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Contact Persons

Subject librarian

Dr. Ines H?usler

Philosophy/Theology, Room 1.2.04

Phone 0941 943-4178

E-mail: ines.haeusler@ur.de / geschichte.ub@ur.de

Departmental librarian

Marion Ferst

Philosophy/Theology, Room 1.2.02

Phone 0941 943-3432

E-mail: marion.ferst@ur.de / geschichte.ub@ur.de

Oberpfalz Bibliography

Barbara Peisl

Central Library, Room 5.12

Phone 0941 943-3037

E-mail: barbara.peisl@ur.de


Spital certificates in the virtual archive

The archive of the Bürgerspital St. Katharina preserves an essential part of the written cultural heritage of Regensburg. With 5,000 imperial, papal and private documents, 4,500 volumes and thousands of files and plans, it dates back to the 12th century. Fireproof vaults and heavy iron doors protected the archive material over the centuries from the effects of war and fire. Under the supervision of the cathedral chapter and the city council, an archive stock unique in the German-speaking world was preserved. When imperial archivist Franz Joseph von Samet visited the Katharinenspital in 1812, he discovered there, in his own words, a veritable treasure of documents.

The hospital certificates can now be found in the virtual archive of www.monasterium.net.


Site plans of the sublibraries

Lageplaene-bibliothekSite plans of the 13 sublibraries

A 3D overview plan shows the reading rooms in the respective faculty buildings.

More detailed floor plans provide you with information about the accesses within the respective building when you click on them.

Reading Rooms with subject allocation

Overview of the reading rooms (PDF) with subject allocation.

Map Reading Room Philosophicum 2 Lower?Level

Skizze Philosophicum 2 Ebene?Map?Philosophicum 2 Lower?Level?PDF

Collection Overview

Collection and reading room

Status: March 2016

  • 61,542 volumes in the open access area in the reading room Philosophicum 2 floor level (incl. journal volumes),
  • 145,990 volumes in the central holdings (incl. journal volumes)
  • 3,818 dissertations
  • 1,097 Audiovisual media (CD-ROMs, DVDs, video cassettes)
  • 4,627 Rare
  • 2.580 Textbooks in the textbook collection (17/N)
  • 669 Schoolbooks in the schoolbook collection (18/N)
  • 2.125 Volumes in the General Reading Room (11/N)

Short Introduction

The Regensburg University Library acquires literature on all aspects of history. The main focus is on current study and research literature. Textbooks and reference works ( lexica, encyclopaedias, handbooks, language dictionaries) on all sub-disciplines of history represented at the University Library are acquired, as well as literature on research foci at the University and monographs on important individual topics.

The conventional literature is increasingly supplemented by electronic media. The University Library offers access to more than 3,200 electronic journals (yellow and green dot in the Electronic Journals Library?EZB)?and to a large number of literature databases (e.g. " Archive in Bayern"/Archives in Bavaria, "Aufsatzdatenbank Osteuropa"/Article Database Eastern Europe, "Bibliographie faksimilierter Handschriften"/bibliography of facsimile manuscripts, "Clio Online", "Historical Abstracts", "Zeitschriftenschau Geschichte"/journal show history) in the field of history.

Within the scope of its financial possibilities, the University Library of Regensburg always endeavours to acquire the literature you need. Please share your acquisition suggestions with us.

Find Literature and Media

  • Regensburg catalogue plus

In the Regensburg Catalogue plus you will find about 3.9 million media from the following institutions: University of Regensburg, University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, WIOS, State Library Regensburg, Art Forum East German Gallery, Municipal Museum, Archive of the City of Regensburg, Episcopal Central Library Regensburg, Fürst Thurn und Taxis Court Library and Archive, Bavarian Music Academy Schloss Alteglofsheim, City Museum Abensberg Herzogskasten

Important Location Identifiers (Beginnings of Shelfmarks) for Historians

Location Identifier Locations
50/... Reference holdings in the Reading Room Philosophicum II
00/... Central holdings in the central library. Titles can be ordered
17/... Textbook collection in the Central Library. Titles can be borrowed
18/... Schoolbook collection in the Central Library
23/N... Dissertations in the field of history
24/N ... Dissertations
6001/... CD-ROMs at the lending desk Philosophicum II. The CD-ROMs can be borrowed
501/... "Handapparat" Collection Prof. Rudolph
5011/... "Handapparat" Collection?Prof. Liedtke
5012/... "Handapparat" Collection Prof. Duijzings
502/... "Handapparat" Collection Prof. L?ffler
503/... "Handapparat" Collection Prof. Kortüm
504/... "Handapparat" Collection Prof. Franz J. Bauer
505/... N. N.
506/... "Handapparat" Collection Prof. Saile
507/... "Handapparat" Collection Prof. J. Oberste
508/... "Handapparat" Collection Prof. Spoerer
509/... "Handapparat" Collection Prof. Brunnbauer
510/... "Handapparat" Collection Dr. Memminger

The N systematics for History: How is the literature organized?

In the History Reading Room (as in all other reading rooms of the University Library of Regensburg including the textbook collection) the books are arranged systematically according to subject areas, i.e. all works on a specific topic are placed next to each other. You can get an overview of the holdings in the reference section by "browsing" the shelves.

Section Description
NA journals and yearbooks
NB History as a science and subject
NC Historical resources
Reference works
Biographical reference works
Bibliographies and source analysis/study of sources
ND Historical ancillary sciences
NF Pre- and Early History
NG Ancient history
NH Greco-Roman History
1020-3069 Greek writers
3070-4650 Latin writers
Representations on Greek-Roman history
5350-6890 Greek History
7000-8600 Roman history
9000-9380 Byzantine Empire

World History, Presentations of the General History of Individual States and Peoples, Sub-areas of History, Collected Works
World History
European history ...

NM History of the Middle Ages
NN Modern history
NO Age of the French Revolution and Napoleon (1789 - 1815)
NP From the Congress of Vienna to the End of the First World War (1815 - 1918)
NQ History since 1918
NR State and City History (General, German and Austrian State and City History, Foreign City History, History of German Emigrants)
NS Bavarian Regional History
NT General legal, constitutional and administrative history
NU History of science and education
NV Religious and Church History
NW Economic and social history
NY History of the Jews

Acquisition Suggestions

Internet Portals for Historians

What is the purpose of specialist portals?

Specialist portals bundle digital offers around a topic in the form of a website. The contents are at least superficially checked. Thus, they provide the user with fast and targeted access to high-quality specialist information - an indispensable aid in the face of the Internet's unfiltered flood of information.

What role do libraries play?

Large libraries were quick to recognise the danger of drowning in the great flood of knowledge accumulating on the Internet and developed solution strategies. They have been working for several years on evaluating this information and offering it in a structured and orderly manner. In addition, libraries themselves contribute content to the new medium. Above all, however, they are building specially tailored access points for those areas that have long been the focus of their collecting activities. These access points to the Internet are known as "subject portals" or "virtual subject libraries".

Stephan Kellner, In: Library Forum Bavaria 02 (2008) p. 31

General | Ancient History | Medieval History | Modern and Contemporary History | Bavarian Regional History | History of Eastern and Southeastern Europe | Historical Auxiliary Sciences | Visual Resources

Please Note: Only the resources available in English are listed below. For a more comprehensive list of Internet portals for Historians which also includes the?portals solely available in German, please refer to the German equivalent of this webpage.


General Access points:

  • H-Soz-u-Kult
    The Internet forum Humanities-Net Social and Cultural History sees itself as a central communication and information platform for the German-speaking historical sciences on the Internet. It offers a broad spectrum of expert contributions, especially on modern political, social and cultural history (conference reports, presentation of current research projects, research discussions, summaries of current journals, reviews). Founded in 1996.
  • Clio Online
    Portal for the historical sciences: under construction since 2002, supervised at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Funded by the DFG. The portal attempts to bring together the internet resources of the historical sciences and cooperates closely with various partners, e.g. the Centre for Contemporary Historical Research (ZZF) in Potsdam. It offers, among other things, a meta search for literature and sources in several subject databases and contributes to sustainable electronic publishing with the publication series Historisches Forum.

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Access to Ancient History:

  • Propylaeum - Virtual Library of Classical Studies
    The project Propylaeum is an internet portal that offers subject information for the entire field of Classical Studies, currently for the subjects Egyptology, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, Classical Philology and Pre- and Early History.

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Access to Medieval History:

  • Monumenta Germaniae Historica digital
    The Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) has the task of publishing and indexing the historical sources of the European Middle Ages in critical text editions. The MGH digital presents all edited volumes published up to the year 2000 and is a joint project of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica and the Bavarian State Library Munich, funded by the German Research Foundation.
  • Regesta Imperii
    As an inventory of all documentary and historiographical sources of the Roman-German kings from the Carolingians to Maximilian I and the popes of the early and high Middle Ages, the RI is among the major source works on German and European history. Indispensable, not only for bibliographic references.

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Access to modern history and contemporary history:

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Access to Bavarian regional history:

  • ?bavarikon
    ?Is a portal to Bavarian regional studies, culture and art.
  • Bavarian Regional Library Online (BLO)
    Is the central cultural studies portal on the history and culture of Bavaria. The individual modules and focal points of the collection can be searched individually, but also partially with the help of central search entries (places, persons). In addition to digital full texts (source editions, journals), one of the first historical encyclopaedias is being created here, which is subject to specialist editing and thus to a qualitative examination: the Historical Dictionary of Bavaria. The BLO is a joint project. It is supported by six Bavarian libraries and a number of cooperation partners from science and administration; the Bavarian State Library is in charge. A forward-looking pioneering project, that is what the future looks like!

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Access to the history of Eastern- and South-Eastern Europe:

Since its foundation in April 1950, the Herder Institute has been one of the central institutions for historical research on East Central Europe in Germany.

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Access to historical auxiliary sciences:

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With a total of more than 1.7 million images, one of the largest image archives on European art and architecture.

Review media and services

Please note: Only the resources available in English are listed below. For a more comprehensive list of resources, which also includes sources solely available in German, please refer to the German equivalent of this webpage.

Reviews are, among others, offered by the following specialist information services:

  • H-Soz-u-Kult
  • H-Net Reviews
    The review portal ZBLG-ONLINE has been available since November 2007. It provides selected current reviews of the Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte immediately after their completion, before they appear in the usual printed form.
  • Sehepunkte
    The online review journal Sehepunkte appears twelve times a year. The editors of the Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte (quarterly issues of contemporary history) have been working together with the review journal Sehepunkte since 2003.
  • Bryn Mawr Classical Review
    Bryn Mawr Classical Review is based on the second oldest independent online review journal in the humanities, Bryn Mawr Electronic Resources Review. Since 2000, the journal has operated under the name Bryn Mawr Classical Review, publishing reviews in the field of ancient history and ancient studies. It contains reviews from 1990 until today.

Important libraries for historians

Please note: Only the resources available in English are listed below. For a more comprehensive list of resources, which also includes sources solely available in German, please refer to the German equivalent of this webpage.

University and the local region

?Please note: Only the resources available in English are listed below. For a more comprehensive list of resources, which also includes sources solely available in German, please refer to the German equivalent of this webpage.

  1. Homepage UR

University Library

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