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Selina Meyer, MA


01 | Research

As part of my research, I look at possibilities of using information systems to enable a healthier lifestyle. I focus mainly on the development of technical applications that can effectively support health behaviour changes by increasing a person’s motivation to change. My main interest lies in Conversational Agents, but I also like exploring the ethical implications of such systems and am fascinated by large (generative) language models and their capabilities and potential applications.

02 | Teaching

Advanced Seminar

Summer 2023

Conversational Agents for Behavior Changes

Summer 2022

Tutorial to Introduction into Information Retrieval

Summer 2020 | Summer 2021

Tutorial to Basics and Applications of Machine Learning / Basics of Computational Intelligence

Summer 2020 | Summer 2021

Tutorial to Representation and Processing of Secure and Unsecure Knowledge

Winter 2020/21


Since March 2020?

Research Associate and Lecturer at the Chair of Information Science (University of Regensburg)

2018 - 2019

Scientific assistant at the Chair of Information Science (University of Regensburg)

2017 - 2019?

MA Information Science Studies (University of Regensburg)

2013 - 2017

BA Anglistics und Information Science Studies (University of Regensburg)


Sci. Activities

Services to the Community

  • YRRSDS 2022 (Coordinator and Programme Organizer)
  • CUI 2022 (Programme Committee Member)
  • DH Spring School 2022 (Member in the planning and organization team)
  • CHIIR 2022 (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, furthermore Member of local organization team)
  • YRRSDS 2021 (Co-Coordinator and Designer)
  • European iSchools Doctoral Seminar Series 11/2020 (Member of the Organization Committee)
  • CHIIR 2021 (Volunteer student assistant)
  • COSIT 2019 (Webmaster and member of local organization team)

Tasks at the Chair of Information Science Besides Research and Teaching

  • 2022 Member in the workgroup "Studiengangsevaluation M.A. Digital Humanities"



Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

Doctoral Scholarship

  1. Homepage UR

Information Science

Selina Meyer M.A.

Selina Meyer

Building PT, Room 3.0.68
Phone +49 (0)941 943-3464


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