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Serbian-Bavarian Higher Education Day

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Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa

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23-24 September 2019, University of Bamberg

Serbian-Bavarian Higher Education Day

Bayhost-hochschultag Presse Bamberg

Foto: Benjamin Herges / Universit?t Bamberg

From September 23 to September 24 2019, the Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg and the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BAYHOST) organized in Bamberg the Serbian-Bavarian Higher Education Day.

The Serbian-Bavarian Higher Education Day aimed at initiating further academic cooperation in research and teaching, and strengthening already existing partnerships. It was dedicated to students’ exchange, joint research and cooperation of academia and business both in natural and engineering sciences and humanities and social sciences.

Concept, Program and Evaluation

Selection of conference articles:

Opening. Plenary session

Getting Serbia into the EU: Prospects and Challenges
Nikola Burazer, Programme Director, Centre for Contemporary Politics. Presentation

The system of science and higher education in Serbia
Dr. Tanja Adna?evi?, Director of the Sector for Program Activities, Center for the Promotion of Science of the Republic of Serbia. Presentation

The system of higher education and science in Bavaria: Mission, Expertise and Services of BAYHOST
Nikolas Djuki?, Executive Director, BAYHOST. Presentation

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
Dr. Simone Heine, Director, DAAD Information Centre Belgrade. Presentation

EUREGIO EGRENSIS, grants consultancy on transnational INTERREG programs
Robert Jodlbauer, Consultant for the EU programmes Interreg B and Interreg Europe. Presentation

Section 1: Engineering and natural sciences

Technology Transfer by regional Innovation Clusters – good practices from the E-Mobility Cluster Regensburg
Uwe Pfeil, Clustermanager R-Tech GmbH, Regensburg, Presentation

The role of Social Capital in the Technology Transfer, case study on Serbian Clusters and Cluster Management practices in Serbia
Adela Petrovi?, Master of Local Development, Master of Urban Studies, Presentation

The work of the Career & International Center WIAI
Dr. Laura-Christiane Folter, Career & International Center WIAI, Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences, University of Bamberg, Presentation

University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Expertise fields and cooperation possibilities
Dr. Predrag Elek, Vice Dean for International Cooperation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade University, Presentation

New curricula and Industry 4.0 – The College of Applied Technical Sciences Ni?
Dr. Dejan Blagojevi?, ERASMUS+ Coordinator, College of Applied Technical Sciences Ni?, Presentation

Experience and possibilities of cooperation of higher education institutions in the digital era
Prof. Dr. Vera Markovi?, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Telecommunications, University of Ni?, Presentation

Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern. A Network for Successful Digital Teaching
Ingrid Martin, Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Bamberg, Presentation

Possibilities for cooperation of Technical College of Applied Studies in Kragujevac with partner institutions and benefits of student mobility
Nevena Bankovi?, Head of International Relations Office, Technical College of Applied Studies in Kragujevac, Presentation

Collaboration with Bavarian universities – spring and summer schools and exchange of students and staff
Bojana Ivanovi?, International Relations Office, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Presentation

The Migration and Diaspora Programme
Milica Lje?evi?, Project Manager, Coordinator for Migration and Diaspora Cooperation, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ Serbien) GmbH,
Martin Walter, M.Sc., Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklung (CIM/ZAV Deutschland), Presentation

International Funding – Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU
Claudia Domel, Special representative for Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, German Federal Environmental Foundation DBU, Research Fellow, Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW, Presentation

The Concept of Dual Study Programs in Bavaria
André Meidenbauer, hochschule dual, Umbrella brand for the dual cooperative study system in Bavaria, Presentation

The Industry Needs & Academia Offers: Everlasting Tango
Dr. Gordana Veliki?, Director of Science Programs, RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Novi Sad, Presentation

Experiences of the first accredited Specialist academic studies of Oenology in Serbia
Dr. Uro? Milji?, Assistant professor, Department of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Presentation

If free radicals are involved, EPR resolves. A peek into BioScope Labs Consortium.
Prof. Dr. Milo? Mojovi?, Vice Dean for public relations and organization at Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Center for Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems – BioScope, University of Belgrade, Presentation

Bioinorganic chemistry between Erlangen and Belgrade
Prof. Dr. Ivana Ivanovi?-Burmazovi?, Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Chair of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Presentation

Analytical chemistry – good laboratory practices and applications
Dr. Vesna Stankov-Jovanovi?, Full Professor, Department of Chemistry, Chair for Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Ni?, Presentation

Chemistry of potential anti-tumor agents as revealed by collaborative research performed in Kragujevac and Erlangen
PD Dr. Ralph Puchta, Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Presentation

Section 2: Humanities and social sciences

Serbian universities and the University of Bamberg: Project FUSE and follow-up activities
Biljana Mi?i? Ili?, Full Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ni?, Presentation

The University Cooperation Belgrade-Bamberg as Part of the Geographic Teaching and Research Network SEE
Prof. Dr. Daniel G?ler, Department of Geography, Geographical Research on Migration and Transition, European Forum for Migration Studies, University of Bamberg, Presentation

Innovation for Dementia in the Danube Region – INDEED / INTERREG-Danube Transnational Programme
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kurz and Lea Pf?ffel, M.Sc., Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Presentation

English Language Bachelor International Business
Marian Mure, Director Centre of Languages and Competence Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, The Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (OTH – Technical University of Applied Sciences), Presentation

Positioning Faculty of Economics in Subotica on the Bavarian Higher Education Map
Tomislav Sudarevi? PhD, Erasmus + Academic Coordinator, Vice Dean for International Cooperation, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad, Presentation

State University of Novi Pazar
Prof. Dr Edin Doli?anin, Erasmus+ Coordinator, State University of Novi Pazar, Presentation

From Informality to Corruption (1817-2018): Serbia and Croatia in Comparison
Prof. Dr. Thomas Steger, Chair of Leadership and Organization, Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems, University of Regensburg;
Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchenau, Chair of Southeast and East European History, Faculty of Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities, University of Regensburg / Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Presentation

Work and projects of the Institute of European Studies, Belgrade
Dr. Mi?a Djurkovi?, Director, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade, Presentation

Germanistische Zusammenarbeit Regensburg – Novi Sad: Bestandsaufnahme deutschen Schrifttums in der Vojvodina (presentation in German language)
Prof. Dr. Hermann Scheuringer, Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Forschungszentrum Deutsch in Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa, Presentation

Section 3: Natural sciences: medicine and biology

Educons University – possibilities for cooperation: applying German experience in developing models for university-industry collaboration and research networking
Prof. Dr. Dejana Pankovi?, Vice rector for science and international cooperation and Doc. Dr Andrea Andrejevi? Pani?, Coordinator for development and transformation processes, Educons University, Sremska Kamenica, Presentation

Research cooperation with the University of Belgrade
Prof. Dr. Agnes G?rlach, TUM School of Medicine, Experimental and Molecular Pediatric Cardiology, Technical University of Munich, Presentation

Research cooperation in the field of neuroimmunology
Research cooperation with MPI (Martinsried)
Miljana Mom?ilovi?, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Biological Research "Sini?a Stankovi?, University of Belgrade, Presentation

Serbian molecular biologists in Regensburg 2006-2019
Dr. Miodrag Gu?vi?, Chair of Experimental Medicine, University of Regensburg, Presentation

Research cooperation in diabetology
Tamara Saksida, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Biological Research “Sini?a Stankovi?”, University of Belgrade, Presentation

Reports in the media

Pressemitteilung der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, 24.09.2019 Uni international, Zum Artikel

  1. Universit?t


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Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa

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