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How do I finance my studies?

You can (partially) finance your studies through:

  • ?Your own savings
  • ?Financing by your parents
  • ?Guarantees
  • ?Your own employment (see employment law)
  • ?Study grants

You need to think about which financing options are available to you already in the preparation phase.

Study applicants from non-EU countries must even provide information about financing to the embassy before entering the country.

Study Grants

German universities do not award scholarships. There are only non-university institutions that offer scholarship programs.

The following information will certainly help you in your search for a suitable scholarship program:

Important Notes

Support for a full course of study - i.e. from the first semester to graduation - is possible in very few cases.

In some cases, scholarships are advertised and awarded by German scholarship organizations in the applicants' home countries. Information on this can be obtained from the German embassy and German cultural institutes in the home country, such as the Goethe Institutes or branch offices of the DAAD.

Some foundations also accept foreigners already studying in Germany, but normally only advanced students, and in some cases only graduate students, can apply for a scholarship.

Scholarship Databases

Information on funding opportunities for international students and graduates as well as offers from selected funding organizations:

? DAAD scholarship database for international students

? Information on student funding in the Free State of Bavaria

? Scholarship database of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Germany Scholarship/ Deutschlandstipendium

With the national scholarship program ?Deutschlandstipendium¡°? , the German government has developed a new funding instrument for students.

Half of the program is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the other half by a private donor contribution. The scholarships amount to €300 per month and are awarded for at least one year.

The scholarships are awarded to students who are particularly willing and able to perform, who have achieved outstanding results or whose previous career path indicates particularly good performance in their studies and career.

The University of Regensburg awards Deutschlandstipendien to talented students. They are awarded once a year in the winter semester.

? to the announcement and application of the UR

BAYHOST - Annual Scholarship

For graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Hungary.

In-depth specialized knowledge, the ability to work in an interdisciplinary manner, and international experience are essential requirements for academics in Europe today. Postgraduate studies abroad can complement and deepen the qualifications acquired during initial studies and make an important contribution to personal development. On this basis, university graduates can better meet the challenges of professional practice, scientific research and teaching. Have you decided to pursue postgraduate studies in Bavaria? Every academic year, the Free State of Bavaria awards annual scholarships for university graduates from Eastern Europe. Postgraduate studies and dissertations are supported.

The application deadline is December 1st!

? Notes and information on the program and application documents

BayBIDS Scholarship for Graduates of German Schools

Motivational Scholarship of the Bavarian Support Initiative German Schools Abroad and Partner Schools

BayBIDS awards one-year scholarships to graduates of German schools abroad and partner schools who are beginning their studies in Bavaria. The scholarship holders are thus given an easier start to their studies, and at the same time they act as mentors for interested graduates of German schools abroad and partner schools.

? Information on scholarship application at BayBIDS

BAf?G (Federal Training Assistance Act))

Support under BAf?G is normally reserved for German citizens. Foreign students can only apply for BAf?G in a few special cases, e.g.,

  • ??? if you are a person entitled to asylum or an admitted refugee;
  • ??? if one of your parents is German;
  • ??? if one spouse is German;
  • ??? if you were gainfully employed in Germany for at least 5 years before beginning your studies;
  • ??? if one of your parents was gainfully employed in Germany for at least 3 years in the 6 years prior to the start of your studies,
  • ??? if you have a settlement permit or a permanent residence permit in Germany.

? You can find out about BAf?G funding at the Student Services Office

Study Grant from the International Office

Tuition assistance for financially needy international students at the University of Regensburg.


  • Nationality of a non-EU member state and non-industrialized country!
  • Bachelor's/state examination programs: You must have already completed at least 2 semesters of study in Regensburg.
  • Master's degree programs: You must have already completed at least 1 semester in Regensburg.

The funds are only intended for "worthy and needy" students. The worthiness is to be proven by certificates (e.g. of intermediate examinations) and a list of all certificates of achievement achieved so far in the course of studies (certificates/FlexNow printout).

A student is considered to be needy if the applicant has no financial means of his/her own and does not receive sufficient financial support from relatives, spouse, scholarship organization or any other body.

The application will only be processed if it is complete, i.e. if all questions are answered and all required documents are attached:

  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with photo (for initial application)
  • Proof of citizenship (copy of passport)
  • Copy of the acquired certificates
  • List of certificates/ FlexNow printout
  • Certificate of enrollment for the semester for which aid is requested
  • Report of a lecturer of the main subject of study
  • Bank statements for the last 3 months


Study grants cannot be awarded to visiting students (e.g., those attending German courses) or to first-year students.

The application deadline is usually the Friday of the first week of lectures for the current semester. The deadline is always announced on a notice board in the International Office.

Information, application form, exact dates in the International Office, room 0.15 (9.30 - 11.30 a.m.)

  1. UR International Office

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