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Health Service

If you live in Germany, you will need medical assistance from time to time. Please note, that you always (exept emergency cases and Gynecologists) have to visit the same doctor first. This principle is called "Hausarztprinzip". The so-called "Allgemeinmediziner" (general practitioner) will help you with any medical problem and will send you to specialists, if necessary. You will not be able to visit specialists without a Form of your general practitioner.

Emergency cases

If you have an accident or life threatening problem, call the medical emergency hotline.

Phone: 112

Where to find a doctor:

If your regular practitioner is not available, call the number 116 117. They will tell you a doctor on duty or send a doctor to your appartment.

??Website of the medical service (in german only)

For acute dental problems, contact the dental?emergency service of the university hospital. Phone: 0941 944 0.

What you will need at the doctor

This depends on your insurance. Students and guest researchers with an EHIC card need to show this card at the doctor's office. You receive this card from your insurance in your homecountry.

Students and researchers, registered for public health services, need to show their insurance card.

Students and researchers with a private health insurance need to bring a certificate from their insurance.

  1. UR International Office

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