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Registrar's Office

General Information

As a degree-seeking or non degree-seeking doctoral student at the University of Regensburg, it is possible to enroll as a student and thus acquire student status. Your acceptance as a doctoral candidate by the supervisor and by the faculty is the basic prerequisite. The enrollment process is not compulsory unless your faculty, scholarship provider, or health insurance contract requires it, you live in a student dormitory or you have any other enrollment condition. If you must be enrolled, you should inform yourself in advance about the necessary documents you will need for enrollment.

Please note that the application process for the enrollment can differ, depending on if you pursue a degree at the UR or not.

Through the enrollment as a student at the Registrar's Office you will receive a student ID card and student status. The enrollment is highly recommended. If you enroll as a student at the Registrar's Office, the following applies to you:

  • Your student ID functions as a bus ticket (RVV)
  • You pay the student prices in the cafeteria as well as for the sport center at UR
  • You get discounted admission at some museums, swimming pools etc.

Important notes:

  • Semester dates:

¡ú Winter semester (01.10.- 31.03.)

¡ú Summer semester (01.04 - 30.09.)

  • As a PhD student there are no deadlines for the application, but it is useful to keep the semester dates in mind

  • Semester fee: around 170€ per semester. You will have to re-register (R¨¹ckmeldung) every semester

  • Once you are enrolled, you can find more information about certificates of enrollment or proof of payments in the Campus Portal

How to apply?

Degree-Seeking PhDs at UR (Full PhD)

For degree-seeking doctoral candidates, the application takes place via the Campus Portal.?

? To the?Campus Portal?(green button)

? Overview of the documents to be uploaded for your application

? Guideline for your orientation in the online application

Non Degree-Seeking PhDs at UR (Visiting PhD)

The application is submitted directly to the Welcome Center.

? List of documents to be handed in at Welcome Center

? Please send these documents to phd.welcome-center@ur.de

Acceptance and enrollment

Once your application is processed and accepted by the Registrar's Office (Studierendenkanzlei), you will receive an approval document with a Letter of Acceptance (Zulassungsbescheid).???

Degree-Seeking PhDs at UR (Full PhD) Non Degree-Seeking PhDs at UR (Visiting PhD)
You will receive the Letter of Acceptance online in the Campus Portal.

You will receive the Letter of Acceptance via email and post.

The Letter of Acceptance contains all important information regarding the next steps for enrollment, such as transferring the semester fee. Please follow the steps in the Letter of Acceptance (Zulassungsbescheid) to finalize your enrollment.

? Contact us if you have questions: phd.welcome-center@ur.de

Re-registration and Student ID card

Your student status is only valid for one semester. For each following semester you, need to re-register (R¨¹ckmeldung).

To re-register, you will need to transfer the semester fee (around 170€). Once it is time to re-register, the Registrar's Office will send out an email stating how much and where to transfer the money to your student email account, which you received when you enrolled.

PhD candidates usually also have a work account from their department. But by enrolling, you also receive a student email account. Please make sure to check both accounts regularly.

We have compiled some useful information for you on how to use your student ID card in general and as a bus ticket, as well as how to utilize your student account in the student portal SPUR.

? How to use your student ID card

? Student portal: SPUR

? Your student ID card as a bus ticket

  1. UR International Office

Teaching and Research at the UR


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Grafik: Welcome Center