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Prof. Dr. Edgar W. Schneider???? ??????????? ??????????????????????? ?????? ????




Invited Keynote / Plenary Lectures at International Conferences

Aug. 2025???????? NWAV-AP (New Ways of Analyzing Variation – Asia-Pacific) conference, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Invited Keynote Speaker)

Dec. 2024???????? 1st International Conference on Migration Linguistics, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Invited Keynote Speaker)

April 2024???????? Language Variety in the South conference, Athens, GA, USA (Invited Plenary Speaker)

Jan. 2024????????? JAFAE (The Japanese Association for Asian Englishes) conference, Nagoya, Japan (Invited Keynote Speaker)

Sep. 2023???????? Italian Association of English Studies conference, Cosenza, Italien (Invited Keynote Speaker)

Nov. 2022???????? The Transformative Development of Postcolonial Africa: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Humboldt-Kolleg; Yaounde, Kamerun (Invited Keynote Speaker)

Dec. 2021 ? ? ? ? ? ? AsiaTEFL conference, Delhi, India (Invited Plenary Speaker) (online)

March 2019????? Symposium "Contact Englishes", Fukuoka, Japan (Invited Plenary Speaker)

March 2019?????? LSPIC (Linguistic Society of the Philippines) International Conference - 50th Anniversary, Manila, The Philippines (Invited Keynote Speaker)

Feb. 2019???????? International Conference on Pluricentricity vs. Pluriareality, Münster (Invited Plenary Speaker & Round Table Panelist)

July 2018????????? ISLE (International Society for the Linguistics of English) conference, University of London (Presidential Plenary Address)

August 2017???? ICHL (International Conference on Historical Linguistics), San Antonio, Texas, USA; Invited Panel Speaker at a panel on “The Ecology of African American English”

Juni 2017????????? SHEL10 (Studies in the History of the English Language) conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas (Invited Plenary Speaker)

Nov. 2016???????? Distinguished Lecture: 31st SAAL (Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics) Lecture, National University of Singapore

Juli 2016?????????? Symposium "English and Spanish in Interaction", Universit?t Zürich (Invited Speaker)

Mai 2016?????????? ICAME 37 conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Invited Plenary Lecture)

Juni 2015????????? International Conference "Changing English", Helsinki, Finland (Invited Plenary Speaker)

M?rz 2015???????? Interntional Conference on Bilingualism, Valetta, Malta (Invited Plenary Speaker)

Dec. 2013???????? Conference of the Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL), Cheonan, Korea (Invited Plenary Speaker)

October 2013??? "Englishes Today" conference, Vigo, Spain (Invited Plenary Speaker)

July 2013????????? 19e Congrès International des Linguistes, Genf (Session Manager)

Feb. 2013???????? Wilson Center Distinguished Lecturer, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

Dec. 2012???????? International Association for World Englishes (IAWE), Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China (Invited Plenary Speaker)

July 2012????????? Second International Conference on Nondominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages, University of Salamanca, Spain (Invited Speaker)

Oct 2010 ???????? Free Linguistics Conference, University of Sydney, Australia (Invited Plenary Speaker)

Sep 2010????????? International Conference "Pluricentric Languages", Catholic University of Portugal,? Braga (Invited Plenary Speaker)

June 2010???????? International Conference "Echoes of Albion: English-American Speech Relations",?University of Groningen, The Netherlands (Invited Speaker)

June 2010???????? International Conference "English as a Contact Language", Zurich, Switzerland? (Invited Speaker)

May 2010???????? ICAME (International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English) Conference,? Giessen (Invited Plenary Speaker)

May 2010???????? 3rd International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca, Vienna, Austria (Invited? Plenary Speaker)

May 2009???????? Workshop "Linguistic complexity in interlanguage varieties, L2 varieties, and contact?languages", FRIAS, Freiburg (Invited Speaker)

April 2008???????? RELC (Regional English Language Conference), Singapore (Invited Speaker)

Oct 2006????????? International Association of World Englishes, Chukyo / Nagoya, Japan (Invited Plenary? Speaker)

May 2006???????? Language, Literature and Education in Multicultural Societies", Yaounde, Cameroon? (Invited Plenary Speaker)

Apr 2004????????? Language Variation in the South III, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (Invited Speaker)

June 2001???????? The Major Varieties of English 3, Freiburg i. Br.(Invited Plenary Speaker)

April 2001???????? Australian Style Council Conference, Sydney (Invited Keynote Speaker)

July 1999????????? 6th IAWE (International Association of World Englishes) Conference, Tsukuba, Japan (Invited Focus Speaker)

Dec 1997????????? 4th IAWE (International Association of World Englishes) Conference, Singapore (Invited Focus Speaker)

April 1993???????? Language Variation in the South II, Auburn, Alabama (Invited Speaker)

Feb 1988????????? Round Table on Africanisms in Afro-American Language Varieties, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., USA (Invited Speaker)


Lectures at International Conferences

Sep. 2024??????? BICLCE (Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English) conference, Alicante, Spain

Feb. 2022???????? MasterVision student conference, University of Bremen (Invited Keynote Speaker) (online)

Aug. 2021???????? ICAME 42 conference, TU Dortmund

Juni 2021????????? ISLE (International Society for the Linguistics of English) conference, Univ. of Eastern Finland Joensuu (online)

Feb. 2021???????? 6th NWAV-AP (New Ways of Analyzing Variation Asia-Pacific) conference, National University of Singapore (online)

Juni 2019????????? International Association for World Englishes, Limerick, Irland

July 2018?????????? International Congress of Linguists (ICL 20), Cape Town, South Africa (workshop co-convener)

Mai/Juni 2018??? International Association for World Englishes, Manila, Philippinen

Feb. 2017???????? International Conference of “Varieties of English in the Indo-Pacific” project, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australien

Sep.-Oct. 2016? Free Linguistics Conference, Padang, Indonesien

Sep. 2016???????? ISLE (International Society for the Linguistics of English), Poznan, Polen

April 2016???????? 4th NWAV-AP (New Ways of Analyzing Variation Asia-Pacific) conference, National Cheung Chung University, ChiaYi, Taiwan

Oct. 2015????????? International Association of World Englishes, Istanbul, Turkey

Dec. 2014???????? International Association for World Englishes, Delhi, Indien

April-Mai 2014?? ICAME (International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English) Conference, Nottingham, UK

May 2012???????? "English in Asia's Language Habitats" conference, Freie Universit?t Berlin

May 2012???????? Fifth "English as a Lingua Franca" conference, Istanbul

May 2012???????? "English in Asia's Language Habitats" conference, Freie Universit?t Berlin

August 2011???? Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, Accra, Ghana

June 2011???????? International Society for the Linguistics of English, Boston, MA, USA

February 2011?? New Ways of Analyzing Variation – Asia-Pacific (NWAV-AP) conference, Delhi, India

July 2010????????? International Association for World Englishes, Vancouver, Canada

Oct 2009????????? International Association for World Englishes, Cebu, The Philippines

July 2009????????? International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English 3, London

Dec 2008????????? International Association for World Englishes, Hong Kong

Oct 2008????????? International Society for the Linguistics of English, Freiburg

Jul 2007?????????? International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English 2, Toulouse

Nov 2006????????? NWAVE35: New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, Columbus, Ohio

Oct 2005????????? SHEL4 – Studies in the History of the English Language, Flagstaff, Arizona, US

Aug 2005????????? 12th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology. Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Jun 2005????????? "Creole language structure between substrates and superstrates", Max-Planck-Institut? für Evolution?re Anthropologie, Universit?t Leipzig

May 2005???????? ICAME (International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English) and AAACL (American Association of Applied Corpus Linguistics) Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Dec 2003????????? 8th English in Southeast Asia Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Aug 2003????????? Summer Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, Honolulu, HI, USA

Oct 2003????????? NWAVE32: New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Oct 2002????????? NWAVE31: New Ways of Analyzing Variation, Stanford, CA, USA

Aug 2002????????? Biennial Meeting of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, St Augustin Campus, Trinidad

July/Aug 2001?? IAUPE (International Association of University Professors of English), Bamberg

Oct 2000????????? NWAVE29: New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, Lansing, Michigan

Oct 1999????????? NWAVE28: New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, Toronto, Canada

Aug 1999????????? AILA '99 World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan

Oct 1998????????? NWAVE27: New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, Athens, Georgia, USA

Jun 1998????????? International Symposium "Degrees of restructuring in Creole Languages / Degrés de restructuration dans les langues créoles", Regensburg

Oct 1996????????? NWAVE25: New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

July 1996????????? Ninth International Conference on Methods in Dialectology, Bangor, Wales, UK

Oct 1995????????? NWAVE24: New Ways of Analyzing Variation, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Oct 1994????????? NWAVE23: New Ways of Analyzing Variation, Stanford, CA, USA

Sep 1994????????? Eighth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Edinburgh, Scotland

Aug 1992????????? Ninth Biennial Meeting of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, Cave Hill, Barbados

July 1991????????? "Early Modern English" Conference, Tulln, Austria

June 1991???????? International Conference "Language Contact and Language Change", Rydzyna, Poland

July/Aug 1990?? International Congress of Dialectologists, Bamberg

June 1990???????? 11th ICAME (International Computer Archive of Modern English) Conference, Berlin

May 1990???????? Sixth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Helsinki, Finland

March 1989?????? Workshop "Computer Methods in Dialectology", Athens, Ga., USA

Nov 1988????????? SAMLA / SECOL (South Atlantic Modern Language Association and South-Eastern? Conference on Linguistics), Washington, DC

Nov 1987????????? Colloquium "Problems of Lexical Semantics", Essen

Aug 1987????????? XIV. International Congress of Linguists, Berlin, GDR

Aug 1987????????? Sixth International Conference on Methods in Dialectology, Bangor, Wales

Aug 1983????????? 6th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Poznan, Poland

April 1982???????? Sociolinguistics Symposium, Sheffield, England


International Conferences Attended

Sept. 2019??????? BICLCE (8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English), Bamberg

June 2019???????? ICAME (International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English), Neuchatel, Schweiz

April 2019???????? Irish Corpus Pragmatics, Dortmund

Mai 2018?????????? Early Language Learning Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland

June 2017???????? Conference “The Global South on the Move”, University of Cologne

May 2013????????? Selection Conference of the VW-Foundation "Knowledge for Tomorrow – Cooperative Research Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa", Saly, Senegal

July 2008????????? Symposium "Approaches to Language Variation and Change", Bamberg

Dec 1997????????? Three Circles of English Conference, Singapore

Mar 1987????????? L.A.U.D.-Symposium "Pidgin and Creole Languages", Duisburg

Oct 1983????????? SAMLA / SECOL South Atlantic Modern Language Association and South-Eastern? Conference on Linguistics, Atlanta, GA, USA


Conferences Organized


Oct. 2017????????? Organizer of the International Summer School of ISLE (International Society for the Linguistics of English), University of Regensburg

July 2013????????? Session manager of the session "Sociolinguistics and multilingualism", 19e Congrès International des Linguistes, Geneva, Switzerland

Oct. 2007???????? Organizer of 13th Conference of the International Association of World Englishes ? (IAWE), Regensburg: "World Englishes: Problems – Properties – Prospects"

Sep 2007????????? Workshop "The Sociolinguistics of Transformation", Cape Town, South Africa

July/Aug 2001?? Vice-Chair of section "English in Contact: Mixed Varieties and Creoles" (with Geneviève Escure), IAUPE Jubilee Conference, Bamberg

June 1998???????? Organizer of International Symposium "Degrees of Restructuring in Creole Languages / Degrés de restructuration dans les langues créoles", Regensburg (with I. Neumann-Holzschuh)

Sep 1996????????? Organizer of the Linguistic Section "Approaches to Linguistic Change"; Annual Meeting of the German Anglistentag, Dresden

Sep 1996????????? Organizer of 2nd Regensburg Graduate Seminar in English Linguistics with Prof. Walt Wolfram (North Carolina): "The Changing Scope of American English Dialects"

Dec 1993????????? Organizer of Regensburg Graduate Seminar in English Linguistics with Prof. Guy Bailey (Memphis, TN, USA): "American Sociolinguistics in the 1990s: An Approach to Sociolinguistic Dialectology"

March 1989?????? Co-organizer of Workshop "Computer Methods in Dialectology", Athens, GA, USA




  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

Prof. Dr. Edgar Schneider

Prof. Dr. Edgar W. Schneider
Professor emeritus

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