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Adjunct Professorship

Two years after habilitation, an application can be made for an adjunct professorship (au?erplanm??ige Professur) under certain conditions: The lecturer has worked as a private lecturer at a university for at least two years, of which at least one year must have been at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Regensburg. She or he can demonstrate a continuous, independent academic performance. The nominee has proven themselves in research and teaching if they have published at least five original articles in listed journals with an impact factor of over 1 since habilitation; with first or senior authorship on at least three of the articles. Sufficient teaching experience is assumed if at least 20 teaching hours per semester have been completed.

Further information can be found in the documents below (download area) or requested from the Office for Adjunct Professorships.

Documents and forms

Guidelines and application forms can be found in the download area (access via NDS account).


The dates for the adjunct professorships depend on the meetings of the habilitation commission (usually meets monthly) and the Faculty Council (meets monthly during the semester).

Contact us

Office for Adjunct Professorships

UR- University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine
Dean's Office

Elisabeth Schick

Building ZMK, room 4.119
phone +49 941 944-18819
fax +49 941 944-38813

Adjunct Professorship

UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg