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punc.space is an informal network of people who are concerned with aspects of punctuation. Why don't you join???Click here to go to the registration form.

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Dr. Jamal Alqinai


Research interests: Comparative study of English and Arabic punctuation systems with special emphasis on the semiotic and pragmatic aspects of punctuation, ellipsis and lexical compensation. Morpho-phonemics of loanwords and contrastive translation studies.

Dr. Dana Awad

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Research interests: Arabic punctuation marks, contrastive analysis of punctuation in Arabic, French and English. Translation Studies. The use of punctuation in Arabic social media posts. Semiotic analysis of punctuation marks. Pragmatic analysis of punctuation marks.

Franziska Eber-Hammerl

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Research interests: text linguistics, historical sociolinguistics, formulaic language

Dr. Robert?Fouser

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Research interests: Second/Additional Language Learning, History of Language Learning, Sociolinguistics, Writing Systems, Korean Language, Japanese language.

Maurice Hüttemann

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Research interests: Interpunktion und grammatische Strukturen, Interpunktionserwerb, Kommadidaktik am Gymnasium

Alexander Katourgi

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Research interests: Punctuation in text and in grammar,?in the clause periphery,?in norm and in use.
Swedish punctuation

Johannes Kozinowski

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Research interests: Orthographierwerb/-didaktik (insbesondere: Interpunktionserwerb/-didaktik), Grammatikerwerb-/didaktik, Lese- und Schreibdidaktik

Albert E. Krahn

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Research interests: The linguistics of English punctuation, cross-linguistic punctuation

Dr. Milica Lazovic

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Research interests: Sprach(lern)beratung, Kommunikationsanalyse und gesprochene Sprache, Sprachstandsdiagnostik, Spracherwerb und Orthographie

Dr. Ilka Lemke

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Research interests: Interpunktion des Deutschen, insb. das Komma, Schriftlinguistik und Orthographie, Flexionsmorphologie (synchron/diachron), Sprachwandel und Sprachgeschichte, Sprachliche Normen und Variation, Sprachgeschichte in der Schule

Tanguy Lemoine


Research interests: Punctuation in French during the 16th and 17th centuries,?intermediate punctuation (colon, semicolon, middle dot), diachronic text linguistics, corpus linguistics, digital humanities, textometry, history of printed books, stylistics of literary genres

Prof. Dr. Elena Llamas-Pombo

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Research interests: History of French language;?Orality and Literacy;?Graphemics, Graphematics and?Orthography;?Manuscripts;?History and Linguistics of Punctuation;?Oral Poetry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christopher Lowy

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Research interests: History of written Japanese; aesthetic uses of writing systems in Japanese literature; introduction and adaptation of Western punctuation to Japan; Unicode

Craig Mabrey


Elvin Meng

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Research interests: East Asian and European thought, media history & theory, translation, Manchu studies, intellectual history (esp. of linguistics, communication, and musicology), history of science and technology, literary theory?

Dr. Michael Nguyen

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Research interests: Punctuation, grammar, language development, Germanic languages (especially Danish)

Dr. Andreas Nolda

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Research interests: writing systems and their relation to spoken systems,? word formation and inflection,? the formation of spoken and written numerals,? learner corpora and error analysis

Jonas Romstadt

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Research interests: Punctuation in use, variation, changes in punctuation in (german) exams over the last 100 years, punctuation and education

Irene Simonsen

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Research interests: Text linguistics, formulaic language, L2 acquisition, contrastive studies between Danish and German

Christian Stang

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Research interests: Orthografie, Interpunktion

Linda Stark

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Research interests: Acquisition of punctuation, codification of punctuation, variation in punctuation, principles and strategies of punctuation (in particular: german comma)?


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Research interests: Annotation symbols in medieval Latin manuscripts. Quotation signs, which are the ancient and medieval precursors of the modern quotation mark. Practice of marking quotations in different manuscript cultures.

Dr. Jenny Str?m Herold

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Research interests: contrastive linguistics, translation studies, punctuation in contrast

Dr. Kun Sun

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Research interests: text grammar, computational (quantitative) syntax and semantics, corpus linguistics, studies of punctuation (history of punctuation development, quantitative and cognitive approaches to punctuation)

Prof. Dr. Paul R?ssler

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Research interests: punctuation, standardization & variation, morphology and historical sociolinguistics

Dr. Dalma Véry

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Research interests: German, English, and Hungarian punctuation, native language transfer in writing, translation studies, the phenomenology of the sign, textual space

Dorothee Wielenberg

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Research interests: german punctuation

Nomsa Zindela


Research interests:

corpus linguistics, onomastics, assessment


punctuation network http://puncspace.ur.de