth: Distribution of polyamines in representative species of archaebacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 7, 241-245 (1986).
82.???????? K.O. Stetter: Leben in siedendem Wasser. In: Das Neue Universum 103, 371-378, Südwest Verlag, München (1986).
83.???????? F. Gropp, W.D. Reiter, A. Sentenac, W. Zillig, R. Schnabel, M. Thomm and K.O. Stetter: Homologies of components of DNA-dependent RNA polymerases of archaebacteria, eukaryotes and eubacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 7, 95-101 (1986).
84.???????? T. Wilharm, M. Thomm and K.O. Stetter: Genetic analysis of plasmid pMP1 from Methanolobus vulcani (Kurzfassung). In: Archaebacteria '85. Proceedings of the EMBO Workshop on Molecular Genetics of Archaebacteria and the International Workshop on Biology and Biochemistry of Archaebacteria, Munich, June 1985 (O. Kandler and W. Zillig, eds.), p. 401, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (1986).
85.???????? M. Thomm, J. Madon and K.O. Stetter: DNA-dependent RNA polymerases of the three orders of methanogens (Kurzfassung). In: Archaebacteria '85. Proceedings of the EMBO Workshop on Molecular Genetics of Archaebacteria and the International Workshop on Biology and Biochemistry of Archaebacteria, Munich, June 1985 (O. Kandler and W. Zillig, eds.), pp. 407-408, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (1986).
86.???????? G. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Properties of newly isolated metal-mobilizing Sulfolobus-like organisms (Kurzfassung). In: Archaebacteria '85. Proceedings of the EMBO Workshop on Molecular Genetics of Archaebacteria and the International Workshop on Biology and Biochemistry of Archaebacteria, Munich, June 1985 (O. Kandler and W. Zillig, eds.), p. 413, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (1986).
87.???????? E. Nusser, H. K?nig and K.O. Stetter: Occurence of glycogen in Methanolobus and Methanococcus (Kurzfassung). In: Archaebacteria '85. Proceedings of the EMBO Workshop on Molecular Genetics of Archaebacteria and the International Workshop on Biology and Biochemistry of Archaebacteria, Munich, June 1985 (O. Kandler and W. Zillig, eds.), pp. 428-429, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (1986).
88.???????? A. Segerer, K.O. Stetter and F. Klink: Novel facultatively aerobic sulfur-dependent archaebacteria (Kurzfassung). In: Archaebacteria '85. Proceedings of the EMBO Workshop on Molecular Genetics of Archaebacteria and the International Workshop on Biology and Biochemistry of Archaebacteria, Munich, June 1985 (O. Kandler and W. Zillig, eds.), p. 430, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (1986).
89.???????? P. Willekens, K.O. Stetter, A. Vandenberghe, E. Huysmans and R. De Wachter: The structure of 5 S ribosomal RNA in the methanogenic archaebacteria Methanolobus tindarius and Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus. FEBS Lett. 204, 273-278 (1986).
90.???????? K.O. Stetter: Extrem thermophile Mikroorganismen. In: Jahrbuch Biotechnologie 1986/87 (W. Crueger, K. Esser, P. Pr?ve, M. Schlingmann, R. Thauer and F. Wagner, eds.), pp. 59-75, Hanser Verlag, München, Wien (1986).
91.???????? K.O. Stetter: Extremely thermophilic microorganisms. In: Biotechnology Focus 1 (R.K. Finn and P. Pr?ve, eds.), pp. 33-49, Hanser Publ., Munich, Vienna, New York (1988).
92.???????? A. Segerer, A. Neuner, J.K. Kristjansson and K.O. Stetter: Acidianus infernus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Acidianus brierleyi comb. nov.: Facultatively aerobic, extremely acidophilic thermophilic sulfur-metabolizing archaebacteria. Int. J. Syst. Bact. 36, 559-564 (1986).
93.???????? K.O. Stetter, G. Fiala, R. Huber, G. Huber and A. Segerer: Life above the boiling point of water? Experientia 42, No. 11/12, 1187-1191 (1986).
94.???????? K.O. Stetter: Leben bei hohen Temperaturen. In: Entstehung und Entwicklung der terrestrischen Planeten. 4. DFG-Kolloquium über Planetenforschung, Schlo? Ringberg, pp. 298-312, DFG, Bonn (1985).
95.???????? K.O. Stetter: Hochtemperaturgrenzen des Lebens. In: Beobachtung, Experiment und Theorie in Naturwissenschaft und Medizin. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und ?rzte, 114. Versammlung, München 1986 (R. Lüst, E. Buchborn, K. Dransfeld, H. Musso, R.K. Thauer, J. Thesing and H. Gibian, eds.), pp. 375-387, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart (1987).
96.???????? R. Huber, G. Huber, A. Segerer, J. Seger and K.O. Stetter: Aerobic and anaerobic extremely thermophilic autotrophs. In: Microbial growth on C1 compounds. Proceedings on the 5th International Symposium (H.W. van Verseveld and J.A. Duine, eds.), pp. 44-51, Martinus Nijhoff Publ., Dordrecht (1987).
97.???????? J.A. McCloskey, P.F. Crain, C.G. Edmonds, R. Gupta, T. Hashizume, D.W. Phillipson and K.O. Stetter: Structure determination of a new fluorescent tricyclic nucleoside from archaebacterial tRNA. Nucl. Acids Res. 15, 683-693 (1987).
98.???????? L. Achenbach-Richter, R. Gupta, K.O. Stetter and C.R. Woese: Were the original eubacteria thermophiles? System. Appl. Microbiol. 9, 34-39 (1987).
99.???????? K.O. Stetter, G. Lauerer, M. Thomm and A. Neuner: Isolation of extremely thermophilic sulfate reducers: Evidence for a novel branch of archaebacteria. Science 236, 822-824 (1987).
100.?????? L. Achenbach-Richter, K.O. Stetter and C. R. Woese: A possible biochemical missing link among archaebacteria. Nature 327, 348-349 (1987).
101.?????? J. Schallenberg, M. Thomm, K.O. Stetter, M. Moes, M. Truss, R. Allmansberger, M. Bokranz, E. Muth and A. Klein: Analysis of functionally related gene groups in methanogenic bacteria. In: Biology of Anaerobic Bacteria (H.C. Dubourguier, ed.), pp. 182-192, Elsevier Science Publ., Amsterdam (1986).
102.?????? C.G. Edmonds, P.F. Crain, T. Hashizume, R. Gupta, K.O. Stetter and J.A. McCloskey: Structural characterization of four ribose-methylated nucleosides from the transfer RNA of extremely thermophilic archaebacteria. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 909-910 (1987).
103.?????? R. Huber, J.K. Kristjansson and K.O. Stetter: Pyrobaculum gen. nov., a new genus of neutrophilic, rod-shaped archaebacteria from continental solfataras growing optimally at 100°C. Arch. Microbiol. 149, 95-101 (1987).
104.?????? H. K?nig, P. Messner and K.O. Stetter: The fine structure of the fibers of Pyrodictium occultum. FEMS Microbiol. Letters 49, 207-212 (1988).
105.?????? G.A. Alfredsson, J.K. Kristjansson, S. Hj?rleifsdottir and K.O. Stetter: Rhodothermus marinus, gen. nov., sp. nov., a thermophilic, halophilic bacterium from submarine hot springs in Iceland. J. Gen. Microbiol. 134, 299-306 (1988).
106.?????? G. Bernhardt, A. Distèche, R. Jaenicke, B. Koch, H.-D. Lüdemann and K.O. Stetter: Effect of carbon dioxide and hydrostatic pressure of the pH of culture media and the growth of methanogens at elevated temperature. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 28, 176-181 (1988).
107.?????? K.O. Stetter: Archaeoglobus fulgidus gen. nov., sp. nov.: a new taxon of extremely thermophilic archaebacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 10, 172-173 (1988).
108.?????? A. Segerer, T.A. Langworthy and K.O. Stetter: Thermoplasma acidophilum and Thermoplasma volcanium sp. nov. from solfatara fields. System. Appl. Microbiol. 10, 161-171 (1988).
109.?????? M. Thomm, A.J. Lindner, G.R. Hartmann and K.O. Stetter: Affinity labelling of the active center of DNA-dependent RNA polymerases within the archaebacterial kingdom. System. Appl. Microbiol. 10, 101-105 (1988).
110.?????? J.W. Brown, M. Thomm, G.S. Beckler, G. Frey, K.O. Stetter and J.N. Reeve: An archaebacterial RNA polymerase binding site and transcription initiation of the hisA gene in Methanococcus vannielii. Nucl. Acids Res. 16, 135-150 (1988).
111.?????? H.W. Jannasch, R. Huber, S. Belkin and K.O. Stetter: Thermotoga neapolitana sp. nov. of the extremely thermophilic, eubacterial genus Thermotoga. Arch. Microbiol. 150, 103-104 (1988).
112.?????? G. Bernhardt. R. Jaenicke, H.-D. Lüdemann, H. K?nig and K.O. Stetter: High pressure enhances the growth rate of the thermophilic archaebacterium Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus without extending its temperature range. Appl. Environm. Microbiol. 54, 1258-1261 (1988).
113.?????? M. Thomm, G. Frey, B.J. Bolton, F. Laue, C. Kessler and K.O. Stetter: MvnI: a restriction enzyme in the archaebacterium Methanococcus vannielii. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 52, 229-234 (1988).
114.?????? E. Nusser, E. Hartmann, H. Allmeier, H. K?nig, G. Paul and K.O. Stetter: A glycoprotein surface layer covers the pseudomurein sacculus of the extreme thermophile Methanothermus fervidus. In: Crystalline bacterial cell surface layers (U.B. Sleytr, P. Messner, D. Pum and M. Sára, eds.), pp. 21-25, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1988).
115.?????? J.A. McCloskey, C.G. Edmonds, R. Gupta, T. Hashizume, C.H. Hocart and K.O. Stetter: Characterization and synthesis of a new nucleoside from archaebacterial transfer RNA: 1,2'-O-dimethylinosine. Nucl. Acids Res., Symp. Series 20, 45-46 (1988).
116.?????? G.R. Hartmann, C. Biebricher, S.J. Glaser, F. Grosse, M.J. Katzameyer, A.J. Lindner, H. Mosig, H.-P. Nasheuer, L.B. Rothman-Denes, A.R. Sch?ffner, G.J. Schneider, K.O. Stetter and M. Thomm: Initiation of transcription – a general tool for affinity labeling of RNA polymerases by autocatalysis. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 369, 775-788 (1988).
117.?????? J. Schallenberg, M. Moes, M. Truss, W. Reiser, M. Thomm, K.O. Stetter and A. Klein: Cloning and physical mapping of RNA polymerase genes from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum and comparison of homologies and gene orders with those of RNA polymerase genes from other methanogenic archaebacteria. J. Bacteriol. 170, 2247-2253 (1988).
118.?????? P. Londei, S. Altamura, R. Huber, K.O. Stetter and P. Cammarano: Ribosomes of the extremely thermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima are uniquely insensitive to the miscoding-inducing action of aminoglycoside antibiotics. J. Bacteriol. 170, 4353-4360 (1988).
119.?????? M. De Rosa, A. Gambacorta, R. Huber, V. Lanzotti, B. Nicolaus, K.O. Stetter and A. Trincone: A new 15,16-dimethyl-30-glyceryloxytriacontanoic acid from lipids of Thermotoga maritima. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1300-1301 (1988).
120.?????? R. Jaenicke, G. Bernhardt, H.-D. Lüdemann and K.O. Stetter: Pressure-induced alterations in the protein pattern of the thermophilic archaebacterium Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus. Appl. Environm. Microbiol. 54, 2375-2380 (1988).
121.?????? R. Rachel, I. Wildhaber, K.O. Stetter and W. Baumeister: The structure of the surface protein of Thermotoga maritima. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on S-layers in Procaryotes (U.B. Sleytr, P. Messner, D. Pum and M. Sára, eds.), pp. 83-86, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg (1988).
122.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophiles – Physiology and Enzymes. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 42, 315-317 (1988).
123.?????? M.Bachleitner, W. Ludwig, K.O. Stetter and K.H. Schleifer: Nucleotide sequence of the gene coding for the elongation factor Tu from the extremely thermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 57, 115-120 (1989).
124.?????? K.O. Stetter: Extremely thermophilic chemolithoautotrophic archaebacteria. In: Autotrophic Bacteria (H.G. Schlegel and B. Bowien, eds.), pp. 167-176, Science Tech Publ., Madison, WI; Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo (1989).
125.?????? B.J. Tindall, K.O. Stetter and M.D. Collins: A novel, fully saturated menaquinone from the thermophilic, sulphate-reducing archaebacterium Archaeoglobus fulgidus. J. Gen. Microbiol. 135, 693-696 (1989).
126.?????? G. Zellner, E. Stackebrandt, H. Kneifel, P. Messner, U.B. Sleytr, E. Conway de Macario, H.-P. Zabel, K.O. Stetter and J. Winter: Isolation and characterization of a thermophilic, sulfate reducing archaebacterium, Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain Z. System. Appl. Microbiol. 11, 151-160 (1989).
127.?????? H. K?nig and K.O. Stetter: Archaeobacteria. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Volume 3 (J.T. Staley, ed.), pp. 2171-2253 (Section 25), Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Hongkong, London, Sydney (1989).
128.?????? E. Windberger, R. Huber, A. Trincone, H. Fricke and K.O. Stetter: Thermotoga thermarum sp. nov. and Thermotoga neapolitana occuring in African continental solfataric springs. Arch. Microbiol. 151, 506-512 (1989).
129.?????? H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thiobacillus prosperus sp. nov., represents a new group of halotolerant metal-mobilizing bacteria isolated from a marine geothermal field. Arch. Microbiol. 151, 479-485 (1989).
130.?????? G. Huber, C. Spinnler, A. Gambacorta and K.O. Stetter: Metallosphaera sedula, gen. and sp. nov. represents a new genus of aerobic, metal-mobilizing, thermoacidophilic archaebacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 12, 38-47 (1989).
131.?????? R. Huber, C.R. Woese, T.A. Langworthy, H. Fricke and K.O. Stetter: Thermosipho africanus gen. nov., represents a new genus of thermophilic eubacteria within the "Thermotogales". System. Appl. Microbiol. 12, 32-37 (1989).
132.?????? B.P. Kaine, C.M. Schurke and K.O. Stetter: Genes for the 16S and 5S ribosomal RNAs and the 7S RNA of Pyrodictium occultum. System. Appl. Microbiol. 12, 8-14 (1989).
133.?????? R. Skorko, J. Osipiuk and K.O. Stetter: Glycogen-bound polyphosphate kinase from the archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. J. Bact. 171, 5162-5164 (1989).
134.?????? H. Fricke, O. Giere, K. Stetter, G.A. Alfredsson, J.K. Kristjansson, P. Stoffers and J. Svavarsson: Hydrothermal vent communities at the shallow subpolar Mid-Atlantic ridge. Marine Biology 102, 425-429 (1989).
135.?????? M. De Rosa, A. Gambacorta, R. Huber, V. Lanzotti, B. Nicolaus, K.O. Stetter and A. Trincone: Lipid structures in Thermotoga maritima. In: Microbiology of extreme environments and its potential for biotechnology (M.S. Da Costa, J.C. Duarteand and R.A.D. Williams, eds.), pp. 167-173, Elsevier Applied Science, London, New York (1989).
136.?????? R. Huber, M. Kurr, H.W. Jannasch and K.O. Stetter: A novel group of abyssal methanogenic archaebacteria (Methanopyrus) growing at 110°C. Nature 342, 833-834 (1989).
137.?????? K.O. Stetter, G. Fiala, G. Huber, R. Huber, A. Neuner and A. Segerer: Hyperthermophilic bacterial communities within terrestrial and marine hydrothermal areas. In: Recent advances in microbial ecology. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of Microbial Ecology (ISME-5) (T. Hattori, Y. Ishida, Y. Maruyama, R.Y. Morita and A. Uchida, eds.), pp. 51-54, Japan Scientific Society Press, Tokyo, Japan (1989).
138.?????? H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thiobacillus cuprinus sp. nov., a novel facultatively organotrophic metal-mobilizing bacterium. Appl. Environm. Microbiol. 56, 315-322 (1990).
139.?????? A. Neuner, H.W. Jannasch, S. Belkin and K.O. Stetter: Thermococcus litoralis sp. nov.: A new species of extremely thermophilic marine archaebacteria. Arch. Microbiol. 153, 205-207 (1990).
140.?????? A. Wrba, R. Jaenicke, R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Lactate dehydrogenase from the extreme thermophile Thermotoga maritima. Eur. J. Biochem. 188, 195-201 (1990).
141.?????? S. Burggraf, H.W. Jannasch, B. Nicolaus and K.O. Stetter: Archaeoglobus profundus sp. nov., represents a new species within the sulfate-reducing archaebacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 13, 24-28 (1990).
142.?????? R. Rachel, A.M. Engel, R. Huber, K.O. Stetter and W. Baumeister: A porin-type protein is the main constituent of the cell envelope of the ancestral eubacterium Thermotoga maritima. FEBS Lett. 262, 64-68 (1990).
143.?????? R. Huber, P. Stoffers, J.L. Cheminee, H.H. Richnow and K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophilic archaebacteria within the crater and open-sea plume of erupting Macdonald Seamount. Nature 345, 179-181 (1990).
144.?????? D.E. Robertson, M.F. Roberts, N. Belay, K.O. Stetter and D.R. Boone: Occurrence of β-Glutamate, a novel osmolyte, in marine methanogenic bacteria. Appl. and Environm. Microbiol. 56, 1504-1508 (1990).
145.?????? K.O. Stetter, G. Fiala, G. Huber, R. Huber and A. Segerer: Hyperthermophilic microorganisms. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 75, 117-124 (1990).
146.?????? R. Huber, C.R. Woese, T.A. Langworthy, J.K. Kristjansson and K.O. Stetter: Fervidobacterium islandicum sp. nov., a new extremely thermophilic eubacterium belonging to the "Thermotogales". Arch. Microbiol. 154, 105-111 (1990).
147.?????? G. Fiala, C.R. Woese, T.A. Langworthy and K.O. Stetter: Flexistipes sinusarabici, a novel genus and species of eubacteria occurring in the Atlantis II deep brines of the Red Sea. Arch. Microbiol. 154, 120-126 (1990).
148.?????? E. Drobner, H. Huber, G. W?chtersh?user, D. Rose and K.O. Stetter: Pyrite formation linked with hydrogen evolution under anaerobic conditions. Nature 346, 742-744 (1990).
149.?????? C.R. Woese, D. Yang, L. Mandelco and K.O. Stetter: The Flexibacter-Flavobacter connection. System. Appl. Microbiol. 13, 161-165 (1990).
150.?????? E. Drobner, H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, a facultative hydrogen oxidizer. Appl. and Environm. Microbiol. 56, 2922-2923 (1990).
151.?????? S. Burggraf, H. Fricke, A. Neuner, J. Kristjansson, P. Rouvier, L. Mandelco, C.R. Woese and K.O. Stetter: Methanococcus igneus sp. nov., a novel hyperthermophilic methanogen from a shallow submarine hydrothermal system. System. Appl. Microbiol. 13, 263-269 (1990).
152.?????? B.M. Phipps, A. Alber, K.O. Stetter, F. Lottspeich and W. Baumeister: An unusual large protein complex with eight-fold symmetry is a major cellular component of thermophilic archaebacteria. In: Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress for Electron Microscopy, pp. 286-287, San Francisco Press, Inc. (1990).
153.?????? Bouthier de la Tour, C. Portemer, M. Nadal, K.O. Stetter, P. Forterre and M. Duguet: Reverse gyrase, a hallmark of the hyperthermophilic archaebacteria. J. Bact. 172, 6803-6808 (1990).
154.?????? J. Schumann, A. Wrba, R. Jaenicke and K.O. Stetter: Topographical and enzymatic characterization of amylases from the extremely thermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima. FEBS 282, 122-126 (1991).
155.?????? C.G. Edmonds, P.F. Crain, R. Gupta, T. Hashizume, C.H. Hocart, J.A. Kowalak, S.C. Pomerantz, K.O. Stetter and J.A. McCloskey: Posttranscriptional modification of tRNA in thermophilic archaea (archaebacteria). J. Bact. 173, 3138-3148 (1991).
156.?????? B.M. Phipps, A. Hoffmann, K.O. Stetter and W. Baumeister: A novel ATPase complex selectively accumulated upon heat shock is a major cellular component of thermophilic archaebacteria. The EMBO Journal 10, 1711-1722 (1991).
157.?????? K. Ma, D. Linder, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: Purification and properties of N5, N10-methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase (coenzyme F420-dependent) from the extreme thermophile Methanopyrus kandleri. Arch. Microbiol. 155, 593-600 (1991).
158.?????? E.A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya and K.O. Stetter: Interspecies hydrogen transfer in cocultures of thermophilic archaea. System. Appl. Microbiol. 14, 205-208 (1991).
159.?????? G.-W. Cheong, Z. Cejka, J. Peters, K.O. Stetter and W. Baumeister: The surface protein layer of Methanoplanus limicola: Three-dimensional structure and chemical characterization. System. Appl. Microbiol. 14, 209-217 (1991).
160.?????? A.H. Segerer, R. Huber und K.O. Stetter: Mikroorganismen in extremen Lebensr?umen. Hyperthermophile Prokaryonten. Biologie in unserer Zeit 5, 266-272 (1991).
161.?????? A.K. Slesarev, D.A. Zaitzev, V.M. Kopylov, K.O. Stetter and S.A. Kozyavkin: DNA topoisomerase III from extremely thermophilic archaebacteria. J. Biol. Chem. 266, 12321-12328 (1991).
162.?????? K. Ma, C. Zirngibl, D. Linder, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: N5, N10-Methylene?tetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase (H2-forming) from the extreme thermophile Methanopyrus kandleri. Arch. Microbiol. 156, 43-48 (1991).
163.?????? S. Rospert, J. Breitung, K. Ma, B. Schw?rer, C. Zirngibl, R.K. Thauer, D. Linder, R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Methyl-coenzyme M reductase and other enzymes involved in methanogenesis from CO2 and H2 in the extreme thermophile Methanopyrus kandleri. Arch. Microbiol. 156, 49-55 (1991).
164.?????? R.A. Schmitz, D. Linder, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: N5, N10-Methylene?tetrahydromethanopterin reductase (coenzyme F420-dependent) and formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophile Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Arch Microbiol. 156, 427-434 (1991).
165.?????? U. Pley, J. Schipka, A. Gambacorta, H.W. Jannasch, H. Fricke, R. Rachel and K.O. Stetter: Pyrodictium abyssi sp. nov. represents a novel heterotrophic marine archaeal hyperthermophile growing at 110°C. System. Appl. Microbiol. 14, 245-253 (1991).
166.?????? A.H. Segerer, A. Trincone, M. Gahrtz and K.O. Stetter: Stygiolobus azoricus gen. nov., sp. nov. represents a novel genus of anaerobic, extremely thermoacidophilic archaebacteria of the order Sulfolobales. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 41, 495-501 (1991).
167.?????? G. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Sulfolobus metallicus, sp. nov., a novel strictly chemolithoautotrophic thermophilic archaeal species of metal-mobilizers. System. Appl. Microbiol. 14, 372-378 (1991).
168.?????? G. Huber, R. Huber, B.E. Jones, G. Lauerer, A. Neuner, A. Segerer, K.O. Stetter and E.T. Degens: Hyperthermophilic archaea and bacteria occurring within Indonesian hydrothermal areas. System. Appl. Microbiol. 14, 397-404 (1991).
169.?????? G. Huber, R. Huber, B. Jones, G. Lauerer, A. Neuner, A. Segerer, K.O. Stetter and E.T. Degens: Hyperthermophilic archae- und eubacteria occurring within Indonesian hydrothermal areas. Mitt. Geol.-Pal?ont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 70, 161-172 (1992).
170.?????? J. Breitung, R.A. Schmitz, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: N5, N10-Methenyltetra?hydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase from the extreme thermophile Methanopyrus kandleri: increase of catalytic efficiency (kcat/KM) and thermostability in the presence of salts. Arch. Microbiol. 156, 517-524 (1991).
171.?????? K.O. Stetter: Life at the upper temperature border. In: Frontiers of Life. Colloque Interdisciplinaire du Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique (J. and K. Tr?n Thanh V?n, J.C. Mounolou, J. Schneider and C. McKay, eds.), pp. 195-219, Editions Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette, France (1992).
172.?????? M. Kurr, R. Huber, H. K?nig, H.W. Jannasch, H. Fricke, A. Trincone, J.K. Kristjansson and K.O. Stetter: Methanopyrus kandleri, gen. and sp. nov. represents a novel group of hyperthermophilic methanogens, growing at 110°C. Arch. Microbiol. 156, 239-247 (1991).
173.?????? S. Burggraf, K.O. Stetter, P. Rouviere and C.R. Woese: Methanopyrus kandleri: An archaeal methanogen unrelated to all other known methanogens. System. Appl. Microbiol. 14, 346-351 (1991).
174.?????? S Burggraf, A. Ching, K.O. Stetter and C.R. Woese: The sequence of Methanospirillum hungatei 23S rRNA confirms the specific relationship between the extreme halophiles and the Methanomicrobiales. System. Appl. Microbiol. 14, 358-363 (1991).
175.?????? J.K. Kristjansson and K.O. Stetter: Thermophilic Bacteria. In: Thermophilic Bacteria (J.K. Kristjansson, ed.), pp. 1-18, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1992).
176.?????? R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: The Thermotogales: Hyperthermophilic and extremely thermophilic bacteria. In: Thermophilic Bacteria (J.K. Kristjansson, ed.), pp. 185-194, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1992).
177.?????? A. Trincone, B. Nicolaus, G. Palmieri, M. de Rosa, R. Huber, G. Huber, K.O. Stetter and A. Gambacorta: Distribution of complex and core lipids within new hyperthermophilic members of the Archaea domain. System. Appl. Microbiol. 15, 11-17 (1992).
178.?????? R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: The order Thermoproteales. In: The Prokaryotes (A. Balows, H.G. Trüper, M. Dworkin, W. Harder and K.H. Schleifer, eds.), pp. 677-683, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1992).
179.?????? A. Segerer and K.O. Stetter: The order Sulfolobales. In: The Prokaryotes (A. Balows, H.G. Trüper, M. Dworkin, W. Harder and K.H. Schleifer, eds.),pp. 684-701, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1992).
180.?????? K.O. Stetter: The genus Archaeoglobus. In: The Prokaryotes (A. Balows, H.G. Trüper, M. Dworkin, W. Harder and K.H. Schleifer, eds.),pp. 707-711, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1992).
181.?????? A. Segerer and K.O. Stetter: The genus Thermoplasma. In: The Prokaryotes (A. Balows, H.G. Trüper, M. Dworkin, W. Harder and K.H. Schleifer, eds.), pp. 712-718, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1992).
182.?????? R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: The order Thermotogales. In: The Prokaryotes (A. Balows, H.G. Trüper, M. Dworkin, W. Harder and K.H. Schleifer, eds.), pp. 3809-3815, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1992).
183.?????? E. Drobner, H. Huber, R. Rachel and K.O. Stetter: Thiobacillus plumbophilus spec. nov., a novel galena and hydrogen oxidizer. Arch. Microbiol. 157, 213-217 (1992).
184.?????? M.C. Manca, B. Nicolaus, V. Lanzotti, A. Trincone, A. Gambacorta, J. Peter-Katalinic, H. Egge, R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Glycolipids from Thermotoga maritima, a hyperthermophilic microorganism belonging to Bacteria domain. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1124, 249-252 (1992).
185.?????? J. Kjems, N. Larsen, J.Z. Dalgaard, R.A. Garrett and K.O. Stetter: Phylogenetic relationships amongst the hyperthermophilic archaea determined from partial 23S rRNA gene sequences. System. Appl. Microbiol. 15, 203-208 (1992).
186.?????? R. Huber, T. Wilharm, D. Huber, A. Trincone, S. Burggraf, H. K?nig, R. Rachel, I. Rockinger, H. Fricke and K.O. Stetter: Aquifex pyrophilus gen. nov. sp. nov., represents a novel group of marine hyperthermophilic hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol. 15, 340-351 (1992).
187.?????? S. Burggraf, G.J. Olsen, K.O. Stetter and C.R. Woese: A phylogenetic analysis of Aquifex pyrophilus. System. Appl. Microbiol. 15, 352-356 (1992).
188.?????? E. Bl?chl, M. Keller, G. W?chtersh?user and K.O. Stetter: Reactions depending on iron sulfide and linking geochemistry with biochemistry. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 8117-8120 (1992).
189.?????? Tanganydro Group: Sublacustrine hydrothermal seeps in northern lake Tanganyika, East African rift: 1991 Tanganydro expedition. BCREDP (Bull. Centres. Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf Aquitaine) 16, 55-81 (1992).
190.?????? Tanganydro Group: Sublacustrine hydrothermal activity and massive sulfides from the North Tanganyika Trough, East African Rift: 1991 Tanganydro Expedition. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 315, Série II, 733-740 (1992).
191.?????? D.M. Reddy, P.F. Crain, C.G. Edmonds, R. Gupta, T. Hashizume, K.O. Stetter, F. Widdel and J.A. McCloskey: Structure determination of two new amino acid-containing derivatives of adenosine from tRNA of thermophilic bacteria and archaea. Nucleic Acids Research 20, 5607-5615 (1992).
192.?????? G. Huber, E. Drobner, H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Growth by aerobic oxidation of molecular hydrogen in Archaea – a metabolic property so far unknown for this domain. System. Appl. Microbiol. 15, 502-504 (1992).
193.?????? J. Breitung, G. B?rner, S. Scholz, D. Linder, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: Salt dependence, kinetic properties and catalytic mechanism of N-formylmethanofuran: tetrahydromethano?pterin formyltransferase from the extreme thermophile Methanopyrus kandleri. Eur. J. Biochem. 210, 971-981 (1992).
194.?????? B.M. Phipps, D. Typke, R. Hegerl, S. Volker, A. Hoffmann, K.O. Stetter and W. Baumeister: Structure of a molecular chaperone from a thermophilic archaebacterium. Nature 361, 475-477 (1993).
195.?????? E. Bruenger, J.A. Kowalak, Y. Kuchino, J.A. McCloskey, H. Mizushima, K.O. Stetter and P.F. Crain: 5S rRNA modification in the hyperthermophilic archaea Sulfolobus solfataricus and Pyrodictium occultum. The FASEB Journal 7, 196-200 (1993).
196.?????? A.R. Klein, J. Breitung, D. Linder, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: N5, N10-Methenyl-tetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase from the extremely thermophilic sulfate reducing Archaeoglobus fulgidus: comparison of its properties with those of the cyclohydrolase from the extremely thermophilic Methanopyrus kandleri. Arch. Microbiol. 159, 213-219 (1993).
197.?????? S. Burggraf, N. Larsen, C.R. Woese and K.O. Stetter: An intron within the 16S ribosomal RNA gene of the archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 2547-2550 (1993).
198.?????? D. Hafenbradl, M. Keller, R. Thiericke and K.O. Stetter: A novel unsaturated archaeal ether core lipid from the hyperthermophile Methanopyrus kandleri. System. Appl. Microbiol. 16, 165-169 (1993).
199.?????? A. Slesarev, K.O. Stetter, J.A. Lake, M. Gellert, R. Krah and S.A. Kozyavkin: DNA topoisomerase V is a relative of eukaryotic topoisomerase I from a hyperthermophilic prokaryote. Nature 364, 735-737 (1993).
200.?????? M. Ritzau, M. Keller, P. Wessels, K.O. Stetter and A. Zeeck: New cyclic polysulfides from hyperthermophilic archaea of the genus Thermococcus. Liebigs Ann. Chem. 871-876 (1993).
201.?????? J.-J. Tiercelin, C. Pflumio, M. Castrec, J. Boulègue, P. Gente, J. Rolet, C. Coussement, K.O. Stetter, R. Huber, S. Buku, W. Mifundu: Hydrothermal vents in Lake Tanganyika, East African Rift system. Geology 21, 499-502 (1993).
202.?????? R. Klein, J. Koch, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: Two N5, N10-methylenetetrahydro?methanopterin dehydrogenases in the extreme thermophile Methanopyrus kandleri: characterization of the coenzyme F420-dependent enzyme. Arch. Microbiol. 160, 186-192 (1993).
203.?????? J. Kunow, B. Schw?rer, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: A F420-dependent NADP reductase in the extremely thermophilic sulfate-reducing Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Arch. Microbiol. 160, 199-205 (1993).
204.?????? P. V?lkl, R. Huber, E. Drobner, R. Rachel, S. Burggraf, A. Trincone and K.O. Stetter: Pyrobaculum aerophilum sp. nov., a novel nitrate-reducing hyperthermophilic archaeum. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59, 2918-2926 (1993).
205.?????? K.O. Stetter: Manche m?gen's hei?. In: Chemie Heute. Das Wissenschaftsmagazin des Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (Fonds der Chemischen Industrie zur F?rderung von Chemie und Biologischer Chemie im Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V., eds.), Ausgabe 1993/94.
206.?????? K.O. Stetter, R. Huber, E. Bl?chl, M. Kurr, R.D. Eden, M. Fielder, H. Cash and I. Vance: Hyperthermophilic archaea are thriving in deep North Sea and Alaskan oil reservoirs. Nature 365, 743-745 (1993).
207.?????? K.O. Stetter: Manche m?gen' hei? – Mikrobielles Leben an der obersten Temperaturgrenze. In: Blick in die Wissenschaft. Forschungsmagazin der Universit?t Regensburg, Nr. 3, 14-27 (1993).
208.?????? K.O. Stetter: Mikrobielles Leben bei 100 °C. Nova Acta Leopoldina 69, 183-198 (1993).
209.?????? M. Beh, G. Strauss, R. Huber, K.O. Stetter and G. Fuchs: Enzymes of the reductive citric acid cycle in the autotrophic eubacterium Aquifex pyrophilus and in the archaebacterium Thermoproteus neutrophilus. Arch. Microbiol. 160, 306-311 (1993).
210.?????? K.O. Stetter, A. Hoffmann and R. Huber: Microorganisms adapted to high temperature environments. In: Trends in Microbial Ecology (R. Guerrero and C. Petrós-Alió, eds.), pp. 25-28 (1993).
211.?????? K.O. Stetter: Group 35 – Extremely thermophilic and hyperthermophilic S0-Metabolizers. In: Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th edition (J.G. Holt et al., eds.), pp. 749-755 (1993).
212.?????? A.H. Segerer, S. Burggraf, G. Fiala, G. Huber, R. Huber, U. Pley and K.O. Stetter: Life in hot springs and hydrothermal vents. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere 23, 77-90 (1993).
213.?????? B. Schw?rer, J. Breitung, A.R. Klein, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: Formylmethanofuran: tetrahydromethanopterin formyltransferase and N5, N10-methylenetetrahydro?methanopterin dehydrogenase from the sulfate-reducing Archaeoglobus fulgidus: similarities with the enzymes from methanogenic Archaea. Arch. Microbiol. 159, 225-232 (1993).
214.?????? A.I. Slesarev, J.A. Lake, K.O. Stetter, M. Gellert and S.A. Kozyavkin: Purification and characterization of DNA topoisomerase V. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 269, 3295-3303 (1994).
215.?????? M. Acca, M. Bocchetta, E. Ceccarelli, R. Creti, K.O. Stetter and P. Cammarano: Updating mass and composition of archaeal and bacterial ribosomes. Archaeal-like features of ribosomes from the deep-branching bacterium Aquifex pyrophilus. System. Appl. Microbiol. 16, 629-637 (1994).
216.?????? M. Keller, E. Bl?chl, G. W?chtersh?user and K.O. Stetter: Formation of amide bonds without a condensation agent and implications for origin of life. Nature 368, 836-838 (1994).
217.?????? O.T. Harriott, R. Huber, K.O. Stetter, P.W. Betts and K.M. Noll: A cryptic miniplasmid from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga sp. strain RQ7. Journal of Bacteriology 176, 2759-2762 (1994).
218.?????? N. Speich, C. Dahl, P. Heisig, A. Klein, F. Lottspeich, K.O. Stetter and H.G. Trüper: Adenylylsulphate reductase from the sulphate-reducing archaeon Arachaeoglobus fulgidus: cloning and characterization of the genes and comparison of the enzyme with other iron-sulphur flavoproteins. Microbiology 140, 1273-1284 (1994).
219.?????? J.A. Kowalak, J.J. Dalluge, J.A. McCloskey and K.O. Stetter: The role of posttranscriptional modification in stabilziation of transfer RNA from hyperthermophiles. Biochemistry 33, 7869-7876 (1994).
220.?????? H. Huber, R. Huber, H.-D. Lüdemann and K.O. Stetter: Search for hyperthermophilic microorganisms in fluids obtained from the KTB pump test. Scientific Drilling 4, 127-129 (1994).
221.?????? S. Burggraf, T. Mayer, R. Amann, S. Schadhauser, C.R. Woese and K.O. Stetter: Identifying members of the domain Archaea with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60, 3112-3119 (1994).
222.?????? Kunow, D. Linder, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: F420H2: quinone oxidoreductase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Characterization of a membrane-bound multisubunit complex containing FAD and iron-sulfur clusters. Eur. J. Biochem. 223, 503-511 (1994).
223.?????? K.O. Stetter: The lesson of archaebacteria. In: Early Life on Earth. Nobel Symposium No. 84 (S. Bengtson, ed.), pp. 143-151, Columbia University Press, New York (1994).
224.?????? R.A. Ciulla, S. Burggraf, K.O. Stetter and M.F. Roberts: Occurrence and role of Di-myo-Inositol-1,1'-Phosphate in Methanococcus igneus. Appl. and Environm. Microbiol. 60, 3660-3664 (1994).
225.?????? S.A. Kozyavkin, R. Krah, M. Gellert, K.O. Stetter, J.A. Lake and A.I. Slesarev: A reverse gyrase with an unusual structure. J. Biol. Chem. 269, 11081-11089 (1994).
226.?????? P. V?lkl, P. Markiewicz, K.O. Stetter and J.H. Miller: The sequence of a subtilisin-type protease (aerolysin) from the hyperthermophilic archaeum Pyrobaculum aerophilum reveals sites important to thermostability. Protein Science 3, 1329-1340 (1994).
227.?????? E. Bl?chl, S. Burggraf, G. Fiala, G. Lauerer, G. Huber, R. Huber, R. Rachel, A. Segerer, K.O. Stetter and P. V?lkl: Isolation, taxonomy and phylogeny of hyperthermophilic microorganisms. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 11, 9-16 (1995).
228.?????? J. Peters, M. Nitsch, B. Kühlmorgen, R. Golbik, A. Lupas, J. Kellermann, H. Engelhardt, J.-P. Pfander, S. Müller, K. Goldie, A. Engel, K.O. Stetter and W. Baumeister: Tetrabrachion: A filamentous archaebacterial surface protein assembly of unusual structure and extreme stability. J. Mol. Biol. 245, 385-401 (1995).
229.?????? J. Vorholt, J. Kunow, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: Enzymes and coenzymes of the carbon monoxide dehydrogenase pathway for autotrophic CO2 fixation in Archaeoglobus lithotrophicus and the lack of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase in the heterotrophic A. profundus. Arch. Microbiol. 163, 112-118 (1995).
230.?????? K.O. Stetter: Microbial life in hyperthermal environments. Microorganisms from exotic environments continue to provide surprises about life's extremities. ASM News 61, 285-290 (1995).
231.?????? R. Huber, S. Burggraf, T. Mayer, S. M. Barns, P. Rossnagel and K.O. Stetter: Isolation of a hyperthermophilic archaeum predicted by in situ RNA analysis. Nature 376, 57-58 (1995).
232.?????? D. Hafenbradl, M. Keller, G. W?chtersh?user and K.O. Stetter: Primordial amino acids by reductive amination of a-Oxo acids in conjunction with the oxidative formation of pyrite. Tetrahedron Letters 36, No. 29, 5179-5182 (1995).
233.?????? M. Keller, D. Hafenbradl, K.O. Stetter, G. Teller, Y. Nakatani und G. Ourisson: Einstufige Synthese von Squalen aus Farnesol unter pr?biotischen Bedingungen. Angew. Chem. 107, Nr. 17, 2015-2017 (1995).
234.?????? S.A. Kazyavkin, A.V. Pushkin, F.A. Eiserling, K.O. Stetter, J.A. Lake and A.I. Slesarev: DNA Enzymology above 100 °C. The J. Biol. Chem. 270, 13593-13595 (1995).
235.?????? G. Rieger, R. Rachel, R. Hermann und K.O. Stetter: Ultrastructure of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi. Journal of Structural Biology 115, 78-87 (1995).
236.?????? R. Huber, J. St?hr, S. Hohenhaus, R. Rachel, S. Burggraf, H.W. Jannasch and K.O. Stetter: Thermococcus chitonophagus sp. nov., a novel, chitin-degrading, hyperthermophilic archaeum from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent environment. Arch. Microbiol. 164, 255-264 (1995).
237.?????? M. Keller, F.-J. Braun, R. Dirmeier, D. Hafenbradl, S. Burggraf, R. Rachel and K.O. Stetter: Thermococcus alcaliphilus sp. nov., a new hyperthermophilic archaeum growing on polysulfide at alkaline pH. Arch. Microbiol. 164, 390-395 (1995).
238.?????? W. Behammer, Z. Shao, W. Mages, R. Rachel, K.O. Stetter and R. Schmitt: Flagellar structure and hyperthermophily: analysis of a single flagellin gene and its product in Aquifex pyrophilus. Journal of Bacteriology 177, 6630-6637 (1995).
239.?????? S. Andr?, G. Frey, M. Nitsch, W. Baumeister and K.O. Stetter: Purification and structural characterization of the thermosome from the hyperthermophilic archaeum Methanopyrus kandleri. FEBS Letters 379, 127-131 (1996).
240.?????? T. Fuchs, H. Huber, K. Teiner, S. Burggraf and K.O. Stetter: Metallosphaera prunae, sp. nov., a novel metal-mobilizing, thermoacidophilic archaeum, isolated from a uranium mine in Germany. System. Appl. Microbiol. 18, 560-566 (1995).
241.?????? D. Hafenbradl, M. Keller, K.O. Stetter, P. Hammann, F. Hoyer und H. Kogler: Sibyllimycin, 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydro-3-methyl-8-oxo-4-azaindolizidin, ein neuartiger Metabolit aus Thermoactinomyces sp. Angew. Chem. 108, Nr. 5, 589-591 (1996).
242.?????? D. Hafenbradl, M. Keller and K.O. Stetter: Lipid analysis of Methanopyrus kandleri. FEMS Microbiology Letters 136, 199-202 (1996).
243.?????? R. Huber, P. Rossnagel, C.R. Woese, R. Rachel, T.A. Langworthy and K.O. Stetter: Formation of ammonium from nitrate during chemolithoautotrophic growth of the extremely thermophilic bacterium Ammonifex degensii gen. nov. sp. nov. System. Appl. Microbiol. 19, 40-49 (1996).
244.?????? S.I. Trevisanato, N. Larsen, A. Segerer and K.O. Stetter: Phylogenetic analysis of the archaeal order of Sulfolobales based on sequences of 23S rRNA genes and 16S/23S rDNA spacers. System. Appl. Microbiol. 19, 61-65 (1996).
245.?????? T. Fuchs, H. Huber, S. Burggraf and K.O. Stetter: 16S rDNA-based phylogeny of the archaeal order Sulfolobales and reclassification of Desulfurolobus ambivalens as Acidianus ambivalens comb. nov. System. Appl. Microbiol. 19, 56-60 (1996).
246.?????? K.O. Stetter: Das h?llisch anmutende Oberpf?lzer Mikrobenparadies. In: Festschrift 31. Bayerischer Nordgautag, 05.-09. Juni 1996 Windischeschenbach (Oberpf?lzer Kulturbund, Regensburg, ed.), pp. 70-73, Verlag Michael La?leben, Kallmünz (1996).
247.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophilic procaryotes. FEMS Microbiol. Reviews 18, 149-158 (1996).
248.?????? D. Hafenbradl, M. Keller, R. Dirmeier, R. Rachel, P. Ro?nagel, S. Burggraf, H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Ferroglobus placidus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel hyperthermophilic archaeum that oxidizes Fe2+ at neutral pH under anoxic conditions. Arch. Microbiol. 199, 308-314 (1996).
249.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophiles in the history of life. In: Evolution of hydrothermal ecosystems on Earth (and Mars?). Ciba Foundation Symposium 202 (G.R. Bock and J.A. Goode, eds.), pp. 1-18, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chicester, England (1996).
250.?????? C. Ushida, T. Muramatsu, H. Mizushima, T. Ueda, K. Watanabe, K.O. Stetter, P.F. Crain, J.A. McCloskey and Y. Kuchino: Structural feature of the initiator tRNA gene from Pyrodictium occultum and the thermal stability of ist gene product, tRNA. Biochimie 78, 847-855 (1996).
251.?????? P. V?lkl, P. Markiewicz, C. Baikalov, S. Fitz-Gibbon, K.O. Stetter and J.H. Miller: Genomic and cDNA sequence tags of the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum. Nucleic Acids Research 24, No. 22, 4373-4378 (1996).
252.?????? J.A. Vorholt, D. Hafenbradl, K.O. Stetter and R.K. Thauer: Pathways of autotrophic CO2 fixation and of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to N2O in Ferroglobus placidus. Arch. Microbiol. 167, 19-23 (1997).
253.?????? E. Bl?chl, R. Rachel, S. Burggraf, D. Hafenbradl, H.W. Jannasch and K.O. Stetter: Pyrolobus fumarii, gen. and sp. nov., represents a novel group of archaea, extending the upper temperature limit for life to 113°C. Extremophiles 1, 14-21 (1997).
254.?????? S. Fitz-Gibbon, A.J. Choi, J.H. Miller, K.O. Stetter, M.I. Simon, R. Swanson and U.-J. Kim: A fosmid-based genomic map and identification of 474 genes of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum. Extremophiles 1, 36-51 (1997).
255.?????? S. Burggraf, P. Heyder and N. Eis: A pivotal archaea group. Nature 385, 780 (1997).
256.?????? J.J. Dalluge, T. Hamamoto, K. Horikoshi, R.Y. Morita, K.O. Stetter and J.A. McCloskey: Posttranscriptional modification of tRNA in psychrophilic bacteria. Journal of Bacteriology 179, 1918-1923 (1997).
257.?????? P. Beck and R. Huber: Detection of cell viability in cultures of hyperthermophiles. FEMS Microbiology Letters 147, 11-14 (1997).
258.?????? L.O. Martins, R. Huber, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter, M. daCosta and H. Santos: Organic solutes in hyperthermophilic archaea. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63, 896-902 (1997).
259.?????? S. Burggraf, H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Reclassification of the crenarchaeal orders and families in accordance with 16S rRNA sequence data. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 47, 657-660 (1997).
260.?????? H. Huber, H. Jannasch, R. Rachel, T. Fuchs and K.O. Stetter: Archaeoglobus veneficus sp. nov., a novel facultative chemolithoautotrophic hyperthermophilic sulfite reducer, isolated from abyssal black smokers. System. Appl. Microbiol. 20, 374-380 (1997).
261.?????? R. Rachel, D. Pum, J. ?marda, D. ?majs, J. Komrska, V. Krzyzánek, G. Rieger and K.O. Stetter: Fine structure of S-layers. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 20, 13-23 (1997).
262.?????? K.O. Stetter: Life in extreme environments. In: The origin and early evolution of life. Commentarii Pontifica Academica Scientiarium, Vol. IV, No. 3, pp. 269-283, Vatican City (1997).
263.?????? G.???? Rieger, K. Müller, R. Hermann, K.O. Stetter and R. Rachel: Cultivation of hyperthermophilic archaea in capillary tubes resulting in improved preservation of fine structures. Arch. Microbiol. 168, 373-379 (1997).
264.?????? K.O. Stetter: Leben unter extremsten Bedingungen – "Manche m?gen's hei?". In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Biologie, Aulis Verlag Deubner & Co. K?ln, Heft 7/46, 1-5 (1997).
265.?????? K.O. Stetter: Primitive Archaea and Bacteria in the cycles of sulfur and nitrogen near the temperature limit of life. In: Progress in Microbial Ecology. Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil 1995 (M.T. Martins et al., eds.), pp. 55-61, SBM / ICOME Sao Paulo, Brazil (1997).
266.?????? C.M. Gomes, A. Faria, J.C. Carita, J. Mendes, M. Regalla, P. Chicau, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter and M. Teixeira: Di-cluster, seven-iron ferredoxins from hyperthermophilic Sulfolobales. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 3, 499-507 (1998).
267.?????? R. Huber, D. Dyba, H. Huber, S. Burggraf and R. Rachel: Sulfur-inhibited Thermosphaera aggregans sp. nov., a new genus of hyperthermophilic archaea isolated after its prediction from environmentally derived 16S rRNA sequences. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 48, 31-38 (1998).
268.?????? G. Deckert, P.V. Warren, T. Gaasterland, W.G. Young, A.L. Lenox, D.E. Graham, R. Overbeek, M.A. Snead, M. Keller, M. Aujay, R. Huber, R.A. Feldman, J.M. Short, G.J. Olsen and R.V. Swanson: The complete genome of the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus. Nature 392, 353-358 (1998).
269.?????? R. Dirmeier, M. Keller, G. Frey, H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Purification and properties of an extremely thermostable membrane-bound sulfur-reducing complex from the hyperthermophilic Pyrodictium abyssi. Eur. J. Biochem. 252, 486-491 (1998).
270.?????? L. Ditzel, J. L?we, D. Stock, K.O. Stetter, H. Huber, R. Huber and S. Steinbacher: Crystal structure of the thermosome, the archaeal chaperonin and homolog of CCT. Cell 93, 125-138 (1998).
271.?????? R. Dirmeier, M. Keller, D. Hafenbradl, F.-J. Braun, R. Rachel, S. Burggraf and K.O. Stetter: Thermococcus acidaminovorans sp. nov., a new hyperthermophilic alkalophilic archaeon growing on amino acids. Extremophiles 2, 109-114 (1998).
272.?????? S. Andr?, G. Frey, R. Jaenicke and K.O. Stetter: The thermosome from Methanopyrus kandleri possesses an NH+4-dependent ATPase activity. Eur. J. Biochem. 255, 93-99 (1998).
273.?????? C.M. Gomes , H. Huber, K.O. Stetter and M. Teixeira: Evidence for a novel type of iron cluster in the respiratory chain of the archaeon Sulfolobus metallicus. FEBS Letters 432, 99-102 (1998).
274.?????? B. Mai, G. Frey, R.V. Swanson, E.J. Mathur and K.O. Stetter: Molecular cloning and functional expression of a protein-serine/threonine phosphatase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi TAG 11. Journal of Bacteriology 180, 4030-4035 (1998).
275.?????? R. Huber, W. Eder, S. Heldwein, G. Wanner, H. Huber, R. Rachel and K.O. Stetter: Thermocrinis ruber gen. nov., sp. nov., a pink-filament-forming hyperthermophilic bacterium isolated from Yellowstone National Park. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64, 3576-3583 (1998).
276.?????? Huber and K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophiles and their possible potential in biotechnology. Journal of Biotechnology 64, 39-52 (1998).
277.?????? T. Minuth, G. Frey, P. Lindner, R. Rachel, K.O. Stetter and R. Jaenicke: Recombinant homo- and hetero-oligomers of an ultrastable chaperonin from the archaeon Pyrodictium occultum show chaperone activity in vitro. Eur. J. Biochem. 258, 837-845 (1998).
278.?????? C.F. Brunk and N. Eis: Quantitative measure of small-subunit rRNA gene sequences of the kingdom Korarchaeota. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64, 5064-5066 (1998).
279.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophiles: isolation, classification and properties. In: EXTREMO?PHILES Microbial life in extreme environments (K. Horikoshi and W.D. Grant, eds.), pp. 1-24, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, U.S.A. (1998).
280.?????? T. Minuth, M. Henn, K. Rutkat, S. Andr?, G. Frey, R. Rachel, K.O. Stetter and R. Jaenicke: The recombinant thermosome from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri: In vitro analysis of its chaperone activity. Biol. Chem. 380, 55-62 (1999).
281.?????? R. Hedderich, O. Klimmek, A. Kr?ger, R. Dirmeier, M. Keller and K.O. Stetter: Anaerobic respiration with elemental sulfur and with disulfides. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 22, 353-381 (1999).
282.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophiles and their possible role as ancestors of modern life. In: The molecular origins of life: Assembling pieces of the puzzle (A. Brack, ed.), pp. 315-335, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. (1999).
283.?????? C. Menendez, Z. Bauer, H. Huber, N. Gad'on, K.O. Stetter and G. Fuchs: Presence of acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase and propionyl-CoA carboxylase in autotrophic Crenarchaeota and indication for operation of a 3-hydroxypropionate cycle in autotrophic carbon fixation. Journal of Bacteriology 181, 1088-1098 (1999).
284.?????? K.O. Stetter: Extremophiles and their adaptation to hot environments. FEBS Letters 452, 22-25 (1999).
285.?????? C.M. Gomes, R.S. Lemos, M. Teixeira, A. Kletzin, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter, G. Sch?fer and S. Anemüller: The unusual iron sulfur composition of the Acidianus ambivalens succinate dehydrogenase complex. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411, 134-141 (1999).
286.?????? C. Ludwig, S. Ecker, K. Schwindel, H.-G. Rast, K.O. Stetter and G. Eberz: Construction of a highly bioluminescent Nitrosomonas as a probe for nitrification conditions. Arch. Microbiol. 172, 45-50 (1999).
297.?????? C. Horn, B. Paulmann, G. Kerlen, N. Junker and H. Huber: In vivo observation of cell division of anaerobic hyperthermophiles by using a high-intensity dark-field microscope. Journal of Bacteriology, 181, 5114-5118 (1999).
288.?????? K.O. Stetter: Smallest cell sizes within hyperthermophilic archaea ("archaebacteria"): In: Size limits of very small microorganisms. Proceedings of a Workshop. Steering Group on Astrobiology of the Space Studies Board, National Research Council, pp 68-73, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. (1999).
289.?????? C. Ruppert, H. Kavermann, S. Wimmers, R. Schmid, J. Kellermann, F. Lottspeich, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter and V. Müller: The proteolipid of the A1A0 ATP synthase from Methanococcus jannaschii has six predicted transmembrane helices but only two proton-translocating carboxyl groups. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 274, 25281-25284 (1999).
290.?????? H. Stan-Lotter, T.J. McGenity, A. Legat, E.B.M. Denner, K. Glaser, K.O. Stetter and G. Wanner: Very similar strains of Halococcus salifodinae are found in geographically separated Permo-Triassic salt deposits. Microbiology 145, 3565-3574 (1999).
291.?????? R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Aquificales. In: Embryonic Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. London, Nature Publishing Group (1999).
292.?????? H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Crenarchaeota. In: Embryonic Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. London, Nature Publishing Group (1999).
293.?????? H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Euryarchaeota. In: Embryonic Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. London, Nature Publishing Group (1999).
294.?????? K.O. Stetter: Microorganisms in high-temperature sulfur environments. In: Embryonic Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. London, Nature Publishing Group (1999).
295.?????? R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thermotogales. In: Embryonic Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. London, Nature Publishing Group (1999).
296.?????? R. Dirmeier, G. Hauska and K.O. Stetter: ATP synthesis at 100°C by an ATPase purified from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi. FEBS Letters 467, 101-104 (2000).
297.?????? B.M. Pl?tz, B. Lindner, K.O. Stetter and O. Holst: Characterization of a novel lipid A containing D-galacturonic acid that replaces phosphate residues. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 275, 11222-11228 (2000).
298.?????? K.O. Stetter and R. Huber: The role of hyperthermophilic prokaryotes in oil fields. In: Microbial Biosystems: New Frontiers: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (C.R. Bell, M. Brylinsky and P. Johnson-Green, eds.), pp. 369-375. Atlantic Canada Society for Microbial Ecology, Halifax, Canada (2000).
299.?????? Ch. H. House, J.W. Schopf, K.D. McKeegan, Ch.D. Coath, T.M. Harrison and K.O. Stetter: Carbon isotopic composition of individual Precambrian microfossils. Geology 28, 707-710 (2000).
300.?????? I.A. Abreu, L.M. Saraiva, J. Carita, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter, D. Cabelli and M. Teixeira: Oxygen detoxification in the strict anaerobic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus: superoxide scavenging by Neelaredoxin. Molecular Microbiology 38 (2), 322-334 (2000).
301.?????? J.A. McCloskey, X.-H. Liu, P.F. Crain, E. Bruenger, R. Guymon, T. Hashizume and K.O. Stetter: Posttranscriptional modification of transfer RNA in the submarine hyperthermophile Pyrolobus fumarii. Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 44, 267-268 (2000).
302.?????? R. Huber, H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Towards the ecology of hyperthermophiles: biotopes, new isolation strategies and novel metabolic properties. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 24, 615-623 (2000).
303.?????? G. Amann, K.O. Stetter, E. Llobet-Brossa, R. Amann and J. Antón: Direct proof for the presence and expression of two 5% different 16S rRNA genes in individual cells of Haloarcula marismortui. Extremophiles 4, 373-376 (2000).
304.?????? H. Huber, S. Burggraf, T. Mayer, I. Wyschkony, R. Rachel and K.O. Stetter: Ignicoccus gen. nov., a novel genus of hyperthermophilic, chemolithoautotrophic archaea, represented by two new species, Ignicoccus islandicus sp. nov. and Ignicoccus pacificus sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM) 50, 2093-2100 (2000).
305.?????? Roth, G. Fritz, T. Büchert, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter, U. Ermler and P.M.H. Kroneck: Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of adenylylsulfate reductase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Acta Crystallographica Section D, Biological Crystallography D56, 1673-1675 (2000).
306.?????? G. Fritz, T. Büchert, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter and P.M.H. Kroneck: Adenylylsulfate reductases from archaea and bacteria are 1:1 αβ-heterodimeric iron-sulfur flavoenzymes – high similarity of molecular properties emphasizes their central role in sulfur metabolism. FEBS Letters 473, 63-66 (2000).
307.?????? R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Discovery of Hyperthermophilic Microorganisms. In: Methods in Enzymology. Vol. 330 Hyperthermophilic Enzymes, Part A (M.W.W. Adams and R.M. Kelly, eds.), pp. 11-24, Academic Press, U.S.A. (2001).
308.?????? Y. Boucher, H. Huber, S. L’Haridon, K.O. Stetter and W.F. Doolittle. Bacterial origin for the isoprenoid biosynthesis enzyme HMG-CoA reductase of the archaeal orders Thermoplasmatales and Archaeoglobales. Mol. Biol. Evol. 18 (7), 1378-1388 (2001).
309.?????? K.O. Stetter, D. Hafenbradl, H. Huber, R. Huber (chapters: see below!). In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Second Edition, Volume One “The Archaea and the Deeply Branching and Phototrophic Bacteria”, Domain Archaea (D.R. Boone & R.W. Castenholz, eds.), Springer Verlag New York, Berlin, Heidelberg (2001).
????????????? a) H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thermoproteales; Thermoproteaceae, pp. 170.
????????????? b) R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Pyrobaculum, pp. 174-177.
????????????? c) H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thermofilaceae, pp. 178.
????????????? d) H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Desulfurococcales; Desulfurococcaceae, pp. 179-181.
????????????? e) H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Ignicoccus, pp. 184-186.
????????????? f) K.O. Stetter: Staphylothermus, pp. 186-187.
????????????? g) K.O. Stetter: Thermodiscus, pp. 189-190.
????????????? h) R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thermosphaera, pp. 190-191.
????????????? i) H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Pyrodictiaceae, pp. 191-192.
????????????? j) K.O. Stetter: Pyrodictium, pp. 192-195; Pyrolobus, pp. 196-197.
????????????? k) H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Sulfolobales; Sulfolobaceae; Sulfolobus; Acidianus; Metallosphaera; Stygiolobus, pp. 198-208.
????????????? l) K.O. Stetter: Methanothermaceae; Methanothermus, pp. 233-235.
????????????? m) H. Huber, G. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Methanoplanus, pp. 259-261.
????????????? n) K.O. Stetter and H. Huber: Pyrococcus, pp. 346-348.
????????????? o) H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Archaeoglobales; Archaeoglobaceae; Archaeoglobus, pp. 349-352;
????????????? p) D. Hafenbradl and K O. Stetter: Ferroglobus, pp. 352-353.
????????????? q) R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Methanopyrales; Methanopyraceae; Methanopyrus, pp. 353-355.
310.?????? K.O. Stetter, W. Eder, H. Huber, R. Huber (chapters: see below!). In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Second Edition, Volume One “The Archaea and the Deeply Branching and Phototrophic Bacteria”, Domain Bacteria (D.R. Boone and R.W. Castenholz, eds.), Springer Verlag New York, Berlin, Heidelberg (2001).
????????????? a) R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Aquifex, pp. 360-362.
????????????? b) R. Huber, W. Eder and K.O. Stetter: Thermocrinis, pp.364-366.
????????????? c) R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thermotoga; Fervidobacterium, pp. 370-377.
????????????? d) R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thermosipho, pp.385-387.
????????????? e) H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Deferribacteres; Deferribacterales; Deferribacteraceae, pp. 465-466.
????????????? f) K.O. Stetter and H. Huber: Flexistipes, pp. 468.
311.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hochtemperaturmikroben und deren technologische Anwendungsm?glichkeiten. In: Regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung – Grundlagen, Ziele, Beispiele. Dokumentation Nr. 22 (Bildungswerk für Kommunalpolitik Sachsen e.V., ed.), pp. 124-128 (2001).
312.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophilic Microorganisms. In: Astrobiology – The Quest for the Conditions of Life. (G. Horneck and Ch. Baumstark-Khan, eds.), pp. 169-184, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Barcelona, Hong Kong, London, Milan, Paris, Tokyo (2001).
313.?????? H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Thermoplasmatales. In: The Prokaryotes: An evolving electronic resource for the microbiological community, 3rd edition (M. Dworkin et al., eds.), release 3.8, December 2001, Springer-Verlag, New York, www.prokaryotes.com.
314.?????? S.T. Fitz-Gibbon, H. Ladner, U.-J. Kim, K.O. Stetter, M.I. Simon and J. H. Miller: Genome sequence of the hyerthermophilic crenarchaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 984-989 (2002).
315.?????? K.O. Stetter: Mikroorganismen an extremen Standorten. In: Rundgespr?che der Kommission für ?kologie, Bd. 23 "Bedeutung der Mikroorganismen für die Umwelt" (Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften, ed.), pp. 123-136, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München (2002).
316.?????? A.I. Slesarev, K.V. Mezhevaya, K.S. Makarova, N.N. Polushin, O.V. Shcherbinina, V.V. Shakhova, G.I. Belova, L. Aravind, D.A. Natale, I.B. Rogozin, R.L. Tatusov, Y.I. Wolf, K.O. Stetter, A.G. Malykh, E.V. Koonin and S.A. Kozyavkin: The complete genome of hyperthermophile Methanopyrus kandleri AV19 and monophyly of archaeal methanogens. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 4644-4649 (2002).
317.?????? G. Fritz, A. Roth, A. Schiffer, T. Büchert, G. Bourenkov, H.D. Bartunik, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter, P.M.H. Kroneck and U. Ermler: Structure of adenylylsulfate reductase from the hyperthermophilic Archaeoglobus fulgidus at 1.6-? resolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 1836-1841 (2002).
318.?????? H. Huber, M.J. Hohn, R. Rachel, T. Fuchs, V.C. Wimmer and K.O. Stetter: A new phylum of Archaea represented by a nanosized hyperthermophilic symbiont. Nature (London) 417, 63-67 (2002).
319.?????? G.J. Mander, E.C. Duin, D. Linder, K.O. Stetter and R. Hedderich: Purification and characterization of a membrane-bound enzyme complex from the sulfate-reducing archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus related to heterodisulfide reductase from methanogenic archaea. Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 1895-1904 (2002).
320.?????? M. Baumgartner, K.O. Stetter and W. Foissner: Morphological, small subunit rRNA, and physiological characterization of Trimyema minutum (Kahl. 1931), an anaerobic ciliate from submarine hydrothermal vents growing from 28°C to 52°C. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 49 (3), 227-238 (2002).
321.?????? M. Nishihara, H. Morii, K. Matsuno, M. Ohga, K.O. Stetter and Y. Koga: Structural analysis by reductive cleavage with LiAlH4 of an allyl ether choline-phospholipid, archaetidylcholine, from the hyperthermophilic methanoarchaeon Methanopyrus kandleri. Archaea 1, 123-131 (2002).
322.?????? H. Huber, R. Huber and K.O. Stetter: “Thermoproteales. In: The Prokaryotes: An evolving electronic resource for the microbiological community, 3rd edition (M. Dworkin et al., eds.), release 3.10, 26th September 2002, Springer-Verlag, New York, www.prokaryotes.com
323.?????? H. Huber and K.O. Stetter: Desulfurococcales. In: The Prokaryotes: An evolving electronic resource for the microbiological community, 3rd edition (M. Dworkin et al., eds.), release 3.11, 22th November 2002, Springer-Verlag, New York, www.prokaryotes.com.
324.?????? G. Rosas-Sandoval, A. Ambrogelly, J. Rinehart, D. Wei, R. Cruz-Vera, D.E. Graham, K.O. Stetter, G. Guarneros and D. S?ll: Orthologs of a novel archaeal and of the bacterial peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase are nonessential in yeast. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 16707-16712 (2002).
325.?????? R. Rachel, M. Bettstetter, B.P. Hedlund, M. H?ring, A. Kessler, K.O. Stetter and D. Prangishvili: Remarkable morphological diversity of viruses and virus-like particles in hot terrestrial environments. Arch. Virol. 147, 2419-2429 (2002).
326.?????? M.J. Hohn, B.P. Hedlund and H. Huber: Detection of 16S rDNA Sequences representing the novel phylum “Nanoarchaeota”: Indication for a wide distribution in high temperature biotopes. System. Appl. Microbiol. 25, 551-554 (2002).
327.?????? D. Tumbula-Hansen, L. Feng, H. Toogood, K.O. Stetter and D. S?ll: Evolutionary divergence of the archaeal aspartyl-tRNA synthetases into Discriminating and nondiscriminating forms. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 277, 37184-37190 (2002).
328.?????? M. Hügler, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter and G. Fuchs: Autotrophic CO2 fixation pathways in archaea (Crenarchaeota). Archives of Microbiology 179, 160-173 (2003).
329.?????? G. Peng, G. Fritzsch, V. Zickermann, H. Sch?gger, R. Mentele, F. Lottspeich, M. Bostina, M. Rademacher, R. Huber, K.O. Stetter and H. Michel: Isolation, characterization and electron Microscopic single particle analysis of the NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from the hyperthermophilic Eubacterium Aquifex aeolicus. Biochemistry 42, 3032-3039 (2003).
330.?????? C.H. House, J.W. Schopf and K.O. Stetter: Carbon isotopic fractionation by Archaeans and other thermophilic prokaryotes. Organic Geochemistry 34, 345-356 (2003).
331.?????? H. Huber, M.J. Hohn, K.O. Stetter and R. Rachel: The phylum Nanoarchaeota: Present knowledge and future perspectives of a unique form of life. Research in Microbiology 154, 165-171 (2003).
332.?????? M. Baumgartner, A. Yapi, R. Gr?bner-Ferreira and K.O. Stetter: Cultivation and properties of Echinamoeba thermarum n. sp., an extremely thermophilic amoeba thriving in hot springs. Extremophiles 7, 267-274 (2003).
333.?????? L. Lingl, H. Huber, K.O. Stetter, F. Mayer, J. Kellermann and V. Müller: Isolation of a complete A1A0 ATP synthase comprising nine subunits from the hyperthermophile Methanococcus jannaschii. Extremophiles 7, 249-257 (2003).
334.?????? H. Huber, M.J. Hohn, R. Rachel, K.O. Stetter: Nanoarchaeota. In: The Prokaryotes: An evolving electronic resource for the microbiological community, 3rd edition (M. Dworkin et al., eds.), release 3.15, 22.03.2003), Springer-Verlag, New York, www.prokaryotes.com.
335.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophile Archaeen – von den Wurzeln des Lebens. In: F?den des Lebens. Münchner Wissenschaftstage im Jubil?umsjahr 2003 (vdbiol, ed.), pp. 23-30 (2003).
336.?????? K.O. Stetter: Feuerzwerge – Zeugen der Urzeit. In: An den Fronten der Forschung – Kosmos – Erde – Leben. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und ?rzte; 122. Versammlung – Halle 2002 (R. Emmermann et al., eds.), pp. 119-129. S. Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart, Leipzig (2003).
337.?????? E. Waters, M.J. Hohn, I. Ahel, D.E. Graham, M.D. Adams, M. Barnstead, K.Y. Beeson, L. Bibbs, R. Bolanos, M. Keller, K. Kretz, X. Lin, E. Mathur, J. Ni, M. Podar, T. Richardson, G.G. Sutton, M. Simon, D. S?ll, K.O. Stetter, J.M. Short and M. Noordewier: The genome of Nanoarchaeum equitans: Insights into early archaeal evolution and derived parasitism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 12984-12988 (2003).
338.?????? M. H?ring, X. Peng, K. Brügger, R. Rachel, K.O. Stetter, R.A. Garrett and D. Prangishvili: Morphology and genome organization of the virus PSVof the hyperthermophilic archaeal genera Pyrobaculum and Thermoproteus: a novel virus family, the Globuloviridae. Virology 232, 233-242 (2004).
339.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophiles – Microbes at the Upper Temperature Border of Life. Prof. Will N. Koning’s Laudatio and Prof. Stetter’s Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Award Lecture. ASM-News 70, No. 5, 247-248 (2004).
340.?????? K.O. Stetter: Feuerzwerge – Zeugen der Urzeit. In: Vortr?ge N 465 (K.O. Stetter und B Blümich), Nordrhein-Westf?lische Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp: 1-31, Verlag Ferdinand Sch?ningh (2004).
341.?????? E.F. Mongodin, I.R. Hance, R.T. DeBoy, S.R. Gill, S. Daugherty, R. Huber, C.M. Fraser, K.O.Stetter and K.E. Nelson: Gene transfer und genome pasticity in Thermotoga maritima, a model hyperthermophilic species. J. Bacteriol. 187, 4935-4944 (2005).
342.?????? K.O. Stetter: Volcanoes, hydrothermal venting, and the origin of life. In: Volcanoes and the Environment (J. Marti and G.G.J. Ernst, eds.), pp. 175-206, Cambridge University Press (2005).
343.?????? K.O. Stetter, M.J. Hohn, H. Huber, R. Rachel, E. Mathur, B. Hedlund, U. Jahn: A novel kingdom of Parasitic Archaea. In: Geothermal Biology and Geochemistry in Yellowstone National Park. Proceeding of the ThermalBiology Institute Workshop, Yellowstone National Park, WY, October 2003 (W.P. Inskeep and T.R. McDermott, eds.), pp. 249-259, Montana State University Publications, Bozeman, MT, USA (2005).
344.?????? K.O. Stetter: Feuerzwerge auf der Erde – und auf anderen Planeten? Festvortrag anl?sslich der Feierlichen Jahressitzung der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 3. Dezember 2005. Jahrbuch 2005 der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 137-154 (2006).
345.?????? M.M. Kendall, Y. Liu, M. Sieprawska-Lupa, K.O. Stetter, W.B. Whitman and D.R. Boone: Methanacoccus aeolicus sp. nov., a mesophilic, methanogenic archaeon from shallow and deep marine sediments. Int. J. Syst. Bact. 56, 1525-1529 (2006).
346.?????? K.O. Stetter: History of the discovery of the first hyperthermophiles. Extremophiles 10, 357-362 (2006).
347.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophiles in the history of life. In: Conditions for the emergence of life on the early Earth (S. Leach FRS, I.W.M. Smith FRS and C.S. Cockell, eds.), pp. 1837-1843, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (= Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B) 361 (2006).
348.?????? W. Paper, U. Jahn, M.J. Hohn, M. Kronner, D.J. N?ther, T. Burghardt, R. Rachel, K.O. Stetter and H. Huber: Ignicoccus hospitalis sp. nov., the host of ?Nanoarchaeum equitans‘. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 57, 803-808 (2007).
349.?????? K.O. Stetter: Leben in siedendem Wasser – Zeugen der Urzeit. In: Raumschiff Erde – Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit (R. Breuer, ed.), pp. 32-37, Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial 2/07 (2007).
350.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophilic life on Earth – and on Mars? In: Planetary systems and the origins of life (R. Pudritz, P. Higgs and J. Stone, eds.), pp.135-148, Cambridge University Press (2007).
351.?????? U. Jahn, M. Gallenberger, W. Paper, B. Junglas, W. Eisenreich, K.O. Stetter, R. Rachel and H. Huber: Nanoarchaeum equitans and Ignicoccus hospitalis: new insights into a unique, intimate association of two Archaea. J. Bacteriol. 190, 1743-1750 (2008).
352.?????? J.G. Elkins, M. Podar, D.E. Graham, K.S. Makarova, Y. Wolf, L. Randau, B.P. Hedlund, C. Brochier-Armanet, V. Kunin, I. Anderson, A. Lapidus, E. Goltsman, K. Barry, E.V. Koonin, P. Hugenholtz, N. Kyrpides, G. Wanner, P. Richardson, M. Keller and K.O. Stetter: A korarchaeal genome reveals insights into the evolution of the Archaea. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 8102-8107 (2008).
353.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophiles – Life in a hot and inorganic environment. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 69, Nr. 356, 13-18 (2008).
354.?????? M. Sutter, D. Boehringer, S. Gutmann, S. Günther, D. Prangishvili, M.J. Loessner, K O. Stetter, E. Weber-Ban and N. Ban: Structural basis of enzyme encapsulation into a bacterial nanocompartment. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 15, 939-947 (2008).
355.?????? M. Podar, I. Anderson, K.S. Makarova, J.G. Elkins, N. Ivanova, M. Wall, A. Lykidis, K. Mavrommatis, H. Sun, M.E. Hudson, W. Chen, C. Deciu, D. Hutchison, J.R. Eads, A. Anderson, F. Fernandes, E. Szeto, A. Lapidus, N.C. Kyrpides, M.H. Saier Jr., P.M. Richardson, R. Rachel, H. Huber, J.A. Eisen, E.V. Koonin, M. Keller and K.O. Stetter: A genomic analysis of the archaeal system Ignicoccus hospitalis: Nanoarchaeum equitans. Genome Biol. 9:R158 (2008), https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/gb-2008-9-11-r158
356.?????? K.O. Stetter: Kann es mikrobielles Leben auf dem Mars geben? Vortrag vor der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (2008), http://badw.de/fileadmin/members/S/3059/Mikrobielles_Leben_auf_dem_Mars.pdf
357.?????? M. Baumgartner, S. Eberhardt, J.F. De Jonckheere and K.O. Stetter: Tetramitus thermacidophilus n. sp., an amoeboflagellate from acidic hot springs. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 52, 201-206 (2009).
358.?????? J.F. De Jonckheere, M. Baumgartner, F.R. Opperdoes and K.O. Stetter: Marinamoeba thermophila, a new marine heterolobosean amoeba growing at 50°C. Eur. J. Protistol. 45, 231-236 (2009).
359.?????? J.F. De Jonckheere, M. Baumgartner, S. Eberhardt, F.R. Opperdoes and K.O. Stetter: Oramoeba fumarolia gen. nov., sp. nov., a new marine heterolobosean amoeboflagellate growing at 54°C. Eur. J. Protistol. 47, 16-23 (2011).
360.?????? K.O. Stetter: History of discovery of hyperthermophiles. In: Extremophiles Handbook (Koki Horikoshi, ed.), pp. 403-425, Springer, Tokyo, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York (2011).
361.?????? K.O. Stetter: Hyperthermophile Archaeen als Zeugen der Urzeit. In: Viren und andere Mikroben: Heil oder Plage? Zum 100. Todestag von Robert Koch (K. Sonntag, ed.), pp.25-54, Studium Generale, Ruprecht-Karls-Universit?t Heidelberg, Universit?tsverlag Winter, Heidelberg (2011).
362.?????? K.O. Stetter: Leben an der obersten Temperaturgrenze. In: Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 116, Nr. 394, 219-240 (2012).
363.?????? K.O. Stetter: A brief history of discovery of hyperthermophilic life. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 41, 416-420 (2013).
364.?????? K.O. Stetter. Carl R. Woese (1928-2012). Begründer des Stammbaums des Lebens gestorben. Biospektrum 01.13, 75 (2013).
365.?????? S.M. Utturkar, H. Huber, S. Lepthin, B. Loh, S.D. Brown, K.O. Stetter and M. Podar: Draft genome sequence of Pyrodictium occultum PL19T, a marine hyperthermophilic species of Archaea that grows optimally at 105°C. Genome Announcements, Vol. 4, no. 1, e00016-16 (2016), http://genomea.asm.org/content/4/1/e00016-16.full
366.?????? G. Antranikian, M. Suleiman, C. Sch?fers, M.W.W. Adams, S. Bartolucci, J.M. Blamey, N.-K. Birkeland, E. Bonch-Osmolovskaya, M.S. da Costa, D. Cowan, M. Danson, P. Forterre, R. Kelly, Y. Ishino, J. Littlechild, M. Moracci, K. Noll, T. Oshima, F. Robb, M. Rossi, H. Santos, P. Sch?nheit, R. Sterner, R. Thauer, M. Thomm, J. Wiegel and K.O. Stetter: Diversity of bacteria and archaea from two shallow marine hydrothermal vents from Vulcano Island. Extremophiles 21 (4), 733-742 (2017).
367.????? R. Kreitner, C. E. Munte, K. Singer, K. O. Stetter, G. Horn, W. Kremer, H. R. Kalbitzer: Complete sequential assignment and secondary structure prediction of the cannulae forming protein CanA from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi. Biomolecular NMR Assignments 14, 141-146 (2020). link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12104-020-09934-x
Lactic-acid-fermented food:
1.?????????? Verfahren zur Herstellung von milchsauren Gemüse- oder Fruchtgetr?nken. Deutsche Patentschrift Nr. 2001874. Application: 16.01.1970. (Co-author)
2.?????????? Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Reinkulturen von Lactobacillus bavaricus sowie seine Verwendung zur milchsauren Verg?rung von pflanzlichem Material. Deutsche Patentschrift Nr. 2440516. Application: 23.08.1974. (Co-author)
3.?????????? Mikroorganismus der Art Lactobacillus bavaricus. Deutsche Patentschrift Nr. 2462152. Application: 23. 08.1974.(Co-author)
4.?????????? Verfahren zur Verminderung des Nitratgehaltes von pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln Europ?isches Patent Nr. 0244663B1. Application: 10. 04.1987.
Restriction enzymes:
1.?????????? Restriktionsendonuclease MAE I. US - Patent Nr. 4693979. Issued: 15.08.1987 (Co-author)
2.?????????? Restriktionsendonuclease MAE II. US – Patent Nr. 4693979. Issued: 15.08.1987. (Co-author)
3.?????????? Restriktionsendonuclease MAE III. US – Patent Nr. 4693980. Issued: 15.08.1987. (Co-author)
Contribution to and appearance in fourty international and national scientific films.