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The habilitation procedure is intended to give particularly qualified young scientists the opportunity to qualify for appointment to a professorship and, to this end, to perform tasks in research and teaching independently. The habilitation serves to formally establish the scientific and pedagogical suitability to become a professor in a field of human medicine or dentistry at universities. The specialty must be represented by a professor in the Faculty of Medicine or the Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine. Exceptions are decided by the respective faculty council.

For further information, please refer to the documents below or contact the Office of Habilitation Affairs.

Documents and forms

Habilitation regulations DE

Guidelines and application forms can be found in the download area (access via NDS account)


Contact us

Office for Habilitation Affairs

UR- University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine
Dean's Office

Monika Hirmer

Building ZMK, room 4.113
phone +49 941 944-38820
fax +49 941 944-38821


UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg