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Urban Bahamian Creole (Hackert)

Stephanie Hackert. 2004.?Urban Bahamian Creole: System and Variation. Varieties of English Around the World G32. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins.

This volume, a detailed empirical study of the creole English spoken in the Bahamian capital, Nassau, contributes to our understanding of both urban creoles and tense-aspect marking in creoles. The first part traces the development of a creole in the Bahamas via socio-demographic data and outlines its current status and functions vis-à-vis the standard in politics, the media, and education. The linguistic chapters combine typological and variationist methods to describe exhaustively a comprehensive grammatical subsystem, past temporal reference, offering a discourse-based approach to such controversial categories as the preverbal past marker. The quantitative analysis of variable past inflection, finally, tests not only well-known constraints, such as stativity or social class, but also ethnographically determined ones, such as narrative type. Its results are relevant not only to the study of Caribbean English-lexifier creoles and related varieties, such as African American English, but also to variation and change in urban dialects generally.

Contact details:

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hackert, Institut für Englische Philologie, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universit?t München

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

English Linguistics

Research Center for

World Englishes 


Universit?t Regensburg
Department of English and American Studies
93040 Regensburg