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Ukrainisch-Bayerische Konferenz zu digitaler Bildung 2022


Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa

Ukrainisch-Bayerische Konferenz, 23.- 24. Juni 2022,
an der Universit?t Bayreuth vor Ort und online als Stream

BAYHOST und das Fortbildungszentrum Hochschullehre (FBZHL) der Universit?t Bayreuth veranstalteten vom 23.-24. Juni 2022 vor Ort in Bayreuth und online als Stream die ?Ukrainian-Bavarian Conference on Digital Education“.

Die Konferenz verfolgte das Ziel, Wissen über moderne IT-Konzepte und -Instrumente im Bildungswesen zu vermitteln und einen Erfahrungsaustausch darüber zu erm?glichen. Die Universit?t Bayreuth treibt den deutsch-ukrainischen Austausch zur Digitalisierung von Lehr-Lern-Prozessen mit zwei Projekten voran. Das vom DAAD gef?rderte Projekt Learnopolis+ erarbeitet gemeinsam mit Partnern in Lwiw, Ternopil und Winnyzja (Donetsk) Massive Open Online Courses zur Weiterbildung von Hochschullehrern. Den Rahmen dazu bildet UTTERLY (Erasmus+ KA2), das in diesem Bereich einheitliche Kompetenzstandards, Curricula und Zertifizierungsprozesse etabliert.

Programm, Konzept

Auswahl von Konferenzbeitr?gen

Opening: Plenary Session

Welcoming addresses:

?? Nicolai Teufel (Bayreuth): German-Ukrainian academic cooperation making use of digitization: Achievements, challenges and outlooks. To the Presentation

?? Anja Hager (Bayreuth): How we support digital education at the Center of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at the University of Bayreuth and in Bavaria. To the Presentation

?? Katrin D?ppe, BAYHOST & Martina Guttenberger, BTHA (Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency): Presentation of the one-year scholarship program sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria for graduates of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European states. To the Presentations of the scholarship holders on their experience with digital education

Plenary session:

?? Ursula Paintner & Sofiia Sakach, DAAD: The National Academic Contact Point Ukraine. To the presentation

?? Antonia Vogl, BAYHOST: The BAYHOST Coordination office for Ukraine. To the presentation

?? Viktoriia von Rosen (Aschaffenburg): DIGIBRIDGE. A joint project of the Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences, the Lviv Polytechnic National University and the Kyiv National Economic University (funding: DAAD). To the presentation

?? Sandy Wilke (Bayreuth) and Radmila Segol (Kyiv, tbc.): Massive Open Online Courses: Experiences from the University of Bayreuth, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and the platform Prometheus.org.ua. To the presentation

?? Oksana Molderf (Lviv): Hybrid Mobility Experiences: Translating Ukrainian literature on the war in Donbas with German and Ukrainian students (funding: DAAD). To the presentation

?? Tatia Johnson (Cambridge): Technology use in education during emergencies. To the presentation

?? Ralf Schlauderer (Weihenstephan-Triesdorf): Support for digitalisation of Ukrainian Life Science Universities (online). To the presentation

Counseling and funding for Ukrainian students and academics

Opportunities for Ukrainian-German cooperation projects

?? Antonia Vogl, BAYHOST: Coordination office for Ukraine of the Bavarian Academic Center for East and East Central Europe (BAYHOST). To the presentation

?? Sofiia Sakach, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), The National Academic Contact Point Ukraine. To the presentation

?? Christiansen-K?gler (Bayreuth): German courses and summer university – our experience with digital education. To the presentation

Digital education in Ukraine – best practices

?? Maiia Dernova (Kremenchuk): The Role of Information Technology in Linguistic. To the presentation

?? Sergey Melnik (Odesa): Organisation of remote laboratories at the Institute of Computer Systems. To the presentation in German & in Ukrainian

?? Olga Shvydenko (Kharkiv): Lectures and practical classes for architectural students. To the presentation

?? Diana Khropost (Kyiv): Creating questionnaires and analysing data with Google Forms and Excel. To the presentation

?? Olga Goncharova (Kyiv): Peculiarities of education in Ukrainian universities during Covid-19’s pandemic and Russian-Ukrainian war. To the presentation

?? Olena Oleksenko (Kharkiv): Digitization of Teaching-learning Processes in Ukraine. To the presentation

Round Table

?? Iryna Dudko (Kyiv): Using of digital technologies in linguistics and language teaching and learning. To the presentation

?? Kateryna Kovtoniuk (Kyiv): Digital tools in educational process. To the presentation

?? Natalia Marakhovska (Mariupol): Meditation Practices via Mobile Applications to Enhance Students’ Cognitive Skills and Psychological Well-Being. To the presentation

Teaching with digital instruments

?? Tetiana Bondarenko (Kharkiv): Gamefication as an effective tool of engaging students in educational process. To the presentation

?? Yuliia Troianovska (Odesa): Organization of distance learning discipline "Algorithms and data structures". To the presentation

?? Tetyana Lunyova (Poltava): Using digitalized video interviews in teaching the course of linguistic anthropology. To the presentation

?? Tetiana Shkoda (Kyiv), Inna Sements-Orlova (Kyiv), Iuliia Gernego (Kyiv), Mariia Tepliuk (Kyiv): Potential of young scientists in the context of digitalisation. To the presentation

?? Svitlana Balinchenko (Czernivtsi): Philosophical Thought Experiments Digitalized: a Review of the Digital Instruments for Constructing Moral-focused Discussions. To the presentation

Berichte in der Presse

?? Ukrainisch-Bayerische Konferenz zu digitaler Bildung. ubtaktuell. Studium & Lehre. Internationales. Pressemitteilung vom 06.07.22. Weiter zum Artikel

?? BAYHOST. Newsletter / 1 / 2022. Weiter zum Bericht

?? Empfang der Jahresstipendiaten von BAYHOST und BTHA in Bayreuth. Veranstaltungsbericht der BTHA. Weiter zum Bericht

  1. Universit?t


English Version

Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa

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Universit?t Regensburg
D-93040 Regensburg

E-Mail: info[at]bayhost.de
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