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R.Huber, W.Eder, S.Heldwein, G.Wanner, H.Huber, R.Rachel, K.O.Stetter (1998):

Thermocrinis ruber gen.nov. sp.nov., a pink-filament-forming hyperthermophilic
bacterium isolated from Yellowstone National Park. Appl.Envir.Microbiol. 64:3576-3583.

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


Huber, H., Diller, S., Horn, Ch., Rachel, R.:
Thermovibrio ruber gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel extremely thermophilic chemolithoautotrophic deeply branching bacterial nitrate-reducer. Int. J. System. Evol. Microbiol. 52, 1859-1865 (2002).

Electron micrograph of a cell of Thermovibrio ruber ED11, exhibiting the vibroid shape and monopolar flagellation. Bar, 1.0 ?m.
Electron micrograph of a cell exhibiting bipolar flagellation. Bar, 1.0 ?m.
Electron micrographs of freeze-fractured/-etched cells.
c: cell fractured tangentially;
d: cross-fractured cell. C: cytoplasm; CM: cytoplasmic membrane; OM: outer membrane; asterisk: periplasm. Bar, 0.5 ?m

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


R.Huber, T.A.Langworthy, H.K?nig, M.Thomm, C.R.Woese, U.B.Sleytr, K.O.Stetter (1986):
Thermotoga maritma sp. nov. represents a new genus of uniquely extremely thermophilic eubacteria growing up to 90°C. Arch.Microbiol. 144:324-333.

R.Rachel, A.M.Engel, R.Huber, K.O.Stetter, W.Baumeister (1990):
A porin-type protein is the main constituent of the cell envelope of the ancestral eubacterium Thermotoga maritima. FEBS Letters 262:64-68.

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


R.Huber, P.Rossnagel, C.R.Woese, R.Rachel, T.A.Langworthy, K.O.Stetter (1996):
Formation of ammonium from nitrate during chemolithoautotrophic growth of the extremely thermophilic bacterium Ammonifex degensii gen.nov sp.nov. System.Appl.Microbiol. 19:40-49.

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


R.Huber, T.Wilharm, D.Huber, A.Trincone, S.Burggraf, H.K?nig, R.Rachel, I.Rockinger, H.Fricke, K.O.Stetter (1992):
Aquifex pyrophilus gen.nov sp.nov. represents a novel group of marine hyperthermophilic hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria.
System.Appl.Microbiol. 15:340-351.


copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Archaea /?Crenarcheota


K.O. Stetter (1982):
Ultrathin mycelia-forming organisms from submarine volcanic areas having an optimum growth temperature of 105°C.
Nature (London) 300, 258-260

K.O. Stetter, H. K?nig, and E. Stackebrandt (1983) :
Pyrodictium gen. nov., a new genus of submarine disc-shaped sulphur reducing archaebacteria growing optimally at 105°C.
System. Appl. Microbiol. 4, 535-551

G.Rieger, R.Rachel, R.Hermann, K.O.Stetter (1995):
Ultrastructure of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi.
J.Struct.Biol. 115:78-87.

G.Rieger, K.Müller, R.Hermann, K.O.Stetter, R.Rachel (1997):
Cultivation of hyperthermophilic archaea in capillary tubes resulting in improved preservation of fine structures.
Arch.Microbiol. 168:373-379.

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Pyrolobus fumarii

E.Bl?chl, R.Rachel, S.Burggraf, D.Hafenbradl, H.W.Jannasch, K.O.Stetter (1997):
Pyrolobus fumarii gen. and sp.nov. represents a group of archaea,
extending the upper temperature limit for life to 113°C.
Extremophiles 1:14-21

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


R.Rachel, I.Wyschkony, S.Riehl, H.Huber (2002):
The ultrastructure of Ignicoccus: Evidence for a novel outer membrane and for intracellular vesicle budding in an archaeon.? Archaea 1:9-18.

Huber, H., Burggraf, S., Mayer, T., Wyschkony, I., Biebl, M., Rachel, R., Stetter, K.O.: Ignicoccus gen. nov., a novel genus of hyperthermophilic chemolithoautotrophic archaeon, represented by two species, Ignicoccus islandicus and Ignicoccus pacificus.
Int. J. System. Evol. Microbiol. 50, 2093-2100 (2000).

Paper W., Jahn U., Hohn M.J., Kronner M., N?ther D.J., Burghardt T., Rachel R., Stetter K.O., Huber H.: Ignicoccus hospitalis sp. nov., the host of Nanoarchaeum equitans.
Int. J. System. Evol. Microbiol. 57, 803-808 (2007).

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


T.Fuchs, H.Huber, K.Teiner, S.Burggraf, K.O.Stetter:
Metallosphaera prunae, sp.nov., a novel metal-mobilizing, thermoacidophilic archaeum, isolated from a Uranium mine in Germany.
System.Appl.Microbiol. 18:560-566.

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Thermosphaera aggregans

R.Huber, D.Dyba, H.Huber, S.Burggraf, R.Rachel (1998):
Sulfur-inhibited Thermosphaera aggregans sp.nov., a new genus of hyperthermophilic
archaea isolated after its prediction from environmentally derived 16S rRNA sequences.
Intl.J.System.Bacteriol. 48:31-38

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


W.Zillig, K.O.Stetter, W.Schaefer, D.Janekovic, S.Wunderl, I.Holz, P.Palm (1981):
Thermoproteales: a novel type of extremely thermoacidophilic anaerobic archaebacteria isolated from Icelandic solfataras.
Zentralbl. Bakterial. Parasitenkde. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. 1 Orig. Reiche C 2:205-227

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


P.V?lkl, R.Huber, E.Drobner, R.Rachel, S.Burggraf, A.Trincone, K.O.Stetter (1993):
Pyrobaculum aerophilum sp.nov.., a novel nitrate-reducing hyperthermophilic archaeon.
Appl.Environm.Microbiol. 59:2918-2926.

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Archaea /?Euryarchaeota


G.Fiala, K.O.Stetter (1986):
Pyrococcus furiosus sp.nov. represents a novel genus of marine heterotrophic archaebacteria growing optimally at 100°C.
Arch.Microbiol. 145:56-61

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Thermococcus chitinophagus

R.Huber, J. St?hr, S.Hohenhaus, R.Rachel, S.Burggraf, H.W.Jannasch, K.O.Stetter (1995):
Thermococcus chitonophagus sp.nov., a novel, chitin-degrading,
hyperthermophilic archaeum from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent environment.
Arch.Microbiol. 164:255-264


copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Thermococcus acidaminovorans

R.Dirmeier, M.Keller, D.Hafenbradl, F.-J.Braun, R.Rachel, S.Burggraf, K.O.Stetter (1998):
Thermococcus acidaminovorans sp.nov., a new hyperthermophilic alcalophilic archaeon growing on amino acids.
Extremophiles 2:109-114.

Thermococcus acidaminovorans

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Methynopyrus kandleri

R.Huber, M.Kurr, H.W.Jannasch, K.O.Stetter (1989):
A novel group of abyssal methanogenic archaebacteria (Methanopyrus) growing at 110°C.
Nature 342:833-834.

M.Kurr, R.Huber, H.Koenig, H.W.Jannasch, H.Fricke, A.Trincone, J.Kristjansson, K.O.Stetter (1991):
Methanopyrus kandleri, gen. and sp.nov. represents a novel group of hyperthermophilic methanogens, growing at 110°C.
Arch.Microbiol. 156:239-247.

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


K.O.Stetter, M.Thomm, J.Winter, G.Wildgruber, H.Huber, W.Zillig, D.Janecovic, H.Koenig, P.Palm, S.Wunderl (1981):
Methanothermus fervidus, sp.nov., a novel extremely thermophilic methanogen isolated from an Icelandic hot spring.

Zentralbl. Bakterial. Parasitenkde. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. 1 Orig. Reiche C 2:166-178.

Methanothermus fervidus

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Methanotorris igneus

Institut für Biochemie, Genetik and MicrobiologieS.Burggraf, H.Fricke, A.Neuner, J.Kristjansson, P.Rouvier, L.Mandelco, C.R.Woese, K.O.Stetter (1990):
Methanococcus igneus sp.nov., a novel hyperthermophilic methanogen from a shallow submarine hydrothermal system.
System.Appl.Microbiol. 13:263-269


copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Archaeoglobus fulgidus

K.O.Stetter (1988):
Archaeoglobus fulgidus gen.nov., sp.nov.: a new taxon of extremely thermophilic archaebacteria.
System.Appl.Microbiol. 10:172-173.

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Archaeoglus veneficus

H.Huber, H.W.Jannasch, R.Rachel, T.Fuchs, K.O.Stetter (1997):
Archaeoglobus veneficus sp.nov., a novel facultative chemolithoautotrophic hyperthermophilic sulfite reducer, isolated from abyssal black smokers.
System.Appl.Microbiol. 20:374-380

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Ferroglobus placidus

D.Hafenbradl, M.Keller, R.Dirmeier, R.Rachel, P.Rossnagel, S.Burggraf, H.Huber, K.O.Stetter (1996):
Ferroglobus placidus gen.nov., sp.nov., a novel hyperthermophilic archaeum that oxidizes Fe2+ at neutral pH under anoxic conditions.
Arch.Microbiol. 166:308-314.

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg

Archaea / Nanoarchaeota

Nanoarchaeum equitans

H.Huber, M.J.Hohn, R.Rachel, T.Fuchs, V.Wimmer, K.O.Stetter (2002):
A new phylum of Archaea represented by a nanosized hyperthermophilic symbiont.
Nature 417:63-67

copyright for all images: K.O.Stetter & R.Rachel, Univ.Regensburg


Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie & Archaeenzentrum

Prof. Dr. Dina Grohmann


Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg

Phone +49 941 943 3147
Office +49 941 943 3161
