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Current projects and events

Student projects

Blooming Landscapes and Radiant Heritage? Development of an Audio Walk on the Former Uranium Mining Site Ronneburg (Thuringia)

Impressions from the first excursion with students to Ronneburg in May 2024. We explored various forms of the post-mining landscape of uranium ore mining - from the aestheticized and meticulously composed "New Landscape" in Ronneburg to the unmarked old dump "Stolzenberg," where the Geiger counter registered high radiation levels. Additionally, the students visited the exhibitions of two mining associations that preserve the heritage of uranium ore mining from the perspective of Wismut SDAG. The motto of the panel discussion we attended at the beginning of the excursion in Gera guided our thoughts throughout the days of the excursion: "What Remains of Wismut."

? Juliane Tomann

Current research projects

Infrastructures of Memory: Actants of Globalisation and their Impact on German and Polish Memory Culture.

Individual Research Project:?immersive digital technologies in historical exhibitions

First project meeting in Warsaw on March 22 and 23, 2024: Presentation of all sub-projects and tour of the construction site of the Polish National Museum

Impressions of the first meeting:

?? DHI Warschau

Doing history - reenactment as performative practice in the USA, Germany and Poland

Doing gender in historical reenactment

The commencement and development of reenactments in the GDR


Reconfiguring history beyond disciplinarity. Emerging interdisciplinary research fields and their approaches towards history

Everyone is talking about interdisciplinarity. But what does this mean in relation to history? What happens when researchers looking at the past are not trained historians but rather have a background in performance studies? Which approaches do newer research fields employ when investigating the past and what do they understand by the term “history”? And what interdisciplinary approaches does history use to gain new information about the past? These questions are investigated in the series of workshops in 2021 and 2022, with international participants from differing disciplines and academic fields. The results will be published as a special issue.

You can find a report on the first workshop here. Following workshops took place in January and October 2022.?The results of the discussions will be summarized in a special issue for the journal "Rethinking History", which will be published in 2024.

This is a joint project with Joanna Wawrzyniak ?(Sociology, University of Warsaw) and the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena.

Publication projects

Juliane Tomann and Joanna Wawrzyniak (eds.):Beyond Disciplinarity: Emerging Interdisciplinary Fields and Their Reconfigurations of History. Special Issue (Rethinking History, forthcoming 2024).

Blog "Doing I Public I History"

Cord Arendes and Stefanie Samida from Heidelberg University, and myself run the blog "Doing I Public I History". It is devoted, in particular, to the performative practice of public history, and puts forward different modes of making history as "doing history".

  1. Fakult?t für Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
  2. Institut für Geschichte

Professorship for Public History

Universit?t Regensburg
Sedanstra?e 1, SE02
93055 Regensburg
Telefon 0941 943 7682
