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Conference: Military Reenactment, Military Heritage, and Historical Conflicts and Traumas in Czech Lands

Keynote by Juliane Tomann: Doing Gender in Historical Reenactments

Prague 29.-30. August

Panel Discussion: Is the Future of Eyewitness Testimony Digital? with Anja Ballis, Wulf Kansteiner, and J?rg Skriebeleit

Moderator: Juliane Tomann

Regensburg June 20, 2024

Conference: Regions in Transition. Economy, Politics, and Society Since the 1960s

Panel Discussion with Juliane Tomann, Marcus B?ick, Robert Lorenz, Susanne Richter, and Willi Kulk on the Topic: Place of Structural Change and Deindustrialization in the Collective German Memory

Halle-Wittenberg June 19, 2024

Celebratory Event for 25 Years of the Route of Industrial Culture

Panel Discussion with Juliane Tomann, René Tribble, and Ivo von Hove

Essen May 29, 2024

Living History Conference at the Open-Air Museum at Kiekeberg

Opening Lecture by Juliane Tomann: Living History. Introduction

Kiekeberg May 12-14, 2024


Workshop:Nuclear Heritage in East-Central Europe

Potsdam 7.-8. Dezember 2023


Concept and organization: Juliane Tomann and Magdalena Banaszkiewicz in cooperation with Corinne Geering (Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO)) and Torsten Meyer (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Leibniz Research Museum for Geo-resources)

Presentation: Juliane Tomann:?Historische Reenactments in der DDR. Lebendige Geschichte zwischen eigensinniger Freizeitgestaltung und Geschichtspolitik

Regensburg 19. Oktober 2023

Talk: Colloquium Public History University of Heidelberg

Heidelberg 15 June 2023

Jana Vinga Martins presents her doctoral project as part of Prof. Dr. Cord Arendes' research colloquium Public History at Heidelberg University.

Workshop: International Workshop "Doing Gender in Practices of Doing History: Engendered Performances of the Past“

Leipzig 2./3. M?rz 2023

Concept and organization: Juliane Tomann (Regensburg) and Karin Reichenbach (Leipzig)


Workshop: Cultural Landscapes of Energy: Constructing Histories in the Aftermath of Energy Production

15./16. September 2022 in Leipzig

Juliane Tomann will take over the closing commentary of the workshop and discuss the emergence of "cultural landscapes of energy" and the resulting competing historical narratives in the context of the economic exploitation of (post)industrial landscapes.


Conferenz:?Democratization, Re-Masculinization, or what? Masculinity in the 20th century and beyond

22./23. September 2022 at German Historical Institute, London

Lecture by Juliane Tomann: Processes of Re-Masculinization in popular history. The case of historical reenactment.


Workshop: Beyond the ‘Time Machine’. Understanding Virtual Reality in Historical Culture“

28./29. Oktober 2022

Together with experts from academia and practice, we will discuss how VR technologies can be examined in historical-cultural fields. More information here.

Lecture: On 5 July 2022, Juliane Tomann will give a lecture as part of the lecture series "Heritage and Identity" of the SFB of the same name in Erfurt.?

Public History Lunchtalk 2022

14. Juni 2022 via zoom

Sophie Kühnlenz (Cologne): "Von der Frauengalerie zu queer-feministischer Wissensproduktion? Geschlechterdiskurse in Industrie- und Technikmuseen in historischer Perspektive"

  1. Fakult?t für Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
  2. Institut für Geschichte

Professorship for Public History

Universit?t Regensburg
Sedanstra?e 1, SE02
93055 Regensburg
Telefon 0941 943 7682
