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Course Guidance

Do you have questions regarding your history studies (B.A./M.A./Teaching) or your Bachelor in Classical Studies with a focus on Ancient History? If so, the Department of Ancient History's subject advisory service offers personal support.

Among others, the following topics may be discussed in the student advisory service:

  • Timetable
  • Curriculum, individual focus
  • Student exchange programmes (PONS, ERASMUS)
  • Recognition of study achiements
  • Individual solutions for impairments during studies (compensation for disadvantages, etc.)

and much more.

If interested, please make an appointment for a consultation or simply drop in during office hours. You can also reach us at any time at the following email address: studienberatung.altegeschichte@uni-regensburg.de

Chair of Ancient History


Prof. Dr. Angela Ganter

Geb?ude PT, Zi. 3.1.49

Telefon: 0941/943 - 3538

Email to Prof. Dr. Ganter

Email to the Subject Advisory Service