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Plain A, Kn?dl L, Tegtmeier I, Bandulik S, Warth R.
The ex vivo perfused mouse adrenal gland - a new model to study aldosterone secretion.
Pflugers Arch. 2024; online first.
Video zur Methode: http://doi.org/10.5283/epub.57910



Rege J, Bandulik S, Nanba K, Kosmann C, Blinder AR, Plain A, Vats P, Kumar-Sinha C, Lerario AM, Else T, Yamazaki Y, Satoh F, Sasano H, Giordano TJ, Williams TA, Reincke M, Turcu AF, Udager AM, Warth R, Rainey WE.
Somatic SLC30A1 mutations altering zinc transporter ZnT1 cause aldosterone-producing adenomas and primary aldosteronism.
Nat Genet. 2023 Sep 14. doi: 10.1038/s41588-023-01498-5. Epub ahead of print.

Stanzick KJ, Stark KJ, Gorski M, Sch?del J, Krüger R, Kronenberg F, Warth R, Heid IM, Winkler TW.
KidneyGPS: a user-friendly web application to help prioritize kidney function genes and variants based on evidence from genome-wide association studies.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2023 Sep 21;24(1):355. doi: 10.1186/s12859-023-05472-0.

Meindl K, Issler N, Afonso S, Cebrian-Serrano A, Müller K, Sterner C, Othmen H, Tegtmeier I, Witzgall R, Klootwijk E, Davies B, Kleta R, Warth R.
A missense mutation in Ehd1 associated with defective spermatogenesis and male infertility.
Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023 Oct 12;11:1240558. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2023.1240558.

Beggs MR, Young K, Plain A, O'Neill DD, Raza A, Flockerzi V, Dimke H, Alexander RT.
Maternal Epidermal Growth Factor Promotes Neonatal Claudin-2 Dependent Increases in Small Intestinal Calcium Permeability.
Function (Oxf). 2023 Jun 27;4(5):zqad033. doi: 10.1093/function/zqad033.



Lo J, Forst AL, Warth R, Zdebik AA.
EAST/SeSAME Syndrome and Beyond: The Spectrum of Kir4.1- and Kir5.1-Associated Channelopathies.
Front Physiol. 2022 Mar 15;13:852674. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.852674.

Issler N, Afonso S, Weissman I, Jordan K, Cebrian-Serrano A, Meindl K, Dahlke E, Tziridis K, Yan G, Robles-López JM, Tabernero L, Patel V, Kesselheim A, Klootwijk ED, Stanescu HC, Dumitriu S, Iancu D, Tekman M, Mozere M, Jaureguiberry G, Outtandy P, Russell C, Forst AL, Sterner C, Heinl ES, Othmen H, Tegtmeier I, Reichold M, Schiessl IM, Limm K, Oefner P, Witzgall R, Fu L, Theilig F, Schilling A, Shuster Biton E, Kalfon L, Fedida A, Arnon-Sheleg E, Ben Izhak O, Magen D, Anikster Y, Schulze H, Ziegler C, Lowe M, Davies B, B?ckenhauer D, Kleta R, Falik Zaccai TC, Warth R.
A Founder Mutation in EHD1 Presents with Tubular Proteinuria and Deafness.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022, 33(4):732-745. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2021101312.

Neubauer J, Forst AL, Warth R, Both CP, Haas C, Thomas J.
Genetic variants in eleven central and peripheral chemoreceptor genes in sudden infant death syndrome.
Pediatr Res. 2022 Feb 1. doi: 10.1038/s41390-021-01899-4.



Sch?ller E, Marks J, Marchand V, Bruckmann A, Powell CA, Reichold M, Mutti CD, Dettmer K, Feederle R, Hüttelmaier S, Helm M, Oefner P, Minczuk M, Motorin Y, Hafner M, Meister G.
Balancing of mitochondrial translation through METTL8-mediated m3C modification of mitochondrial tRNAs.
Mol Cell. 2021 Dec 2;81(23):4810-4825.

Forst AL, Reichold M, Kleta R, Warth R.
Distinct Mitochondrial Pathologies Caused by Mutations of the Proximal Tubular Enzymes EHHADH and GATM.
Front Physiol. 2021 Jul 19;12:715485.

Schlingmann KP, Renigunta A, Hoorn EJ, Forst AL, Renigunta V, Atanasov V, Mahendran S, Barakat TS, Gillion V, Godefroid N, Brooks AS, Lugtenberg D, Lake J, Debaix H, Rudin C, Knebelmann B, Tellier S, Rousset-Rouvière C, Viering D, deBaaij JHF, Weber S, Palygin O, Staruschenko A, Kleta R, Houillier P, Bockenhauer D, Devuyst O, Vargas-Poussou R, Warth R, Zdebik AA, Konrad M.
Defects in KCNJ16 Cause a Novel Tubulopathy with Hypokalemia, Salt Wasting, Disturbed Acid-Base Homeostasis, and Sensorineural Deafness.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021,?32(6):1498-1512. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2020111587

Beggs MR, Young K, Pan W, O'Neill DD, Saurette M, Plain A, Rievaj J, Doschak MR, Cordat E, Dimke H, Alexander RT.
Claudin-2 and claudin-12 form independent, complementary pores required to maintain calcium homeostasis.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Nov 30;118(48):e2111247118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2111247118.



Gürtler F, Jordan K, Tegtmeier I, Herold J, Stindl J, Warth R, Bandulik S
Cellular pathophysiology of mutant voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel CACNA1H in primary aldosteronism
Endocrinology. 2020 Oct 1;161(10):bqaa135. doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqaa135.

Morin M, Forst AL, Pérez-Torre P, Jiménez-Escrig A, Barca-Tierno V, García-Galloway E, Warth R, Lopez-Sendón Moreno JL, Moreno-Pelayo MA
Novel mutations in the KCNJ10 gene associated to a distinctive ataxia, sensorineural hearing loss and spasticity clinical phenotype.
Neurogenetics. 2020 Apr;21(2):135-143, doi: 10.1007/s10048-020-00605-6.

Penton D, Vohra T, Banki E, Wengi A, Weigert M, Forst AL, Bandulik S, Warth R, Loffing J.
Collecting system-specific deletion of Kcnj10 predisposes for thiazide- and low-potassium diet-induced hypokalemia.
Kidney Int. 2020 Jun;97(6):1208-1218, doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2019.12.016.

Plain A, Pan W, O'Neill D, Ure M, Beggs MR, Farhan M, Dimke H, Cordat E, Alexander RT.
Claudin-12 Knockout Mice Demonstrate Reduced Proximal Tubule Calcium Permeability.
Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Mar 18;21(6):2074. doi: 10.3390/ijms21062074.



Bandulik S, Barhanin J, Warth R.
Potassium channels in adrenocortical cells.
Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research. 2019;8:1-8; doi.org/10.1016/j.coemr.2019.06.004
Journal Link

Wiebe SA, Plain A, Pan W, O'Neill D, Braam B, Alexander RT.
NHE8 attenuates Ca2+ influx into NRK cells and the proximal tubule epithelium.
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2019 Aug 1;317(2):F240-F253. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00329.2018.


Schlingmann KP*, Bandulik S*, Mammen C*, Tarailo-Graovac M*, Holm R, Baumann M, K?nig J, Lee JJY, Dr?gem?ller B, Imminger K, Beck B, Altmüller J, Thiele H, Waldegger S, van’t Hoff W, Kleta R, Warth R, van Karnebeek CDM, Vilsen B*, Bockenhauer D*, Konrad M*.
Germline de-novo mutations in ATP1A1 cause renal hypomagnesemia,
refractory seizures and intellectual disability.
Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Nov 1;103(5):808-816.

Reichold M*, Klootwijk ED*, Reinders J*, Otto EA*, Milani M, Broeker C, Laing C, Wiesner J, Devi S, Zhou W, Schmitt R, Tegtmeier I, Sterner C, Doellerer H, Renner K, Oefner PJ, Dettmer K, Simbuerger JM, Witzgall R, Stanescu HC, Dumitriu S, Iancu D, Patel V, Mozere M, Tekman M, Jaureguiberry G, Issler N, Kesselheim A, Walsh SB, Gale DP, Howie AJ, Martins JR, Hall AM, Kasgharian M, O’Brien K, Ferreira CR, Atwal PS, Jain M, Hammers A, Charles-Edwards G, Choe C, Isbrandt D, Cebrian-Serrano A, Davies B, Sandford RN, Pugh C, Konecki DS, Povey S, Bockenhauer D, Lichter-Konecki U, Gahl WA*, Unwin RJ*, Warth R*, Kleta R*.
Glycine amidinotransferase (GATM), renal Fanconi syndrome, and kidney failure.
JASN 2018 Jul;29(7):1849-1858.
"Paper of the Month – Juni 2018" der Deutschen Physiologischen Gesellschaft
"Paper of the Month - 05/2018" der Anatomischen?Gesellschaft
Research Highlight Nature Reviews Nephrology
Comment in Ann Transl Med.



Buehler PK, Bleiler D, Tegtmeier I, Heitzmann D, Both C, Georgieff M, Warth R, Thomas J.
Abnormal respiration under hyperoxia in TASK-1/3 potassium channel double knockout mice.
Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2017 Oct., 244:17-25.

Bandulik S.
Of channels and pumps: Different ways to boost the aldosterone?
Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2017 Jul;220(3):332-360.

Jungbauer S, Bühler P, Neubauer J, Haas C, Heitzmann D, Tegtmeier I, Sterner C, Barhanin J, Georgieff M, Warth R, Thomas J.
Sex-dependent differences in the in vivo respiratory phenotype of the TASK-1 potassium channel knockout mouse
Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2017 Nov;245:13-28.



Assmann N, Dettmer K, Simbuerger JM, Broeker C, Nuernberger N, Renner K, Courtneidge H, Klootwijk ED, Duerkop A, Hall A, Kleta R, Oefner PJ, Reichold M, Reinders J.
Renal Fanconi syndrome is caused by a mistargeting-based mitochondriopathy.
Cell Rep. 2016 May 17;15(7):1423-9.

Tauber P, Aichinger B, Christ C, Stindl J, Rhayem Y, Beuschlein F, Warth R, Bandulik S.
Cellular pathophysiology of an adrenal adenoma-associated mutant of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase ATP2B3.
Endocrinology. 2016 Jun;157(6):2489-99.

Lalli E, Barhanin J, Zennaro MC, Warth R.
Local control of aldosterone production and primary aldosteronism.
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2016 Mar;27(3):123-31.

Heitzmann D, Buehler P, Schweda F, Georgieff M, Warth R, Thomas J.
The in vivo respiratory phenotype of the adenosine A1 receptor knockout mouse.
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2016 Feb;222:16-28.


Stindl J, Tauber P, Sterner C, Tegtmeier I, Warth R, Bandulik S.
Pathogenesis of adrenal aldosterone producing adenomas carrying mutations of the Na+/K+-ATPase.
Endocrinology. 2015 Dec;156(12):4582-91.

Klootwijk ED, Reichold M, Unwin RJ, Kleta R, Warth R, Bockenhauer D.
Renal Fanconi syndrome: taking a proximal look at the nephron.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015 Sep;30(9):1456-60.

Machura K, Neubauer B, Müller H, Tauber P, Kurtz A, Kurtz L.
Connexin 40 is dispensable for vascular renin cell recruitment but is indispensable for vascular baroreceptor control of renin secretion.
Pflugers Arch. 2015 Aug;467(8):1825-34.

Bandulik S, Tauber P, Lalli E, Barhanin J, Warth R.
Two-pore domain potassium channels in the adrenal cortex.
Pflugers Arch. 2015 May;467(5):1027-42.

Monticone S, Bandulik S, Stindl J, Zilbermint M, Dedov I, Mulatero P, Allgaeuer M, Richard Lee CC, Stratakis CA, Ann Williams T, Tiulpakov A.
A case of severe hyperaldosteronism caused by a de novo mutation affecting a critical 'salt bridge' Kir3.4 residue.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Jan;100(1):E114-8.



Kuppusamy M, Caroccia B, Stindl J, Bandulik S, Lenzini L, Gioco F, Fishman V, Zanotti G, Gomez-Sanchez C, Bader M, Warth R, Rossi GP.
A novel KCNJ5-insT149 somatic mutation close to, but outside, the selectivity filter causes resistant hypertension by loss of selectivity for potassium.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Sep;99(9):E1765-73.

Reichold M, Warth R
Funktionen und klinische Bedeutung des proximalen Tubulus
Der Nephrologe 2014; 9(4):309-311.
Springer Link

Schramm A, Schinner E, Huettner JP, Kees F, Tauber P, Hofmann F, Schlossmann J.
Function of cGMP-dependent protein kinase II in volume load-induced diuresis.
Pflugers Arch. 2014 Oct;466(10):2009-18.

Faria D, Rock JR, Romao AM, Schweda F, Bandulik S, Witzgall R, Schlatter E, Heitzmann D, Pavenst?dt H, Herrmann E, Kunzelmann K, Schreiber R.
The calcium-activated chloride channel Anoctamin 1 contributes to the regulation of renal function.
Kidney Int. 2014 Jun;85(6):1369-81.

Spyroglou A, Bozoglu T, Rawal R, De Leonardis F, Sterner C, Boulkroun S, Benecke AG, Monti L, Zennaro MC, Petersen AK, D?ring A, Rossi A, Bidlingmaier M, Warth R, Gieger C, Reincke M, Beuschlein F.
Diastrophic dysplasia sulfate transporter (SLC26A2) is expressed in the adrenal cortex and regulates aldosterone secretion.
Hypertension. 2014; 63(5):1102-9.

Tauber P, Penton D, Stindl J, Humberg E, Tegtmeier I, Sterner C, Beuschlein F, Reincke M, Barhanin J, Bandulik S, Warth R.
Pharmacology and pathophysiology of mutated KCNJ5 found in adrenal aldosterone producing adenomas.
Endocrinology 2014; 155(4):1353-62.

Klootwijk ED, Reichold M, Helip-Wooley A, Tolaymat A, Broeker C, Robinette SL, Reinders J, Peindl D, Renner K, Eberhart K, Assmann N, Oefner PJ, Dettmer K, Sterner C, Schroeder J, Zorger N, Witzgall R, Reinhold SW, Stanescu HC, Bockenhauer D, Jaureguiberry G, Courtneidge H, Hall AM, Wijeyesekera AD, Holmes E, Nicholson JK, O’Brien K, Bernardini I, Krasnewich DM, Arcos-Burgos M, Izumi Y, Nonoguchi H, Jia Y, Reddy JK, Ilyas M, Unwin RJ, Gahl WA, Warth R, Kleta R.
Mistargeting of peroxisomal EHHADH and inherited renal Fanconi’s syndrome.
N Engl J Med 2014;370:129-38.

Williams TA, Monticone S, Schack VR, Stindl J, Burrello J, Buffolo F, Annaratone L, Castellano I, Beuschlein F, Reincke M, Lucatello B, Ronconi V, Fallo F, Bernini G, Maccario M, Giacchetti G, Veglio F, Warth R, Vilsen B, Mulatero P.
Somatic ATP1A1, ATP2B3, and KCNJ5 mutations in aldosterone-producing adenomas.
Hypertension 2014;63:188-195.



Schmidt K, Ripper M, Tegtmeier I, Humberg E, Sterner C, Reichold M, Warth R, Bandulik S.
Dynamics of renal electrolyte excretion in growing mice.
Nephron Physiol. 2013; 124(3-4):7-13.

Monticone S, Hattangady NG, Penton D, Isales C, Edwards MA, Williams TA, Sterner C, Warth R, Mulatero P, Rainey WE.
A novel Y152C KCNJ5 mutation responsible for familial hyperaldosteronism type III.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98(11):E1861-5.

Burghardt T, Kastner J, Suleiman H, Rivera-Milla E, Stepanova N, Lottaz C, Kubitza M, B?ger CA, Schmidt S, Gorski M, de Vries U, Schmidt H, Hertting I, Kopp J, Rascle A, Moser M, Heid IM, Warth R, Spang R, Wegener J, Mierke CT, Englert C, Witzgall R.
LMX1B is essential for the maintenance of differentiated podocytes in adult kidneys.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013;24(11):1830-48.

Bandulik S, Tauber P, Penton D, Schweda F, Tegtmeier I, Sterner C, Lalli E, Lesage F, Hartmann M, Barhanin J, Warth R.
Severe hyperaldosteronism in neonatal Task3 potassium channel knockout mice is associated with activation of the intra-adrenal renin-angiotensin system.
Endocrinology. 2013;154(8):2712-22.

Beuschlein F, Boulkroun S, Osswald A, Wieland T, Nielsen HN, Lichtenauer UD, Penton D, Schack VR, Amar L, Fischer E, Walther A, Tauber P, Schwarzmayr T, Diener S, Graf E, Allolio B, Samson-Couterie B, Benecke A, Quinkler M, Fallo F, Plouin PF, Mantero F, Meitinger T, Mulatero P, Jeunemaitre X, Warth R, Vilsen B, Zennaro MC, Strom TM, Reincke M.
Somatic mutations in ATP1A1 and ATP2B3 lead to aldosterone-producing adenomas and secondary hypertension.
Nat Genet. 2013 Apr;45(4):440-4.



El Wakil A, Bandulik S, Guy N, Bendahhou S, Zennaro MC, Niehrs C, Mari B, Warth R, Barhanin J, Lalli E.
Dkk3 is a component of the genetic circuitry regulating aldosterone biosynthesis in the adrenal cortex.
Hum Mol Genet. 2012; 21(22):4922-9.

Penton D, Bandulik S, Schweda F, Haubs S, Tauber P, Reichold M, Dang Cong L, El Wakil A, Budde T, Lesage F, Lalli E, Zennaro MC, Warth R (corresponding author), Barhanin J.
Task3 potassium channel gene invalidation causes low renin and salt-sensitive arterial hypertension.
Endocrinology. 2012;153(10):4740-8.

Chatelain FC, Bichet D, Douguet D, Feliciangeli S, Bendahhou S, Reichold M, Warth R, Barhanin J, Lesage F.
TWIK1, a unique background channel with variable ion selectivity.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012;109(14):5499-504.

Williams TA, Monticone S, Crudo V, Warth R, Veglio F, Mulatero P.
Visinin-Like 1 is upregulated in aldosterone-producing adenomas with KCNJ5 mutations and protects from calcium-induced apoptosis.
Hypertension. 2012;59(4):833-9.

Mulatero P, Tauber P, Zennaro MC, Monticone S, Lang K, Beuschlein F, Fischer E, Tizzani D, Pallauf A, Viola A, Amar L, Williams TA, Strom TM, Graf E, Bandulik S, Penton D, Plouin PF, Warth R, Allolio B, Jeunemaitre X, Veglio F, Reincke M.
KCNJ5 mutations in European families with nonglucocorticoid remediable familial hyperaldosteronism.
Hypertension 2012; 59(2):235-40.


B?ckenhauer D, Stanescu H, Bandulik S, Reichold M, Zdebik A, Warth R, Kleta R
EAST-Syndrom: Ein neues Krankheitsbild mit renalem Salzverlust.
Nephrologe 2011; 6:529–536.

Freudenthal B, Kulaveerasingam D, Lingappa L, Shah MA, Brueton L, Wassmer E, Ognjanovic M, Dorison N, Reichold M, Bockenhauer D, Kleta R, Zdebik AA.
KCNJ10 mutations disrupt function in patients with EAST syndrome.
Nephron Physiol. 2011 Aug 18;119(3):p40-p48.

Liu W, Schreck C, Coleman RA, Wade JB, Hernandez Y, Zavilowitz B, Warth R, Kleyman TR, Satlin LM.
Role of NKCC in BK channel-mediated net K+ secretion in the CCD.
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2011 Nov. 301(5):F1088-97

Thompson DA, Feather S, Stanescu HC, Freudenthal B, Zdebik AA, Warth R, Ognjanovic M, Hulton SA, Wassmer E, Van't Hoff W, Russell-Eggitt I, Dobbie A, Sheridan E, Kleta R, Bockenhauer D.
Altered electroretinograms in patients with KCNJ10 mutations and EAST syndrome.
J Physiol. 2011 Apr 1;589(Pt 7):1681-9.

Bandulik S, Schmidt K, Bockenhauer D, Zdebik AA, Humberg E, Kleta R, Warth R, Reichold M.
The salt-wasting phenotype of EAST syndrome, a disease with multifaceted symptoms linked to the KCNJ10 K(+) channel.
Pflugers Arch. 2011 Apr;461(4):423-35.


Reichold M, Zdebik AA, Lieberer E, Rapedius M, Schmidt K, Bandulik S, Sterner C, Tegtmeier I, Penton D, Baukrowitz T, Hulton SA, Witzgall R, Ben-Zeev B, Howie AJ, Kleta R, Bockenhauer D, Warth R.
KCNJ10 gene mutations causing EAST syndrome (epilepsy, ataxia, sensorineural deafness, and tubulopathy) disrupt channel function.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Aug 10;107(32):14490-5.
[PNAS article]

Weber A, Chung H-J, Springer E, Heitzmann D, Warth R.
The TFIIH subunit p89 (XPB) localizes to the centrosome during mitosis.
Cellular Oncology. 2010;32(1-2):121-30.

Gestreau C, Heitzmann D, Thomas J, Dubreuil V, Bandulik S, Reichold M, Bendahhou S, Pierson P, Sterner C, Peyronnet-Roux J, Benfriha C, Tegtmeier I, Ehnes H, Georgieff M, Lesage F, Brunet J-F, Goridis C, Warth R (corresponding author), Barhanin J.
Task2 potassium channels set central respiratory CO2 and O2 sensitivity.
PNAS. 2010;107(5):2325-30.
[PNAS article]

Schreiber R, Uliyakina I, Kongsuphol P, Warth R, Mirza M, Martins JR, Kunzelmann K.
Expression and Function of Epithelial Anoctamins.
J Biol Chem. 2010;285(10):7838-45.

Preston P, Wartosch L, Gunzel D, Fromm M, Kongsuphol P, Ousingsawat J, Kunzelmann K, Barhanin J, Warth R, Jentsch TJ.
Disruption of the K+ channel beta-subunit KCNE3 reveals an important role in intestinal and tracheal Cl- transport.
J Biol Chem. 2010;285(10):7165-75.

Bandulik S, Penton D, Barhanin J, Warth R.
TASK1 and TASK3 Potassium Channels: Determinants of Aldosterone Secretion and Adrenocortical Zonation.
Horm Metab Res. 2010;42(6):450-7.


Feliciangeli S, Tardy MP, Sandoz G, Chatelain F, Warth R, Barhanin J, Bendahhou S, Lesage F.
Potassium channel silencing by constitutive endocytosis and intracellular sequestration.
J Biol Chem. 2010;285(7):4798-805. Epub 2009 Dec 3.

Kunzelmann K, Kongsuphol P, Aldehni F, Tian Y, Ousingsawat J, Warth R, Schreiber R.
Bestrophin and TMEM16-Ca(2+) activated Cl(-) channels with different functions.
Cell Calcium. 2009 Oct;46(4):233-41.

Bockenhauer D, Feather S, Stanescu HC, Bandulik S, Zdebik AA, Reichold M, Tobin J, Lieberer E, Sterner C, Landoure G, Arora R, Sirimanna T, Thompson D, Cross JH, van't Hoff W, Al Masri O, Tullus K, Yeung S, Anikster Y, Klootwijk E, Hubank M, Dillon MJ, Heitzmann D, Arcos-Burgos M, Knepper MA, Dobbie A, Gahl WA, Warth R, Sheridan E, Kleta R.
Epilepsy, ataxia, sensorineural deafness, tubulopathy, and KCNJ10 mutations.
N Engl J Med. 2009 May 7;360(19):1960-70.
[Pubmed] [read also editorial]

Lee WK, Reichold M, Edemir B, Ciarimboli G, Warth R, Koepsell H, Thevenod F.
The organic cation transporters OCT1, 2, and 3 mediate high affinity transport of the mutagenic vital dye ethidium in the kidney proximal tubule.
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2009; 296(6):F1504-13.


Heitzmann D, Warth R.
Physiology and pathophysiology of potassium channels in gastrointestinal epithelia.
Physiol Rev. 2008 Jul;88(3):1119-82.

Heitzmann D, Derand R, Jungbauer S, Bandulik S, Sterner C, Schweda F, Elwakil AE, Lalli E, Guy N, Mengual R, Reichold M, Tegtmeier I, Bendahhou S, Gomez-Sanchez CE, Isabel Aller M, Wisden W, Weber A, Lesage F, Warth R, Barhanin J.
Invalidation of TASK1 potassium channels disrupts adrenal gland zonation and mineralocorticoid homeostasis.
EMBO J. 2008 Jan 9;27(1):179-87.


Heitzmann D, Warth R.
No potassium, no acid: K+ channels and gastric acid secretion.
Physiology (Bethesda). 2007 Oct;22:335-41.

Feliciangeli S, Bendahhou S, Sandoz G, Gounon P, Reichold M, Warth R, Lazdunski M, Barhanin J, Lesage F.
Does Sumoylation Control K2P1/TWIK1 Background K(+) Channels?
Cell. 2007 Aug 10;130(3):563-9.

Fakitsas P, Adam G, Daidié D, van Bemmelen MX, Fouladkou F, Patrignani A, Wagner U, Warth R, Camargo SM, Staub O, Verrey F.
Early aldosterone-induced gene product regulates the epithelial sodium channel by deubiquitylation.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007 Apr;18(4):1084-92. Epub 2007 Mar 7.

Heitzmann D, Koren V, Wagner M, Sterner C, Reichold M, Tegtmeier I, Volk T, Warth R.
KCNE beta subunits determine pH sensitivity of KCNQ1 potassium channels.
Cell Physiol Biochem. 2007;19(1-4):21-32.

Kurtz L, Schweda F, de Wit C, Kriz W, Witzgall R, Warth R, Sauter A, Kurtz A, Wagner C.
Lack of connexin 40 causes displacement of renin-producing cells from afferent arterioles to the extraglomerular mesangium.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007 Apr;18(4):1103-11. Epub 2007 Feb 28.

Schifferer R, Liebisch G, Bandulik S, Langmann T, Dada A, Schmitz G.
ApoA-I induces a preferential efflux of monounsaturated phosphatidylcholine and medium chain sphingomyelin species from a cellular pool distinct from HDL(3) mediated phospholipid efflux.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2007 Jul;1771(7):853-63.


Orsó E, Werner T, Wolf Z, Bandulik S, Kramer W, Schmitz G.
Ezetimib influences the expression of raft-associated antigens in human monocytes.
Cytometry A. 2006 Mar;69(3):206-8.


Ullrich S, Su J, Ranta F, Wittekindt OH, Ris F, R?sler M, Gerlach U, Heitzmann D, Warth R, Lang F.
Effects of I(Ks) channel inhibitors in insulin-secreting INS-1 cells.
Pflugers Arch. 2005 Dec;451(3):428-36. Epub 2005 Aug 30.


Decressac S, Franco M, Bendahhou S, Warth R, Knauer S, Barhanin J, Lazdunski M, Lesage F.
ARF6-dependent interaction of the TWIK1 K+ channel with EFA6, a GDP/GTP exchange factor for ARF6.
EMBO Rep. 2004 Dec;5(12):1171-5.

Heitzmann D, Grahammer F, von Hahn T, Schmitt-Gr?ff A, Romeo E, Nitschke R, Gerlach U, Lang HJ, Verrey F, Barhanin J, Warth R.
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