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ISLE Summer School 2017 Final Circular

The ISLE Summer School is approaching fast. We are excited about meeting you all and look forward to four days of presentations, workshops and networking. In this final circular, we would like to give you the latest information.


The final version of the program is now online, please see http://www.isle-summer-school-2017.ur.de/program to download a pdf file.

Venue and getting around

The Summer School takes place in the Recht und Wirschaft (law and business) building (see http://www.isle-summer-school-2017.ur.de/venue). The Summer School office (W 115) and most of the other rooms are located on the first floor. You can follow the dedicated signs from the central ¡°Universit?t¡± bus stop or use the UR Walking App (https://urwalking.ur.de/navi/). We also created a Google Map with all the important locations highlighted to help you get around Regensburg more easily (http://tinyurl.com/iss17map).

Getting to University

If you stay in ¡°Star Inn¡± just cross the street and catch a 6, 11, C1 or C6 bus from ¡°Hauptbahnhof/Albertstr.¡± and get off at ¡°Universit?t¡±. If you stay at ¡°Dechbettener Hof¡±, catch a number 4 bus to ¡°Universit?t¡± (also see http://www.isle-summer-school-2017.ur.de/travel-accommodation)


The Summer School will be opened on Tuesday, 3 October, 6 pm with a talk by Naomi Nagy on ¡°Cross-cultural approaches: Comparing heritage languages in Toronto¡± in ¡®Haus der Begegnung¡¯, Hinter der Grieb 8. The venue is centrally located in the beautiful Old Town of Regensburg. Following the opening talk we invite you to a reception. Those interested can join us for an informal (self-paid) dinner at ¡°Amore, Vino & Amici¡±, an Italian restaurant located next door.


Please remember that the presentations are scheduled to take 25 minutes (15 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion) and that we aim to stick to this timeframe. To make things run smoothly and keep the technical challenges to a minimum we kindly ask you to use the (Windows) laptop provided for your presentations. Please see one of our student helpers or team members in one of the breaks to copy and test run your presentation. Loudspeakers and a presenter are available.

Wifi and CIP-Pools

If you are on Eduroam, you can use your own account to access the internet at the university. We have also set up a conference account. SSID: conference.uni-regensburg.de; Password: unirconf. If you want to access one of the machines in the computer pools, you can use the following login: User: tag00.tagung.extern; Password: isle2017.


Please bring along your student id cards so that you can benefit from the student prices at the Mensa (refectory) at lunch. You can pay by cash.


The group photo will be taken before going to lunch on Wednesday (weather permitting). Just follow us. We will also take photos during the summer school.

On campus

There is a small food shop close to the Mensa. A copy shop is located next door. A cafeteria is located on the ground floor of the Recht und Wirtschaft building.


Note that 3 October is Reunification Day, which is a public holiday in Germany. Shops will be closed (except for those located in the central station). The weather looks very promising (at least from Wednesday onwards). Expect sunshine and maximum temperatures of about 16-18¡ãC, but note that it¡¯s likely to be rather crisp in the mornings.

If you have any further questions, please don¡¯t hesitate to contact us.

Wishing you all safe travels and looking forward to meeting you next week.

Thorsten Brato

On behalf of the organising committee

ISLE Summer School Circular August 2017

Thank you for registering for the ISLE Summer School 2017 in Regensburg. With this circular, we would like to give some further information.


We are currently finalising the programme and will publish a tentative schedule of plenaries, presentations, workshops and consultations on our website soon. Each of you got into two workshops of your choice. We will send you an individual email about which workshops you will be able to attend. We will also forward your email address to the respective workshop organisers who may provide you with further information about their workshops.


As previously announced, blocks of rooms have been reserved in two hotels. The Star Inn hotel is conveniently located less than 200m from the central station with frequent direct bus connections to university and less than a 5-minute walk to the beautiful Old Town. The price for a single room (including breakfast) is €69/night.The hotel Dechbettener Hof is located about 3.5 km from the central station and city centre. There is a direct regular bus connection to university. The price for a single room (including breakfast) is €55/night, a double room is €85/night. When making your reservations, please mention the code "ISLE Summer School 2017".

Please make your individual reservations.


Some of you will require a visa to travel to Germany. We are happy to provide you with an official invitation letter and other information required. Please contact us by email (ISLE.SummerSchool@ur.de).


Please let us know by 15 August if you are not able to attend the whole four days of the Summer School so that we can make arrangements for scheduling your presentation and choice of workshops.?

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. ?

We look forward to welcoming you in Regensburg.?

With best wishes,

Thorsten Brato

On behalf of the organising committee

ISLE Summer School Circular April 2017

The preparations for the ISLE Summer School 2017 are making good progress. Today we would like to give you an update on the latest developments.

Registration and cost

Registration for the summer school opened on 15 April. Please log in to your Conftool account to register. Please choose the three workshops you are most interested in. We will try to make sure that you will be admitted to two of these workshops. Also, we offer individual consultations with the experts. If you are interested in talking about your work with an expert one-on-one, as above please choose your three favourite options.

The fees are as follows:
For ISLE members: 230 € (early registration until 31 May 2017); 280 € (late registration between 1 June 2017 and 31 July 2017)
For all others: 330 € (early registration until 31 May 2017); 380 € (late registration between 1 June 2017 and 31 July 2017)

The fee includes tuition, the dinner on 5 October, refreshments during the morning and afternoon breaks, teaching materials and a book of abstracts.

If you are not yet a member of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) we recommend joining the society to benefit from the member discount. Membership is free for all students (including doctoral students) and only €7.50 for postdocs per year. Please see www.isle-linguistics.org for further information.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or PayPal. Please note that we cannot process credit card transactions. We strongly recommend making your payment by bank transfer. There should be no extra charge for participants from the European Union and it may be a cheaper option for those from elsewhere. Please note that we must add the fee PayPal is charging us to your overall summer school fee to keep the prices lower for everyone else.

Program outline

A tentative schedule for the Summer School is now online. You can have a look at it on the program page.

Travel bursaries

As was mentioned already in the previous circular, ISLE has made available a limited number of bursaries, chiefly intended to help academically qualified participants who are not in regular full employment and/or from low- and middle-income countries. The bursary consists of a fixed sum to partly cover the tuition fee, travel cost and accommodation. If you wish to apply for a bursary, please download the bursary application and send it by email to isle.summerschool@ur.de on or before 20 April 2017.


Blocks of rooms have been reserved in two hotels. The Star Inn hotel is conveniently located less than 200m from the central station with frequent direct bus connections to university and less than a 5-minute walk to the beautiful Old Town. The price for a single room (including breakfast) is €69/night.
The hotel Dechbettener Hof is located about 3.5 km from the central station and city centre. There is a direct regular bus connection to university. The price for a single room (including breakfast) is €55/night, a double room is €85/night. When making your reservations, please mention the code "ISLE Summer School 2017". You can find more information here.


On Sunday, 8 October we are planning an excursion to the beautiful surroundings of Regensburg. We will travel by bus and boat on the River Danube to the renowned Weltenburg monastery, the Danube Gorge and the Liberation Hall in Kelheim, a memorial of the Napoleonic Wars. The price for the excursion is €30 and covers bus, boat, and entry fees. Please see the excursion page for more information.

With the best wishes from Regensburg,
Thorsten Brato
On behalf of the organising committee

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

ISLE Summer School 2017



Universit?t Regensburg
Department of English and American Studies
93040 Regensburg