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Master's programme "Ancient History - Classical Studies"

Here you will find information on the Master's programme "Ancient History - Classical Studies" (start: winter semester 2021/22). Click on the headings to access detailed information.

Ancient History in Regensburg

Ancient History in Regensburg

Due to the university's special location in the city of Regensburg (castra Regina), which dates back to a Roman legionary camp, regional history traditionally plays a special role at the department and is pursued, among other things, through the navis lusoria project. Further research focuses are in the area of cultural, social and political history as well as ancient landscapes. Current projects deal, for example, with the following topics:

  • Polities and Ethnicity in Archaic-Classical Greece
  • The Political and Social System of the Roman Republic
  • Roman Social History
  • Myth and Cult
  • History of Emotions
  • Urban History
  • History of Maritime Trade and Economy in Antiquity
  • Gender History

In addition to the variety of topics, the lecturers of the department teach various methodological and theoretical approaches to the ancient historical material, from systems theory to sociological praxeology to the theory of cultural memory. Such theories and methods help to deal critically and productively with the source material - in our opinion one of the most important skills for future historians.

The study of Ancient History is only possible through interdisciplinary and international cooperation, which is why the chair is part of the Institute of History. Together, the history chairs offer various "History" degree programmes (B.A., M.A., teaching). On the other hand, the Chair of Ancient History cooperates with the other Classical Studies in the Centre for Classical Studies. In addition, the Chair of Ancient History regularly organises the Research Colloquium on Ancient History as well as conferences with guests from Germany and abroad. We are also involved in the series of lectures of the Centre for Classical Studies.

Structure of the Programme

Structure of the Programme

The Master's programme is divided into three study phases, each of which focuses on its own study content. In the orientation phase (1st term), students can fill in possible gaps in their knowledge and expand and deepen their foreign language skills. In the main study period (2nd-3rd term), the focus is on research-oriented learning and the acquisition of practical professional skills. A possible semester abroad can also take place in this phase. In the final phase (4th term), students devote themselves to their own research work within the framework of the Master's thesis.


The modules are designed thematically and not chronologically. The elective modules - the core of the Master's programme - serve to set individual thematic priorities and are oriented towards the research foci of the Chair of Ancient History at the University of Regensburg:

  • Ancient Landscapes
  • Social History
  • Cultural History
  • Political History

In addition, the ability to take an interdisciplinary look at cultural-historical contexts in the area of Classical Studies is at the focus of the programme.


In order for students to critically examine possible occupational fields and the associated everyday working life before graduation, they complete an internship of at least four weeks during their studies. The quality of this internship is ensured by the students being accompanied by the subject advisory service and reflecting on the professional field in a report.


More information and an exemplary course of studies are provided here and here. Unfortunatly, these documents are available only in German so far.

What can I do with it?

What can I do with it?

The Master's programme offers you the opportunity to get to know and explore the ancient Greek and Roman world in all its diversity. Students thus receive a comprehensive overview of the various subject areas of Ancient History and the respective state of the current research discussion.


The Master's degree qualifies students for jobs in research, academic teaching, education, the cultural sector or the private sector. Students acquire in-depth general and subject-specific professional competence that enables them to take on leading positions in a team. Professional fields open up at universities in Germany and abroad, in the area of academic institutions and research-related institutions (e.g. academies). In addition, there are fields of activity in museums, publishing houses, as qualified travel guides etc. Our students are also increasingly in demand in the private sector (e.g. fundraising) or in the media as consultants for radio, television, (online) games, etc. In addition, there are numerous job opportunities in the areas of (university) administration, public relations or research management.


Admission requirements and Application

In order to enrol for the Master's programme "Ancient History - Classical Studies", you must first apply to the Chair of Ancient History. Please send your application by e-mail in a PDF to the secretary's office of the Chair of Ancient History.

Application deadlines

15 January for starting the programme in the summer term

15 July for starting the programme in the winter term

Admission requirements for the master's programme:

1. a first subject-related degree (B.A.) in Ancient History or a related subject from the fields of Classical Studies or History with an average grade of at least "good" (2.5).


If the degree certificate cannot yet be submitted at the time of application, proof of qualification can alternatively be provided by a current certified proof of previous study and examination achievements amounting to at least 150 LP.


2. achievements in the study of history amounting to at least 60 LP, including achievements in Ancient History amounting to at least 25 LP


At least 90 LP in Ancient/Classical Studies, including at least 35 LP in Ancient History.


3. latinum (one ancient language can be made up.)

4. graecum (one ancient language can be made up).

5. knowledge of the English language at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

6. for applicants who did not obtain their first degree at a German-speaking educational institution: Proof of German language skills at the level of the German Language Test for University Admission of Foreign Study Applicants (DSH-2).


An ancient language can be made up. The required language skills can be acquired during the course of the programme in courses of the Institute for Classical Philology.

Regulatory Framework

Here you will find the examination regulations in the version adopted on 19 April 2021.


Here you will find the module catalogue valid from WS 2021/22.


Unfortunately, both are only available in German so far.

Chair of Ancient History


Prof. Dr. Angela Ganter

Geb?ude PT, Zi. 3.1.49

Telefon: 0941/943 - 3538

Email to Prof. Dr. Ganter

Email to the Subject Advisory Service