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Teaching & Supervising

Prof. Dr. Edgar W. Schneider?



University of Bamberg

SS 1979?????? PS??????? Lehrbuchanalyse

?????????????????? ?????????? ?bersetzungsübung englisch - deutsch

WS 1979/80? PS ?????? Die generative Transformationsgrammatik

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

SS 1980?????? PS??????? Black English

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

WS 1980/81? PS??????? Die Erforschung sprachlicher Variation in den USA

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

SS 1981?????? PS??????? Soziolinguistik

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

WS 1981/82? PS??????? Koh?sionsstrukturen englischer Texte

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

SS 1982?????? PS ?????? Wortbildung und Flexionsmorphologie im Englischen

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

WS 1982/83? S????????? Englische Sprachgeschichte

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

SS 1983?????? PS??????? Leonard Bloomfield`s "Language" (1933) – fifty years after

?????????????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

WS 1983/84? PS??????? English semantics

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

SS 1984?????? PS??????? Bilingualism and minority varieties of English in the USA

?????????????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

WS 1984/85? PS ?????? Problems in English syntax

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

SS 1985?????? PS??????? Transformational generative grammar

?????????????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium fürExamenskandidaten

WS 1985/86? PS??????? The English lexicon - a diachronic and synchronic view

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

SS 1986?????? PS??????? Computer applications in English linguistics

?????????????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

WS 1986/87? PS??????? Introduction to English-related creole studies

?????????????????? S????????? Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft

SS 1987?????? PS??????? Morphology and syntax of the English verb

?????????????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

WS 1987/88? V????????? Semantik des Englischen

????????????????????? PS??????? British and American Sociolinguistics

SS 1988?????? HS??????? Das Englische in Afrika und in der Karibik

SS 1989?????? V????????? Das "Black English" in den USA

University of Trier

SS 1988 ????? V????????? Black English

?????????????????? HS??????? Varieties of American English

?????????????????? PS ?????? Analysen englischer und deutscher Zeitungstexte

Freie Universit?t Berlin

WS 1989/90 V????????? American Black English

?????????????????? HS??????? Synonymy and Quasi-Synonyms in English

?????????????????? PS/? ?? Early Modern English

?????????????????? ?????????? Einführung in die Linguistik

SS 1990 ????? V ???????? Quantifizierendes Denken und statistische Prüfverfahren in der englischen?? Linguistik

? ???????????????? HS ?????? English in Africa and the Caribbean

?????????????????? PS ?????? English Morphology

? ???????????????? PS/? ?? Einführung in die historische Sprachwissenschaft

WS 1990/91 OS?????? Models of Language Variation and Change

?????????????????? HS??????? English Lexicography

?????????????????? PS/???? Einführung in die historische Sprachwissenschaft: Mittelenglisch

?????????????????? ?????????? Einführung in die Linguistik

SS 1991 ????? V????????? English Lexicology

?????????????????? HS??????? Varieties of American English

?????????????????? PS/???? Computers and the English Language

?????????????????? ?/PS??? Einführung in die historische Sprachwissenschaft: Altenglisch

WS 1991/92? V????????? English-oriented Pidgins and Creoles

?????????????????? HS??????? The Paston Letters and the Cely Letters of the 15th Century

?????????????????? HS??????? Linguistic Analyses of American Ex-Slave Narratives

?????????????????? ?/PS??? Einführung in die historische Sprachwissenschaft: Frühneuenglisch

WS 1992/93 HS??????? Exercises in Lexical Semantics

?????????????????? ?????????? Einführung in die Linguistik

University of Regensburg

WS 1992/93 HS??????? The Paston Letters and the Cely Letters of the 15th Centur

?????????????????? HS??????? Structures in the English Vocabulary

SS 1993 ????? V ???????? American Black English

? ???????????????? HS??????? English in Africa and the Caribbean

?????????????????? HS??????? English Morphology: History and Structure

? ???????????????? K????????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

WS 1993/94 V ???????? Historische Phonologie und Morphologie des Englischen

? ???????????????? HS??????? Varieties of American English

? ???????????????? HS??????? English Lexicography

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 1994 ????? V ???????? English Semantics

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Exercises in Lexical Semantics

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Early Modern English

?????????????????? K ???????? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 1994/95 V ???????? English-based Pidgins and Creoles

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Linguistic Analyses of American Ex-Slave Narratives

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Problems in English Syntax

?????????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 1995 ????? V ???????? Corpus Linguistics: Analysing Computerized Text Corpora of English (1std.)

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Computer-assisted Studies in the History of English

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Language Change

? ???????????????? K ???????? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 1995/96 V ???????? The English Language: Structure - History - Diffusion

? ???????????????? HS ?????? British and American Dialectology

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Fifteenth Century Letter Collections

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 1996 ????? HS ?????? American and British Sociolinguistics

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Varieties of English Around the World

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Structures in the English Vocabulary

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwisenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten: Neue ???? Leseliste für Staatsexamen Gymnasien

SS 1997 ????? V ???????? African American English and Beyond

? ???????????????? HS??????? English in Africa and the Caribbean

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Problems in English Syntax

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

WS 1997/98 V ???????? English-oriented Pidgins and Creoles

? ???????????????? HS ?????? English Lexicography

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Synonymy and Quasi-synonyms in English

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 1998 ????? V ???????? American English

? ???????????????? HS ?????? English Historical Syntax: Corpus-Based Analyses

? ???????????????? ? ???????? Introduction to English Linguistics

? ???????????????? K ???????? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 1998/99 V ???????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V ???????? Computers in English Linguistics: Principles and Resources (1std.)

?????????????????? HS ?????? British and American Dialectology

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Early Modern English

? ???????????????? K????????? Sprachwissenschaftlichers Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 1999 ????? V ???????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V ???????? English Historical Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? HS ?????? English in Africa and the Caribbean

? ???????????????? HS ?????? The English Vocabulary (synchronic and diachronic)

? ???????????????? K ???????? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 1999/2000 V ????? The English Language: Structure - History - Diffusion

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Varieties of American English

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Language Change

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 2000 ????? V ???????? English Semantics

? ???????????????? HS ?????? The History of English as Reflected in Electronic Text Corpora

? ???????????????? ?????????? Introduction to English Linguistics

? ???????????????? K ???????? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2000/01 V ???????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V ???????? English Historical Morphology (1std.)

? ???????????????? HS ?????? New Englishes

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Evaluating a New Grammar: The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English in Perspective

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

WS 2001/02 V ???????? American English

? ???????????????? HS ?????? English-oriented Pidgins and Creoles

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Early Modern English

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 2002 ????? V ???????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

?????????????????? HS ?????? English Lexicography

? ???????????????? ? ???????? Introduction to English Linguistics

? ???????????????? K ???????? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2002/03 V ???????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V ???????? Lexical Semantics (1std.)

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Corpus-based exercises in lexical semantics

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Language Contact and the English Language

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 2003 ????? V ???????? African American English – and beyond

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Evaluating a New Grammar: The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language in Perspective

????????? ? ??????? ? ???????? Introduction to English Linguistics

????????? ? ??????? K/OS ?? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2003/04 V ???????? The English Language: Structure - History - Diffusion

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Post-Colonial Englishes: Evolution and Text Analyses

? ???????????????? HS ?????? The Paston Letters and the Cely Letters of the 15th Century: Language and Culture

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 2004 ????? V ???????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V ???????? The History of the English Language: A Survey (1std.)

? ???????????????? HS ?????? English Morphology: History and Structure

? ???????????????? ? ???????? Introduction to English Linguistics

? ???????????????? K/OS Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2004/05 V ???????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V ???????? The History of the English Language: A Survey (1std.)

? ???????????????? HS ?????? English Historical Syntax: Corpus-Based Analyses

? ???????????????? HS ?????? African American English: Issues and Text Analyses

? ???????????????? K ???????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

SS 2005 ????? V ???????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V ???????? The History of the English Language: A Survey (1std.)

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Language Change

? ???????????????? HS ?????? Varieties of American English

?????????????????? HS ?????? The English Vocabulary: Synchronic and Diachronic Patterns

? ???????????????? K/OS ?? Recent Research in English Linguistics

SS 2006 ????? V????????? American English

? ???????????????? HS??????? English in Africa and the Caribbean

? ???????????????? K????????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

? ???????????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2006/07? V????????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V????????? The History of the English Language: A Survey (1std.)

? ???????????????? K????????? Sprachwissenschaftliches Repetitorium für Examenskandidaten

? ???????????????? HS??????? British and American Dialect Geography

? ???????????????? HS??????? Corpus-based Exercises in Lexical Semantics

SS 2007?????? V????????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V????????? The History of the English Language: A Survey (1std.)

? ???????????????? V????????? Postcolonial Englishes

? ???????????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

?????????????????? HS??????? English-oriented Pidgins and Creoles

? ???????????????? HS??????? The History of English as Reflected in Electronic Text Corpora

WS 2007/08? V????????? English Lexicology

? ???????????????? HS??????? English Lexicography

? ???????????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen

? ???????????????? S????????? Writing Your Final Thesis (1std.)

SS 2008?????? HS??????? African American English: Issues and Text Analyses

? ???????????????? HS??????? Problems in English Syntax

? ???????????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2008/09? V????????? English Phonetics and Phonology (1std.)

? ???????????????? V????????? The History of the English Language: A Survey (1std.)

? ???????????????? HS??????? Varieties of American English

? ???????????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen

? ???????????????? S????????? Writing Your Final Thesis (1std.)

SS 2009?????? V????????? The Structure of English

? ???????????????? V????????? American English

? ???????????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2009/10? V????????? The Structure of English

? ???????????????? V????????? English Lexicology

? ???????????????? V????????? The History of the English Language: A Survey (1std.)

? ???????????????? HS??????? World Englishes: Evolution and Text Analyses

SS 2010?????? V????????? The Structure of English

? ??????? ????????? V????????? African American English in its Linguistic and Cultural Context

? ??????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2010/11? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? English as a Global Language

????????? ????????? HS??????? How words mean: Corpus-based exercises in lexical semantics

????????? ????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen (vertieft), 1-std.

SS 2011 ????? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? American English: Evolution and Variation

????????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

SS 2012 ????? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? The Evolution of English: A Historical Survey

????????? ????????? HS??????? Grammatical variation in World Englishes: corpus-based exercises

????????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2012/13? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? English Lexicology

????????? ????????? HS??????? English-oriented Pidgins and Creoles

????????? ????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen (LA Gym)

????????? ????????? S????????? Your Final Thesis: Researching and Writing Strategies (1std.)

SS 2013 ????? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? African American English in its Linguistic and Cultural Context

????????? ????????? HS??????? World Englishes: YouTube as Evidence?

????????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

????????? ????????? S????????? Your Final Thesis: Researching and Writing Strategies (1std.)

WS 2013/14? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? English Around the World

????????? ????????? HS??????? Corpus Linguistics: Principles, Procedures, Practice

????????? ????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen (LA Gym)

SS 2014 ????? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? English in Use

????????? ????????? V????????? American English: Evolution and Variation

HS???? ????????? Corpus-based exercises in lexical semantics: polysemy diffusion in New Englishes

????????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2014/15? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? The Evolution of English: A Historical Survey

????????? ????????? HS??????? World Englishes on YouTube

????????? ????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen (LA Gym)

????????? ????????? S????????? Your Final Thesis: Researching and Writing Strategies (1std.)

SS 2015 ????? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? English Lexicology

????????? ????????? HS??????? English Lexicography

????????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

????????? ????????? S????????? Your Final Thesis: Researching and Writing Strategies (1std.)

SS 2016 ????? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? African American English in its Linguistic and Cultural Context

????????? ????????? HS??????? English-oriented Pidgins and Creoles

????????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

????????? ????????? S????????? Your Final Thesis: Researching and Writing Strategies (1std.)

WS 2016/17? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? English Around the World

????????? ????????? HS??????? Corpus Linguistics: Principles, Procedures, Practice

????????? ????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen (LA Gym)

SS 2017 ????? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? The Evolution of English: A Historical Survey

????????? ????????? HS??????? African American English: Issues and Text Analyses

????????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

????????? ????????? S????????? Your Final Thesis: Researching and Writing Strategies (1std.)

WS 2017/18? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? American English: Evolution and Variation

????????? ????????? S????????? Academic Writing for Linguistics (MA)

????????? ????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen (LA Gym)

SS 2018 ????? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? HS??????? World Englishes on YouTube

????????? ????????? HS??????? Grammatical Variation in World Englishes: Corpus-based Exercises

????????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

????????? ????????? S????????? Your Final Thesis: Researching and Writing Strategies (1std.)

WS 2018/19? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? English in Use

????????? ????????? V????????? English Lexicology

????????? ????????? HS??????? English Lexicography

????????? ????????? S????????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen (LA Gym) (1-std.)

SS 2019 ????? V????????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? V????????? African American English in its Linguistic and Cultural Context

????????? ????????? HS??????? English-oriented Pidgins and Creoles

????????? ????????? K/OS??? Recent Research in English Linguistics

WS 2019/2020????????? V ???????? The Structure of English

????????? ????????? HS ?????? African American English: Issues and Text Analyses

????????? ????????? V ???????? World Englishes in multilingual contexts

????????? ????????? S ???????? Sprachwissenschaft im Staatsexamen (LA Gym)


Habiliations (Post-Doctoral Theses)

Magnus Huber, "A computerized corpus of the English dialect of the Southeast-Welsh mining valleys" (not completed at Regensburg because of call to professorship at University of Gie?en, 2004)

Ingrid Piller, "Bilingual couples talk: the discursive construction of hybridity" (Regensburg 2002; administrative supervision only)

Daniel Schreier, "Phonotactic variation and change: the synchronic and diachronic dimension of consonant cluster reduction in English" (Regensburg 2004)

Susanne Mühleisen, "Of lessees, retirees and beseechees: A historical, empirical and sociolinguistic analysis of a word-formation and its productivity in English" (Regensburg 2006; administrative supervision only)

Stephanie Hackert, "The emergence of the English native speaker – chapter in 19th-century linguistic thought" (Regensburg 2009)

Alexander Kautzsch, " The attainment of an English accent: British and American features in advanced German learners " (2015)

Sarah Buschfeld, " Children’s English in Singapore: Acquisition, Properties, and Use" (2018)

Lucia Siebers, "You must excuse my bad writen: The Corpus of Older African American Letters as evidence of the history of African American English" (in preparation)

Thorsten Brato, Structural nativization in Ghanaian English (in prep.)

Doctoral Dissertations

Claudia Blank, "Der Einflu? des amerikanischen Englisch auf das Lexikon des Pennsylvania German der Old Order Amish in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania" (Regensburg 1994; Betreuung übernommen)

Frank Maas, "Competence in a Second Language: The Case of Cuban Exiles in South Florida" (FU Berlin 1996)

Melanie Sch?fer, "Count and Mass Nouns in English: A Synchronic and Diachronic Study" (Regensburg 1998)

Thomas Sch?nweitz, "Geschlechtsspezifische Variation im Southern American Englisch – eine soziolinguistische Auswertung der Daten des Linguistic Atlas of the Gulf States" (Regensburg 1998)

Alexander Kautzsch, "The Historical Evolution of Earlier African American English. An Empirical Comparison of Early Sources" (Regensburg 2000) (awarded Dissertation Price 2000 of the Bavarian American Academy)

Holger Saurenbach, "Challenging discrete approaches to secondary-predicate constructions. Towards a non-discrete account of resultative, depictive and qualifying constructions in English" (Regensburg 2004)

Ulrich Miethaner, "The BLUR (Blues Lyrics Collected at the University of Regensburg) Corpus: Design and Analysis" (Regensburg 2004)

Thomas Hoffmann, "Preposition Placement in British and Kenyan English: Corpus and Experimental Evidence for a Construction Grammar Analysis" (Regensburg 2007)

Thomas Biermeier, "Word formation in New Englishes" (Regensburg 2008)

Regina Trüb, "American English Impact on South African English: An empirical analysis of its manifestations and attitudes towards it" (Regensburg 2008)

Thomas Brunner, “The Structure of the Noun Phrase in Singaporean und Kenyan English. A Corpus-based Study” (2015)

Xiaoyun Zhang, The Properties and Use of English Spoken by Non-English Majors in China (2018)

Kerstin Richter, Non-Standard Bird Names in England, Bavaria and Austria: A Diachronic Comparative Study (2019)

Theresa Neumeier, Patterns of conversational interaction in varieties of English (2019)

Noura Abdou, A corpus-based study of verb complementation patterns in varieties of English (in prep.)

Ilshat Sharafutdinov, Regional Non-Native English Accents in Russia: influence of the local indigenous languages (2024.)

Final Theses

HT (Honours Theses) & ISM (Independent Study Modules), National University of Singapore 2021, 2022 & 2023

6 Honours Theses, 1 Independent Study Module (title and author names to be kept confidential)

MA, State Exam ZA, BA theses Univ. Regensburg 1994-2022

[+ 22 more theses 2019-2022]

Victoria Mu?emann, ?Noun phrase complexity in London hotel descriptions. A corpus-based study.” (ZA 2019)

Lisa Westermayer, ?‘What’s a singer meant to sound like?‘ Extra- and intralinguistic influences on the singing accents of Australian indie artists” (MA 2019)

Peter Müller, “Trump’s campaigning speeches: A pragmatic analysis” (BA 2019)

Sandra Possberg, ?The grammaticalization of the be going to future in different varieties of English” (BA 2019)

Katharina Sch?tz, ?English in Jamaica: An analysis of Linton Kwesi Johnson’s song lyrics” (ZA 2019)

Sandra Meier, “Press releases and communicative purpose. A linguistic analysis of press releases with regards to crisis, event and product communication” (BA 2019)

Julia Melissa Ziener, ?Language in online fanfiction“ (MA 2018)

Andrea Braessler, “'What the hell am I doing here?' A popular music accent analysis of Radiohead, Coldplay and Mumford & Sons” (MA 2018)

Elisabeth Poxleitner, “Third little pig said ‘I want to build bricks house.’: The use of definite and indefinite articles in children’s L1 English in Singapore” (MA 2018)

Sandra Hrabouskaya, “Nongeneric Definite Article Usage by Belorussian Learners of English” (MA 2018)

Kira Dederichs, “Englishes online: An analysis of code-switching in South-East-Asian blogs” (BA 2018)

Thomas Kastl, ?Lexical and grammatical impact of American English on Southern Hemisphere Englishes“ (BA 2018)

Elin Schweiger, “Copulas and be in Singapore English: A comparative study of child language” (MA 2018)

Clara Tiede, “Second Language Acquisition in a natural context: Investigating effects of a school trip to England” (MA 2017)

Natalia Desyatova, “Russian English as an Emerging Variety: a Case Study of Pronunciation Samples” (MA 2017)

Tijana Bozhovikj, “Dear Master: A linguistic analysis of morphosyntactic features in Early African American Letters“ (MA 2017)

Lisa Westermayer, " Identity, simplicity, or language contact? A corpus-based study on the use of Yiddish, Hebrew and Aramaic loan-words in Jewish English" (BA 2017)

Cai-Syuan Li, "Chinese-English Code Switching in Mass Media in Taiwan" (MA 2017)

Jakob Horsch,? “Challenges Faced by Slovac Advanced Learners of English in Using the English Nongeneric Definite Article” (MA 2017)

Alexandra Kaufner,? “Zora Neale Hurston’s Short stories ‘Sweat’, ‘Muttsy’ and ‘Now You Cookin’ with Gas’ as Samples of African American English" (BA 2017)

Cai-Syuan Li,? “Chinese-English Code Switching in Massmedia in Taiwan” (MA 2017)

Anna Posch, “Metalinguistic Discourse on YouTube: Analysing Teaching Videos for Varieties of World Englishes” (MA 2017)

Katherine Sundt, The Literary Representation of African American Vernacular English: Variation in the Noun Phrase in “The Colour Purple“ (MA 2017)

Daniel Raith, “Net Speak on Tumbler TUMWLR. Observations un Uses of English Expressions and Language Change” (BA 2016)

Ann-Sophie Sanwald, “It’s gonna be legen … wait for it … dreary! Conditions and constraints of dubbing homour in sitcoms, based on How I Met Your Mother” (MA 2016)

Julia Schwarz, ?The Interrelation Between Prosodic Patterns and Phonemic Inventory: A Comparative Study of Challenges and Learning Strategies in Early Language Acquisition” (BA 2016)

Maximilian Weiss, “Sociolinguistic stratification in a simulated society: A linguistic investigation of the video game The Witcher III: wild hunt” (BA 2016)

Noura Fady Kamel Shukrallah Abdou, ?A Corpus-based Study of Changes of Verb Complementation Patterns in 19th and 20th CenturiesAmerican English” (MA 2015)

Thomas Bassler, “The HHUR: A corpus study of contemporary African American English represented in hiphop lyrics compared to early African American English in blues lyrics“ (StEx 2015)

Michael Dinauer , ?‘I teach you my dialect‘ – a field study on methods of teaching varieties of the English language via the video-sharing website YouTube” (StEx 2015)

Maria Magdalena Ettenhuber, “Assessing Negative Transfer from German to English: A Corpus-based Study of Syntactic Structures Produced by German Learners of English” (BA 2015)

Eleomar Guerrero Gutierrez, ?‘I go shout plenty‘: A linguistic analysis of the lyrics of Fela Kuti“ (MA 2015)

Saskia Hannawald, ?Children’s Singapore English – an analysis“ (StEx 2015)

Christina Schmiedt, ?Celebrity speakers of Estuary English? A phonetic examination of the speech of Jamie Oliver and David Beckham” (BA 2015)

Diana Wengler, ?From colonial times to political independence: Changes in the noun phrase in Bahamian English, with particular regard to genitive variation“ (StEx 2015)

Moritz Geier, ?Eat your heart out! The reliability of slang definitions in the Urban Dictionary” (StEx 2014)

Anna Hammerschmid, “The Representation of Southern American Dialects in True Blood” (BA 2014)

Julia Reiter, ?World Englishes Online: The Blogosphere as a New Domain of Representation of Singapore (Colloquial) English in its Sociopolitical Setting?” (BA 2014)

Jocelyn Marie Workman, Dictionary App for Structural Engineers (German-English/English-German). A Practical Linguistic Application to Meet the Needs of Today’s Engineers in a Rapidly Advancing Technological World” (MA 2014)

Tobias Brunnhuber, ?The Americanization of English as a Lingua Franca in Europe“ (StEx 2013)

Sonya Renee Kinsey, ?Canadian Aboriginal English in Northern British Columbia“ (MA 2013)

Leslie Lemmon, ?A barrier to integration and upward mobility but an asset to maintain Black identity – On the issue of style-shifting between AAVE and StAmE” (StEx 2013)

Caroline Dobler, ?The Representation of Indian English in the American TV Series Outsourced – An Empirical Analysis” (StEx 2013)

Kathrin Gabler, ?Advertising language: the creator of the anti-ageing discourse of the 20-first century. A semiotic and linguistic approach” (StEx 2013)

Sabrina K?ck, ?Irish-English Features in the ICE-Ireland Corpus“ (BA 2013)

Sofia Mayer, ?Das ist sehr Spa?!“- Errors in German by British Learners Resulting from Negative Transfer, Overgeneralisation and Simplification Strategies (StEx 2013)

Simone Schmid, ?What’s occurin‘ in Gavin and Stacey? Dialect use in the BBC series Gavin and Stacey – authenticity and beyond” (StEx 2013)

Laura Zienecker , ?Contrasting L1-English, L1-German and L1-German/L2 English Complementing“ (BA 2012)

Sebastian Meindl ,“Fact or Folk Wisdom: Those who Study Abroad Come Back with Native-Like Skills in the Target Language. A Critical Discourse of Krashen’s Second Language Acquisition Theory and Its Implication on the Effects of Studying Abroad in an English-Speaking Country on the Pronunciation of Native German Learners of English.” (StEx 2012)

Kerstin Maria Leonard, ?Refined to blow your mind – A comparison of Hyperbole in American and German Print Advertising“ (BA 2012)

Kathrin Gabler, ?Brand Names and Product Names – the Creators of Myths“ (BA 2012)

Julya Yumaeva, ?A corpus-based study of near-synonyms whole, total, complete, and entire“ (BA 2011)

Daniel Reisinger, ?Assessing methods of forensic linguistics: a pilot study of authorship attribution“ (BA 2011)

Michaela Pankratz?Latin Plurals in English: A Corpus-based Study of Language Change“ (MA 2011)

Christina Maria Nikitopoulos, ?Yanito code-switching in a sample of spoken media communication: ?Talk about town’“ (BA 2011)

Monika Lunghammer, ?Realisations of Cockney in the Media” (StEx 2011)

Sabrina K?ck, ?Irishness’ in Standard Irish English: A Corpus-Based Study“ (StEx 2011)

Maximilian Peter Kastner, ?Regional Variation of Earlier African American English: An Analysis of Morphological and Syntactic Variables in Blues Lyrics (Blur)” (StEx 2011)

Bernhard Gottschalk, “Y’ll see what I’m a-sayin’? – Southern American English (SAmE) and its representation in Hollywood movies” (StEx 2011)

Patrick Fertl, ?Consonant Cluster Reduction in Shakespeare and a Modern English Dialect: A Comparison” (BA 2011)

Vera Dorina, “Linguistic Representations of Women in American English: Corpus-based Study” (BA 2011)

Alexander Domanowsky, "An Exploration of Language Learning Strategies of Chinese Learners of English as a Second Language“ (StEx 2011)

Johanna Alfranseder, ?Ethnicity in Northern Ireland: A Neglected Social Variable in Sociolinguistics“ (StEx 2011)

Julya Yumaeva, ?A corpus-based study of near-synonyms whole, total, complete, and entire“ (BA 2011)

Yvonne Wagner, ?Singaporean English – A Sample Analysis“ (BA 2010)

Claudia Mitschke, ?Features of African American English in the Movie ?Fresh’“ (BA 2010)

Pia Maria Lexa, ?Lord, would you listen to that accent! Language Variation and Dialect Usage in Sweet Home Alabama” (MA 2010)

Juliane Kühnel,?Positive and negative transfer in the interlanguage of learners of English“ (BA 2010)

Sarah Hillmann, ?Dialect and Identity in British Popular Music“ (BA 2010)

Lorelei Ginga, Performed by Lingualism in Que Passa USA?: How Cultural and Linguistic Assimilation Phenomena Can Influence Code-Switching for the Benefit of a Hybrid Audience (BA 2010)

Marie-Luise Gastager, ?Old School vs. 21st Century Rap and Hip Hop – A Comparison of Language and Contexting Rap Songs of the 80s and Today“

Pamela Furtner, One man – three characters – four pronunciations? A linguistic analysis of Summer Heights High“ (StEx 2010)

Marina Elisabeth Dunzer, ?Sumfing verey pecooliar – a Linguistic Study of the Chelmsford Accent“? (BA 2010)

Susanne Deubzer, ?Deixis in Email and Chat” (BA 2010)Thomas Brunner, “Aspects of verb complementation in New Englishes: The case of give in Singapore English" (StEx 2010)

Petra Berner, ?Australian English – Origin and Status“ (StEx 2009)

Elisabeth Binder, ?English in Small and Medium-Sized Companies in Regensburg“ (MA 2009)

Elisabeth Bruckmaier, ?Bahamian Standard English“ (StEx 2009)

Christiane Demmel, ?John Steinbeck’s Representation of Spoken Language in ?The Grapes of Wrath’“ (StEx 2009)

Sabine Englberger, ?Hawaii Creole English, Hawaii’s ?Third’ Language. ?Pidgin’ as a Contact Variety and Manifestation of Local Identity“ (StEx 2009)

Michael Fischbach, ?The Language of Internet Message Boards. A Multidimensional Analysis of the Orality of Netspeak” (BA 2009)

Monika Hoffmann, ?Dialect usage in the comedy-series Little Britain: Focus on Daffyd Thomas“ (MA 2009)

Monika Hoffmann, ?Dialect usage in the comedy-series Little Britain: Focus on Daffyd Thomas“ (StEx 2009)

Rainer Holzapfel, ?White rapper, white clone?“ Eminem’s rap lyrics compared to African-American-rap (BA 2009)

Katharina Koller, ?The diffusion of innovations in language“ (BA 2009)

Markus Lehermeier, ?The use of Jamaican Creole in Jamaican music of the seventies and eighties“ (StEx 2009)

Veronika Mészáros, ?The Acquisition of English as a Second Language: A Comparison of Native Speakers of Czech and German“ (MA 2009)

Isabell Meyer, ?The Importance of Extra-Linguistic Factors on Code-Switching“ (BA 2009)

Sabrina Mintschke, ?Relativization in 19th Century Southern White Vernacular English and Earlier African American English – A Comparison“ (StEx 2009)

Johannes Neumaier, ?From? ?The Dozens’ to ?Yo Mama’ – African Oral Tradition and Verbal Strategies in African American English“ (BA 2009)

Nadja Pl??l, ?’Wogs and wogspeak’ – a sociolinguistic approach to ethnic groups of non-English speaking background in Australia“ (StEx 2009)

Ilona Rester, ?Australian English in ?The Footy Show’. A speech analysis of the Footy Show Section ?Street Talk’“ (StEx 2009)

Franz Rubenbauer, ?Aspects of Communication in Aeronautical English“ (StEx 2009)

Christina Sachsenhauser, ?Analysis of nonstandard grammatical, phonological and lexical features in the vernacular of adolescents in Reading, Berkshire” (StEx 2009)

Julia Schweiger, ?The Use of Chicano English in the Film My Family/Mi Familia“ (StEx 2009)

Nadine Semmelbauer, ?Non-Standard Verb Concord in 19th Century African American Correspondance: Research in the Letters of a Slave Family“ (StEx 2009)

Ilona Urbanová, ?Keywords in Cross-Cultural Theory“ (BA 2009)

Andrea Bücherl, ?The syntax of postverbal NP to infinitive structures. A corpus-based quantitative study”? (StEx 2008)

Andrea Czech, ?Wha? The way I tawk? What’s wrong with the way I tawk?“ Linguistic Usage in The King of Queens (StEx 2008)

Claudia Drexler, ?Aboriginal English – an Australian Dialect“ (StEx 2008)

Sabine Gottswinter, ?Trickster Tales in the Gullah Language“ (MA 2008)

Jonas Grube, “Visual Grammar” (StEx 2008)

Daniela Pollitzer, ?Grammatical features in Pasifika English“ (MA 2008)

Daniel Hartenstein ?The Said and the Unsaid – Aspects of a Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature and Its Applicability “ (MA 2008)

Hans Haselhorst, ?Aspects of English in Namibia“ (MA 2008)

Hans Haselhorst, ?Aspects of English in Namibia“ (StEx 2008)

Kathrin K?ppl, ? The linguistic reflection of the New Zealand identity in the language of tourism“ (StEx 2008)

Franz Rubenbauer, ?Aspects of Communication in Aeronautical English“ (MA 2008)

Simone Schmid, “Comparison of African-American Features Occurring in Selected Songs Interpreted by Michael Jackson, Juvenile, Fabolous and Eminem” (StEx 2008)

Bianca Seibold, ?The Roots of Modern English: Nominal and Pronominal Morphology“ (StEx 2008)

Sylvie Seidl, “The English Language in the International and Intercultural Communication between Czech and German Business Partners“ (MA 2008)

Pamela Stühler, “Jamaican English vs. Jamaican Creole: The Creole Continuum in Jamaican Music” (StEx 2008)

Ewa Wanat, ?Glaswegian English: An Analysis of a Sample” (BA 2008)

Theresa Wannisch, ?Die Diachronic Development of ought to” (MA 2008)

Immo Rank, “Prefixation in the Middle English Period” (2007)

Markus Winter, "MOG Jargon" (2007)

Silvia Dechant, "Developments of sociolinguistic methodology" (BA) (2007)

Edith Skodnik, "The effects of non-sexist language reform on newspaper language: an empirical study" (2007)

Katharina Krau?e, "Semantic changes of English words in Pidgin and Creole languages" (2007)

Katrin Foitzik, "This'un haint Standard American English – Kentucky dialect as represented in Jesse Stuart's works" (2007)

Lucia Misikova, "Count and mass nouns in New Englishes" (2007)

Sonja Mayerh?fer, "English, Spanish and Spanglish in internet radio stations from the American Southwest" (2007)

Alexander Domanowsky, "An Exploration of Language Learning Strategies of Chinese Learners of English as a Second Language“ (StEx 2007)

Barbara Fengler, ?Changes of Verbal Inflections from Old English to Middle English as Reflected in the Peterborough Chronicle“(MA 2007)

Katharina Helmer, ?A Diachronic Comparison of Tok Pisin Texts“ (StEx 2007)

Johannes Klarhauser, ?Creativity and Economy - English and German Word-Formation in the Star Trek Costumizable Card Game” (StEx 2007)

Kathrin K?ppl, ?New Zealand English in Tourism“ (BA 2007)

Ariadne Rengstl ?The Language of Seinfeld. Analyzing Verbal Humour in an American Sitcom“ (MA 2007)

Maria Rieder, ?The Irish Travellers. Linguistic Aspects and their Role in the Ethnic Group Discussion“? (BA 2007)

Maria Rieder, ?The Irish Traveller Cant and its Role in the Ethnic Group Discussion” (StEx 2007)

Barbara Held, “Australian English accents in the Footy Show: sociolectal variation in public discourse” (2006)

Brigitte Wesserle, “Relative clauses in Singapore English: a corpus-based analysis” (2006)

Christin Zwicknagl, “The Wycliffite Bible and the King James version: a discussion of selected morphological and syntactic changes (2006)

Michael Fiedler, “Verbs and nouns to express negative emotional attitudes in English: a corpus-based analysis of the word fields fear and hate” (2005)

Martin Kraus, “Changes in patterns of subordination from Old English to Middle English” (2005)

Christina Neuland, “The English of the first generation of Jewish immigrants to the United States” (2005)

Franz Rubenbauer, “Aspects of oral English communication in aviation” (2005)

Maria Steger, “The New Englishes: origins, acquisition, simplicity” (2005)

Melanie Steinbrunn, “Mexican American English as reflected in recent U.S. films” (2005)

Christiane Sch?rnig, "What is Standard English in the United States? A linguistic journey through the language varieties spoken in the United States" (2004)

Daniela Otto, "Divergenzen und Konvergenzen in den englischen, franz?sischen und deutschen Textfassungen von Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (2004)

Martin Kraus, "Changes in patterns of subordination from Old English to Middle English" (2004)

Christian Hierl, "Selected clase structure phenomena in the Southern Plantation Overseers' Corpus" (2004)

Christiane Sch?rnig, "What is Standard English in the United States? A linguistic journey through the language varieties spoken in the United States" (2004)

Kerstin Schr?der, “The Evolution of Canadian English in the light of the ‘Dynamic Model’” (2004)

Christine Zürner, "Chicano English: Geschichte, Struktur, gegenw?rtiger Status" (2003)

Regina Trüb, "Nonstandard verb morphology and verb syntax in Earlier Southern US English" (2003)

Thomas Hoffman, "Preposition sranding versus pied piping in British English relative clauses: a corpus-based study" (2003)

Sybille Strmiska, "Translating God's Debris by Scott Adams: A linguistic and Literary Reflection" (2003)

Susanne G?tz, "Evidence for the transition from Old to Middle English " (2002)

Karla Lallitsch-Schneider, "Learning strategies in Second Language Acquisition" (2002)

Thomas Lorper, "Ali G's hybrid language use: Playing with ethnicity and identity in urban British youth culture" (2002)

Susanne Gschnaidner, "Relative pronouns in British and American dialects: distriibution and historical sources" (2001)

Claudia Kirschner, "Die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse der Zweitspracherwerbsforschung für Lehrplan- und Lehrwerkgestaltung des englischen Fremdsprachenunterrichts" (2001)

Richard Ehrenhofer, "The Tennesse Civil War Veterans Questionnaires - a dialect analysis based on written data" (2001)

Catherine McKee, "Relative Clauses in the Brown and LOB Computer Corpora of English" (2000)

Maria Galligan, "Thus and So: A Corpus-based Study of the Polysemy of Function Words" (2000)

Doris K?lnberger, "Die Sprache frühneuenglischer Predigten: Eine Untersuchung von Chandos' "In God's Name"" (2000)

Holger Saurenbach, "Reconsidering Small Clauses as Complex Transitive: A Theoretical and Corpus-Based Study of Complex Transitive Complementation in English" (2000)

Pia Kn?ferle, "Gender Differences in Speech" (2000)

Elisabeth Schnellinger, "Modal adverbs in English: a corpus-based analysis" (2000)

Doris D?ge, "A Linguistic Analysis of the New Zealand English Vocabulary" (2000)

Astrid Bucher, "Origin and Modifications of the Neogrammarian Regularity Hypothesis as Theoretical Basis for the Linguistic Modelling of Diachronic Phonological Transformations" (2000)

Josua Braun, "The Semantic and Syntactic Structure of in case. A Corpus-Based Analysis" (2000)

Katharina Schwind, "Linguistic Policy in Quebec and Anglicisms in Quebecois French" (1999)

Robert Maier, "Early Modern English Drama as a Source of Orality" (1999)

Christian Wagner, "Michael Thelwell's The Harder They Come: An example of literary dialect in Jamaican English and Creole" (1999)

Andreas Hiltscher, Probleme der Argumentvererbung bei deverbalen -er-Bildungen im Englischen (1998)

Karin Schmidt, "Relative clauses in Early Modern English" (1997)

Andrea Glei?ner, "The Dialect of Norfolk Islands as Compared to Other Creoles" (1997)

Kerstin Remold, "Linguistic variation in Lowland Scotland: the speech of a former North-Eastern fishing community" (1996)

Ulrich Miethaner, "Early blues lyrics as linguistic data" (1996)

Claus Liesegang, "The Language of the American Press" (1996)

Ulrike Leib, "The representation of Scottish dialect in the Sunday Post cartoons 'The Broons' and 'Oor Wullie'" (1996)

Doris Kurz, "Anglizismen im Italienischen" (1996)

Monika Krau?, "English verb inflection: Panchronic and Pandialecta" (1996)

Sandra Kindler, "Chicano English as reflected in Chicano literature" (1996)

Ruth Jehle, "Accents and dialects of English in cassette-recorded literature" (1996)

Christine Hübner, "Criteria for the firmness of compounds" (1996)

Clemens Fritz, "Early Australian letters: A linguistic analysis" (1996)

Viveca Draf, "Gender and language" (1996)

Gernot Ziegaus, "Ambiguity in the headlines of newspaper and poster advertising in England" (1995)

Markus Winkler, "Die Verben der Zuneigung im Englischen: Eine empirische Bedeutungsbeschreibung vor dem Hintergrund der Prototypensemantik" (1995)

Beate Maria Stoll, "Germanische und romanische Suffixe in mittelenglischer und frühneuenglischer Zeit - Eine computerunterstützte synchron-diachrone Untersuchung" (1995)

Alexandra Stock, "Geschichte und strukturelle Eigenheiten des irischen Englisch" (1995)

Gabriela Schmahl, "Cratis D. Williams' 'Glossary of Southern Mountain Speech'. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Charakterisierung" (1995)

Wolfgang Krotter, "The English competence of French Canadians in Quebec" (1995)

Gabriele Kirmaier, "The roots of English spelling" (1995)

Alexander Kautzsch, "The roots of modern English: Non-finite verb forms" (1995)

Yvonne Fischer, "18th-century letters from South Carolina: a linguistic analysis" (1995)

Thomas Biermeier, "Conversion and back-formation in English from a diachronic point of view: A corpus-based analysis" (1995)

Petra Bernecker, "Language contact and complex etymologies in medieval England" (1995)

Anne Baumeister-Eckersley, "Homily und Sermon: Zur Geschichte und ?berlieferung eines Texttyps" (1994)

Andrea D?derlein, "Unterschiede im Sozialstatus der schwarzen Sklaven vor dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg und seine sprachlichen Auswirkungen" (1994)

Christoph Melian, "Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse von Schlagzeilen aus den amerikanischen Nachrichtenmagazinen Time und Newsweek von 1947 bis 1993" (1994)

Petra Claudia Nickl, "Studies on the life of Latin loan words in the Early Modern English period with examples from the Oxford English Dictionary" (1994)

Rainer Hasinger, "Infinitive and -ing participle in Early Modern English" (1994)

Nicola Utz, "American Indian English" (1994)


- Habiliations (Post-Doctoral Theses)

Magnus Huber, "A computerized corpus of the English dialect of the Southeast-Welsh mining valleys" (not completed at Regensburg because of call to professorship at University of Gie?en, 2004)

Ingrid Piller, "Bilingual couples talk: the discursive construction of hybridity" (Regensburg 2002; administrative supervision only)

Daniel Schreier, "Phonotactic variation and change: the synchronic and diachronic dimension of consonant cluster reduction in English" (Regensburg 2004)

Susanne Mühleisen, "Of lessees, retirees and beseechees: A historical, empirical and sociolinguistic analysis of a word-formation and its productivity in English" (Regensburg 2006; administrative supervision only)

Stephanie Hackert, "The emergence of the English native speaker – chapter in 19th-century linguistic thought" (Regensburg 2009)

Alexander Kautzsch, " The attainment of an English accent: British and American features in advanced German learners " (2015)

Sarah Buschfeld, " Children’s English in Singapore: Acquisition, Properties, and Use" (2018)

Lucia Siebers, "You must excuse my bad writen: The Corpus of Older AfricanAmerican Letters as evidence of the history of African American English" (working title; in preparation)

Thorsten Brato, Structural nativization in Ghanaian English (in prep.)

- Doctoral Dissertations

Claudia Blank, "Der Einflu? des amerikanischen Englisch auf das Lexikon des Pennsylvania German der Old Order Amish in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania" (Regensburg 1994; Betreuung übernommen)

Frank Maas, "Competence in a Second Language: The Case of Cuban Exiles in South Florida" (FU Berlin 1996)

Melanie Sch?fer, "Count and Mass Nouns in English: A Synchronic and Diachronic Study" (Regensburg 1998)

Thomas Sch?nweitz, "Geschlechtsspezifische Variation im Southern American Englisch – eine soziolinguistische Auswertung der Daten des Linguistic Atlas of the Gulf States" (Regensburg 1998)

Alexander Kautzsch, "The Historical Evolution of Earlier African American English. An Empirical Comparison of Early Sources" (Regensburg 2000) (awarded Dissertation Price 2000 of the Bavarian American Academy)

Holger Saurenbach, "Challenging discrete approaches to secondary-predicate constructions. Towards a non-discrete account of resultative, depictive and qualifying constructions in English" (Regensburg 2004)

Ulrich Miethaner, "The BLUR (Blues Lyrics Collected at the University of Regensburg) Corpus: Design and Analysis" (Regensburg 2004)

Thomas Hoffmann, "Preposition Placement in British and Kenyan English: Corpus and Experimental Evidence for a Construction Grammar Analysis" (Regensburg 2007)

Thomas Biermeier, "Word formation in New Englishes" (Regensburg 2008)

Regina Trüb, "American English Impact on South African English: An empirical analysis of its manifestations and attitudes towards it" (Regensburg 2008)

Thomas Brunner, “The Structure of the Noun Phrase in Singaporean und Kenyan English. A Corpus-based Study” (2015)

Xiaoyun Zhang, The Properties and Use of English Spoken by Non-English Majors in China (2018)

Kerstin Richter, Non-Standard Bird Names in England, Bavaria and Austria: A Diachronic Comparative Study (2019)

Theresa Neumeier, Patterns of conversational interaction in varieties of English (2019)

Noura Abdou, A corpus-based study of verb complementation patterns in varieties of English (in prep.)

Ilshat Sharafutdinov, Regional Non-Native English Accents in Russia: influence of the local indigenous languages (in prep.)

- Final Theses (MA, State Exam, BA)
[to be continued and updated]

Victoria Mu?emann, ?Noun phrase complexity in London hotel descriptions. A corpus-based study.” (ZA 2019)

Lisa Westermayer, ?‘What’s a singer meant to sound like?‘ Extra- and intralinguistic influences on the singing accents of Australian indie artists” (MA 2019)

Peter Müller, “Trump’s campaigning speeches: A pragmatic analysis” (BA 2019)

Sandra Possberg, ?The grammaticalization of the be going to future in different varieties of English” (BA 2019)

Katharina Sch?tz, ?English in Jamaica: An analysis of Linton Kwesi Johnson’s song lyrics” (ZA 2019)

Sandra Meier, “Press releases and communicative purpose. A linguistic analysis of press releases with regards to crisis, event and product communication” (BA 2019)

Julia Melissa Ziener, ?Language in online fanfiction“ (MA 2018)

Andrea Braessler, “'What the hell am I doing here?' A popular music accent analysis of Radiohead, Coldplay and Mumford & Sons” (MA 2018)

Elisabeth Poxleitner, “Third little pig said ‘I want to build bricks house.’: The use of definite and indefinite articles in children’s L1 English in Singapore” (MA 2018)

Sandra Hrabouskaya, “Nongeneric Definite Article Usage by Belorussian Learners of English” (MA 2018)

Kira Dederichs, “Englishes online: An analysis of code-switching in South-East-Asian blogs” (BA 2018)

Thomas Kastl, ?Lexical and grammatical impact of American English on Southern Hemisphere Englishes“ (BA 2018)

Elin Schweiger, “Copulas and be in Singapore English: A comparative study of child language” (MA 2018)

Clara Tiede, “Second Language Acquisition in a natural context: Investigating effects of a school trip to England” (MA 2017)

Natalia Desyatova, “Russian English as an Emerging Variety: a Case Study of Pronunciation Samples” (MA 2017)

Tijana Bozhovikj, “Dear Master: A linguistic analysis of morphosyntactic features in Early African American Letters“ (MA 2017)

Lisa Westermayer, " Identity, simplicity, or language contact? A corpus-based study on the use of Yiddish, Hebrew and Aramaic loan-words in Jewish English" (BA 2017)

Cai-Syuan Li, "Chinese-English Code Switching in Mass Media in Taiwan" (MA 2017)

Jakob Horsch,? “Challenges Faced by Slovac Advanced Learners of English in Using the English Nongeneric Definite Article” (MA 2017)

Alexandra Kaufner,? “Zora Neale Hurston’s Short stories ‘Sweat’, ‘Muttsy’ and ‘Now You Cookin’ with Gas’ as Samples of African American English" (BA 2017)

Cai-Syuan Li,? “Chinese-English Code Switching in Massmedia in Taiwan” (MA 2017)

Anna Posch, “Metalinguistic Discourse on YouTube: Analysing Teaching Videos for Varieties of World Englishes” (MA 2017)

Katherine Sundt, The Literary Representation of African American Vernacular English: Variation in the Noun Phrase in “The Colour Purple“ (MA 2017)

Daniel Raith, “Net Speak on Tumbler TUMWLR. Observations un Uses of English Expressions and Language Change” (BA 2016)

Ann-Sophie Sanwald, “It’s gonna be legen … wait for it … dreary! Conditions and constraints of dubbing homour in sitcoms, based on How I Met Your Mother” (MA 2016)

Julia Schwarz, ?The Interrelation Between Prosodic Patterns and Phonemic Inventory: A Comparative Study of Challenges and Learning Strategies in Early Language Acquisition” (BA 2016)

Maximilian Weiss, “Sociolinguistic stratification in a simulated society: A linguistic investigation of the video game The Witcher III: wild hunt” (BA 2016)

Noura Fady Kamel Shukrallah Abdou, ?A Corpus-based Study of Changes of Verb Complementation Patterns in 19th and 20th CenturiesAmerican English” (MA 2015)

Thomas Bassler, “The HHUR: A corpus study of contemporary African American English represented in hiphop lyrics compared to early African American English in blues lyrics“ (StEx 2015)

Michael Dinauer , ?‘I teach you my dialect‘ – a field study on methods of teaching varieties of the English language via the video-sharing website YouTube” (StEx 2015)

Maria Magdalena Ettenhuber, “Assessing Negative Transfer from German to English: A Corpus-based Study of Syntactic Structures Produced by German Learners of English” (BA 2015)

Eleomar Guerrero Gutierrez, ?‘I go shout plenty‘: A linguistic analysis of the lyrics of Fela Kuti“ (MA 2015)

Saskia Hannawald, ?Children’s Singapore English – an analysis“ (StEx 2015)

Christina Schmiedt, ?Celebrity speakers of Estuary English? A phonetic examination of the speech of Jamie Oliver and David Beckham” (BA 2015)

Diana Wengler, ?From colonial times to political independence: Changes in the noun phrase in Bahamian English, with particular regard to genitive variation“ (StEx 2015)

Moritz Geier, ?Eat your heart out! The reliability of slang definitions in the Urban Dictionary” (StEx 2014)

Anna Hammerschmid, “The Representation of Southern American Dialects in True Blood” (BA 2014)

Julia Reiter, ?World Englishes Online: The Blogosphere as a New Domain of Representation of Singapore (Colloquial) English in its Sociopolitical Setting?” (BA 2014)

Jocelyn Marie Workman, Dictionary App for Structural Engineers (German-English/English-German). A Practical Linguistic Application to Meet the Needs of Today’s Engineers in a Rapidly Advancing Technological World” (MA 2014)

Tobias Brunnhuber, ?The Americanization of English as a Lingua Franca in Europe“ (StEx 2013)

Sonya Renee Kinsey, ?Canadian Aboriginal English in Northern British Columbia“ (MA 2013)

Leslie Lemmon, ?A barrier to integration and upward mobility but an asset to maintain Black identity – On the issue of style-shifting between AAVE and StAmE” (StEx 2013)

Caroline Dobler, ?The Representation of Indian English in the American TV Series Outsourced – An Empirical Analysis” (StEx 2013)

Kathrin Gabler, ?Advertising language: the creator of the anti-ageing discourse of the 20-first century. A semiotic and linguistic approach” (StEx 2013)

Sabrina K?ck, ?Irish-English Features in the ICE-Ireland Corpus“ (BA 2013)

Sofia Mayer, ?Das ist sehr Spa?!“- Errors in German by British Learners Resulting from Negative Transfer, Overgeneralisation and Simplification Strategies (StEx 2013)

Simone Schmid, ?What’s occurin‘ in Gavin and Stacey? Dialect use in the BBC series Gavin and Stacey – authenticity and beyond” (StEx 2013)

Laura Zienecker , ?Contrasting L1-English, L1-German and L1-German/L2 English Complementing“ (BA 2012)

Sebastian Meindl ,“Fact or Folk Wisdom: Those who Study Abroad Come Back with Native-Like Skills in the Target Language. A Critical Discourse of Krashen’s Second Language Acquisition Theory and Its Implication on the Effects of Studying Abroad in an English-Speaking Country on the Pronunciation of Native German Learners of English.” (StEx 2012)

Kerstin Maria Leonard, ?Refined to blow your mind – A comparison of Hyperbole in American and German Print Advertising“ (BA 2012)

Kathrin Gabler, ?Brand Names and Product Names – the Creators of Myths“ (BA 2012)

Julya Yumaeva, ?A corpus-based study of near-synonyms whole, total, complete, and entire“ (BA 2011)

Daniel Reisinger, ?Assessing methods of forensic linguistics: a pilot study of authorship attribution“ (BA 2011)

Michaela Pankratz?Latin Plurals in English: A Corpus-based Study of Language Change“ (MA 2011)

Christina Maria Nikitopoulos, ?Yanito code-switching in a sample of spoken media communication: ?Talk about town’“ (BA 2011)

Monika Lunghammer, ?Realisations of Cockney in the Media” (StEx 2011)

Sabrina K?ck, ?Irishness’ in Standard Irish English: A Corpus-Based Study“ (StEx 2011)

Maximilian Peter Kastner, ?Regional Variation of Earlier African American English: An Analysis of Morphological and Syntactic Variables in Blues Lyrics (Blur)” (StEx 2011)

Bernhard Gottschalk, “Y’ll see what I’m a-sayin’? – Southern American English (SAmE) and its representation in Hollywood movies” (StEx 2011)

Patrick Fertl, ?Consonant Cluster Reduction in Shakespeare and a Modern English Dialect: A Comparison” (BA 2011)

Vera Dorina, “Linguistic Representations of Women in American English: Corpus-based Study” (BA 2011)

Alexander Domanowsky, "An Exploration of Language Learning Strategies of Chinese Learners of English as a Second Language“ (StEx 2011)

Johanna Alfranseder, ?Ethnicity in Northern Ireland: A Neglected Social Variable in Sociolinguistics“ (StEx 2011)

Julya Yumaeva, ?A corpus-based study of near-synonyms whole, total, complete, and entire“ (BA 2011)

Yvonne Wagner, ?Singaporean English – A Sample Analysis“ (BA 2010)

Claudia Mitschke, ?Features of African American English in the Movie ?Fresh’“ (BA 2010)

Pia Maria Lexa, ?Lord, would you listen to that accent! Language Variation and Dialect Usage in Sweet Home Alabama” (MA 2010)

Juliane Kühnel,?Positive and negative transfer in the interlanguage of learners of English“ (BA 2010)

Sarah Hillmann, ?Dialect and Identity in British Popular Music“ (BA 2010)

Lorelei Ginga, Performed by Lingualism in Que Passa USA?: How Cultural and Linguistic Assimilation Phenomena Can Influence Code-Switching for the Benefit of a Hybrid Audience (BA 2010)

Marie-Luise Gastager, ?Old School vs. 21st Century Rap and Hip Hop – A Comparison of Language and Contexting Rap Songs of the 80s and Today“

Pamela Furtner, One man – three characters – four pronunciations? A linguistic analysis of Summer Heights High“ (StEx 2010)

Marina Elisabeth Dunzer, ?Sumfing verey pecooliar – a Linguistic Study of the Chelmsford Accent“? (BA 2010)

Susanne Deubzer, ?Deixis in Email and Chat” (BA 2010)Thomas Brunner, “Aspects of verb complementation in New Englishes: The case of give in Singapore English" (StEx 2010)

Petra Berner, ?Australian English – Origin and Status“ (StEx 2009)

Elisabeth Binder, ?English in Small and Medium-Sized Companies in Regensburg“ (MA 2009)

Elisabeth Bruckmaier, ?Bahamian Standard English“ (StEx 2009)

Christiane Demmel, ?John Steinbeck’s Representation of Spoken Language in ?The Grapes of Wrath’“ (StEx 2009)

Sabine Englberger, ?Hawaii Creole English, Hawaii’s ?Third’ Language. ?Pidgin’ as a Contact Variety and Manifestation of Local Identity“ (StEx 2009)

Michael Fischbach, ?The Language of Internet Message Boards. A Multidimensional Analysis of the Orality of Netspeak” (BA 2009)

Monika Hoffmann, ?Dialect usage in the comedy-series Little Britain: Focus on Daffyd Thomas“ (MA 2009)

Monika Hoffmann, ?Dialect usage in the comedy-series Little Britain: Focus on Daffyd Thomas“ (StEx 2009)

Rainer Holzapfel, ?White rapper, white clone?“ Eminem’s rap lyrics compared to African-American-rap (BA 2009)

Katharina Koller, ?The diffusion of innovations in language“ (BA 2009)

Markus Lehermeier, ?The use of Jamaican Creole in Jamaican music of the seventies and eighties“ (StEx 2009)

Veronika Mészáros, ?The Acquisition of English as a Second Language: A Comparison of Native Speakers of Czech and German“ (MA 2009)

Isabell Meyer, ?The Importance of Extra-Linguistic Factors on Code-Switching“ (BA 2009)

Sabrina Mintschke, ?Relativization in 19th Century Southern White Vernacular English and Earlier African American English – A Comparison“ (StEx 2009)

Johannes Neumaier, ?From? ?The Dozens’ to ?Yo Mama’ – African Oral Tradition and Verbal Strategies in African American English“ (BA 2009)

Nadja Pl??l, ?’Wogs and wogspeak’ – a sociolinguistic approach to ethnic groups of non-English speaking background in Australia“ (StEx 2009)

Ilona Rester, ?Australian English in ?The Footy Show’. A speech analysis of the Footy Show Section ?Street Talk’“ (StEx 2009)

Franz Rubenbauer, ?Aspects of Communication in Aeronautical English“ (StEx 2009)

Christina Sachsenhauser, ?Analysis of nonstandard grammatical, phonological and lexical features in the vernacular of adolescents in Reading, Berkshire” (StEx 2009)

Julia Schweiger, ?The Use of Chicano English in the Film My Family/Mi Familia“ (StEx 2009)

Nadine Semmelbauer, ?Non-Standard Verb Concord in 19th Century African American Correspondance: Research in the Letters of a Slave Family“ (StEx 2009)

Ilona Urbanová, ?Keywords in Cross-Cultural Theory“ (BA 2009)

Andrea Bücherl, ?The syntax of postverbal NP to infinitive structures. A corpus-based quantitative study”? (StEx 2008)

Andrea Czech, ?Wha? The way I tawk? What’s wrong with the way I tawk?“ Linguistic Usage in The King of Queens (StEx 2008)

Claudia Drexler, ?Aboriginal English – an Australian Dialect“ (StEx 2008)

Sabine Gottswinter, ?Trickster Tales in the Gullah Language“ (MA 2008)

Jonas Grube, “Visual Grammar” (StEx 2008)

Daniela Pollitzer, ?Grammatical features in Pasifika English“ (MA 2008)

Daniel Hartenstein ?The Said and the Unsaid – Aspects of a Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature and Its Applicability “ (MA 2008)

Hans Haselhorst, ?Aspects of English in Namibia“ (MA 2008)

Hans Haselhorst, ?Aspects of English in Namibia“ (StEx 2008)

Kathrin K?ppl, ? The linguistic reflection of the New Zealand identity in the language of tourism“ (StEx 2008)

Franz Rubenbauer, ?Aspects of Communication in Aeronautical English“ (MA 2008)

Simone Schmid, “Comparison of African-American Features Occurring in Selected Songs Interpreted by Michael Jackson, Juvenile, Fabolous and Eminem” (StEx 2008)

Bianca Seibold, ?The Roots of Modern English: Nominal and Pronominal Morphology“ (StEx 2008)

Sylvie Seidl, “The English Language in the International and Intercultural Communication between Czech and German Business Partners“ (MA 2008)

Pamela Stühler, “Jamaican English vs. Jamaican Creole: The Creole Continuum in Jamaican Music” (StEx 2008)

Ewa Wanat, ?Glaswegian English: An Analysis of a Sample” (BA 2008)

Theresa Wannisch, ?Die Diachronic Development of ought to” (MA 2008)

Immo Rank, “Prefixation in the Middle English Period” (2007)

Markus Winter, "MOG Jargon" (2007)

Silvia Dechant, "Developments of sociolinguistic methodology" (BA) (2007)

Edith Skodnik, "The effects of non-sexist language reform on newspaper language: an empirical study" (2007)

Katharina Krau?e, "Semantic changes of English words in Pidgin and Creole languages" (2007)

Katrin Foitzik, "This'un haint Standard American English – Kentucky dialect as represented in Jesse Stuart's works" (2007)

Lucia Misikova, "Count and mass nouns in New Englishes" (2007)

Sonja Mayerh?fer, "English, Spanish and Spanglish in internet radio stations from the American Southwest" (2007)

Alexander Domanowsky, "An Exploration of Language Learning Strategies of Chinese Learners of English as a Second Language“ (StEx 2007)

Barbara Fengler, ?Changes of Verbal Inflections from Old English to Middle English as Reflected in the Peterborough Chronicle“(MA 2007)

Katharina Helmer, ?A Diachronic Comparison of Tok Pisin Texts“ (StEx 2007)

Johannes Klarhauser, ?Creativity and Economy - English and German Word-Formation in the Star Trek Costumizable Card Game” (StEx 2007)

Kathrin K?ppl, ?New Zealand English in Tourism“ (BA 2007)

Ariadne Rengstl ?The Language of Seinfeld. Analyzing Verbal Humour in an American Sitcom“ (MA 2007)

Maria Rieder, ?The Irish Travellers. Linguistic Aspects and their Role in the Ethnic Group Discussion“? (BA 2007)

Maria Rieder, ?The Irish Traveller Cant and its Role in the Ethnic Group Discussion” (StEx 2007)

Barbara Held, “Australian English accents in the Footy Show: sociolectal variation in public discourse” (2006)

Brigitte Wesserle, “Relative clauses in Singapore English: a corpus-based analysis” (2006)

Christin Zwicknagl, “The Wycliffite Bible and the King James version: a discussion of selected morphological and syntactic changes (2006)

Michael Fiedler, “Verbs and nouns to express negative emotional attitudes in English: a corpus-based analysis of the word fields fear and hate” (2005)

Martin Kraus, “Changes in patterns of subordination from Old English to Middle English” (2005)

Christina Neuland, “The English of the first generation of Jewish immigrants to the United States” (2005)

Franz Rubenbauer, “Aspects of oral English communication in aviation” (2005)

Maria Steger, “The New Englishes: origins, acquisition, simplicity” (2005)

Melanie Steinbrunn, “Mexican American English as reflected in recent U.S. films” (2005)

Christiane Sch?rnig, "What is Standard English in the United States? A linguistic journey through the language varieties spoken in the United States" (2004)

Daniela Otto, "Divergenzen und Konvergenzen in den englischen, franz?sischen und deutschen Textfassungen von Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (2004)

Martin Kraus, "Changes in patterns of subordination from Old English to Middle English" (2004)

Christian Hierl, "Selected clase structure phenomena in the Southern Plantation Overseers' Corpus" (2004)

Christiane Sch?rnig, "What is Standard English in the United States? A linguistic journey through the language varieties spoken in the United States" (2004)

Kerstin Schr?der, “The Evolution of Canadian English in the light of the ‘Dynamic Model’” (2004)

Christine Zürner, "Chicano English: Geschichte, Struktur, gegenw?rtiger Status" (2003)

Regina Trüb, "Nonstandard verb morphology and verb syntax in Earlier Southern US English" (2003)

Thomas Hoffman, "Preposition sranding versus pied piping in British English relative clauses: a corpus-based study" (2003)

Sybille Strmiska, "Translating God's Debris by Scott Adams: A linguistic and Literary Reflection" (2003)

Susanne G?tz, "Evidence for the transition from Old to Middle English " (2002)

Karla Lallitsch-Schneider, "Learning strategies in Second Language Acquisition" (2002)

Thomas Lorper, "Ali G's hybrid language use: Playing with ethnicity and identity in urban British youth culture" (2002)

Susanne Gschnaidner, "Relative pronouns in British and American dialects: distriibution and historical sources" (2001)

Claudia Kirschner, "Die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse der Zweitspracherwerbsforschung für Lehrplan- und Lehrwerkgestaltung des englischen Fremdsprachenunterrichts" (2001)

Richard Ehrenhofer, "The Tennesse Civil War Veterans Questionnaires - a dialect analysis based on written data" (2001)

Catherine McKee, "Relative Clauses in the Brown and LOB Computer Corpora of English" (2000)

Maria Galligan, "Thus and So: A Corpus-based Study of the Polysemy of Function Words" (2000)

Doris K?lnberger, "Die Sprache frühneuenglischer Predigten: Eine Untersuchung von Chandos' "In God's Name"" (2000)

Holger Saurenbach, "Reconsidering Small Clauses as Complex Transitive: A Theoretical and Corpus-Based Study of Complex Transitive Complementation in English" (2000)

Pia Kn?ferle, "Gender Differences in Speech" (2000)

Elisabeth Schnellinger, "Modal adverbs in English: a corpus-based analysis" (2000)

Doris D?ge, "A Linguistic Analysis of the New Zealand English Vocabulary" (2000)

Astrid Bucher, "Origin and Modifications of the Neogrammarian Regularity Hypothesis as Theoretical Basis for the Linguistic Modelling of Diachronic Phonological Transformations" (2000)

Josua Braun, "The Semantic and Syntactic Structure of in case. A Corpus-Based Analysis" (2000)

Katharina Schwind, "Linguistic Policy in Quebec and Anglicisms in Quebecois French" (1999)

Robert Maier, "Early Modern English Drama as a Source of Orality" (1999)

Christian Wagner, "Michael Thelwell's The Harder They Come: An example of literary dialect in Jamaican English and Creole" (1999)

Andreas Hiltscher, Probleme der Argumentvererbung bei deverbalen -er-Bildungen im Englischen (1998)

Karin Schmidt, "Relative clauses in Early Modern English" (1997)

Andrea Glei?ner, "The Dialect of Norfolk Islands as Compared to Other Creoles" (1997)

Kerstin Remold, "Linguistic variation in Lowland Scotland: the speech of a former North-Eastern fishing community" (1996)

Ulrich Miethaner, "Early blues lyrics as linguistic data" (1996)

Claus Liesegang, "The Language of the American Press" (1996)

Ulrike Leib, "The representation of Scottish dialect in the Sunday Post cartoons 'The Broons' and 'Oor Wullie'" (1996)

Doris Kurz, "Anglizismen im Italienischen" (1996)

Monika Krau?, "English verb inflection: Panchronic and Pandialecta" (1996)

Sandra Kindler, "Chicano English as reflected in Chicano literature" (1996)

Ruth Jehle, "Accents and dialects of English in cassette-recorded literature" (1996)

Christine Hübner, "Criteria for the firmness of compounds" (1996)

Clemens Fritz, "Early Australian letters: A linguistic analysis" (1996)

Viveca Draf, "Gender and language" (1996)

Gernot Ziegaus, "Ambiguity in the headlines of newspaper and poster advertising in England" (1995)

Markus Winkler, "Die Verben der Zuneigung im Englischen: Eine empirische Bedeutungsbeschreibung vor dem Hintergrund der Prototypensemantik" (1995)

Beate Maria Stoll, "Germanische und romanische Suffixe in mittelenglischer und frühneuenglischer Zeit - Eine computerunterstützte synchron-diachrone Untersuchung" (1995)

Alexandra Stock, "Geschichte und strukturelle Eigenheiten des irischen Englisch" (1995)

Gabriela Schmahl, "Cratis D. Williams' 'Glossary of Southern Mountain Speech'. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Charakterisierung" (1995)

Wolfgang Krotter, "The English competence of French Canadians in Quebec" (1995)

Gabriele Kirmaier, "The roots of English spelling" (1995)

Alexander Kautzsch, "The roots of modern English: Non-finite verb forms" (1995)

Yvonne Fischer, "18th-century letters from South Carolina: a linguistic analysis" (1995)

Thomas Biermeier, "Conversion and back-formation in English from a diachronic point of view: A corpus-based analysis" (1995)

Petra Bernecker, "Language contact and complex etymologies in medieval England" (1995)

Anne Baumeister-Eckersley, "Homily und Sermon: Zur Geschichte und ?berlieferung eines Texttyps" (1994)

Andrea D?derlein, "Unterschiede im Sozialstatus der schwarzen Sklaven vor dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg und seine sprachlichen Auswirkungen" (1994)

Christoph Melian, "Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse von Schlagzeilen aus den amerikanischen Nachrichtenmagazinen Time und Newsweek von 1947 bis 1993" (1994)

Petra Claudia Nickl, "Studies on the life of Latin loan words in the Early Modern English period with examples from the Oxford English Dictionary" (1994)

Rainer Hasinger, "Infinitive and -ing participle in Early Modern English" (1994)

Nicola Utz, "American Indian English" (1994)


  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

Prof. Dr. Edgar Schneider

Prof. Dr. Edgar W. Schneider
Professor emeritus

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