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  • AprèsSQI: Extra Fast Verification for SQIsign Using Extension-Field Signing
    Maria Corte-Real Santos, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer, and Krijn Reijnders
    Eurocrypt 2024
  • Optimizations and Practicality of High-Security CSIDH
    Fabio Campos, Jorge Chavez-Saab, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Michael Meyer, Krijn Reijnders, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Peter Schwabe, and Thom Wiggers
    IACR Communications in Cryptology, 1(1), 2024
  • Efficient Post-Quantum Secure Deterministic Threshold Wallets from Isogenies
    Poulami Das, Andreas Erwig, Michael Meyer, and Patrick Struck
    ACM AsiaCCS 2024
  • Constructing Committing and Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Encryption
    Patrick Struck and Maximiliane Weish?upl
    Tosc 2024
  • HaMAYO: A Fault-Tolerant Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of the MAYO Signature Scheme
    Oussama Sayari, Soundes Marzougui, Thomas Aulbach, Juliane Kr?mer, and Jean-Pierre Seifert
    COSADE 2024
  • Practical Key Recovery Attack on MQ-Sign
    Thomas Aulbach, Simona Samardjiska, and Monika Trimoska
    PQCrypto 2024
  • Hash your Keys before Signing: BUFF Security of the Additional NIST PQC Signatures
    Thomas Aulbach, Samed Düzlü, Michael Meyer, Patrick Struck, and Maximiliane Weish?upl
    PQCrypto 2024
  • Finding Practical Parameters for Isogeny-based Cryptography
    Maria Corte-Real Santos, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer, and Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
    IACR Communications in Cryptology, 1(3), 2024


  • Cryptographic Smooth Neighbors
    Giacomo Bruno, Maria Corte-Real Santos, Craig Costello, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer, Michael Naehrig, Bruno Sterner
    Asiacrypt 2023
  • Separating Oil and Vinegar with a Single Trace
    Thomas Aulbach, Fabio Campos, Juliane Kr?mer, Simona Samardjiska, Marc St?ttinger
    CHES 2023
  • On the Feasibility of Single-Trace Attacks on the Gaussian Sampler using a CDT
    Soundes Marzougui, Ievgen Kabin, Juliane Kr?mer, Thomas Aulbach, Jean-Pierre Seifert
    COSADE 2023
  • Disorientation Faults in CSIDH
    Gustavo Banegas, Juliane Kr?mer, Tanja Lange, Michael Meyer, Lorenz Panny, Krijn Reijnders, Jana Sotáková, and Monika Trimoska
    Eurocrypt 2023
  • A Lightweight Identification Protocol Based on Lattices
    Samed Düzlü, Juliane Kr?mer, Thomas P?ppelmann, and Patrick Struck
    PKC 2023


  • Patient Zero and Patient Six: Zero-Value and Correlation Attacks on CSIDH and SIKE
    Fabio Campos, Michael Meyer, Krijn Reijnders, and Marc St?ttinger
    SAC 2022
  • On Quantum Ciphertext Indistinguishability, Recoverability, and OAEP
    Juliane Kr?mer and Patrick Struck
    PQCrypto 2022
  • Sponge-based Authenticated Encryption: Security against Quantum Attackers
    Christian Janson and Patrick Struck
    PQCrypto 2022
  • On the Related-Key Attack Security of Authenticated Encryption Schemes
    Sebastian Faust, Juliane Kr?mer, Maximilian Orlt, and Patrick Struck
    SCN 2022
  • Application of Automorphic Forms to Lattice Problems
    Samed Düzlü and Juliane Kr?mer
    JMC 2022
  • Machine-Learning Side-Channel Attacks on the GALACTICS Constant-Time Implementation of BLISS
    Soundes Marzougui, Nils Wisiol, Patrick Gersch, Juliane Kr?mer, and Jean-Pierre Seifert
    ARES 2022
  • Recovering Rainbow's Secret Key with a First-Order Fault Attack
    Thomas Aulbach, Tobias Kovats, Juliane Kr?mer, and Soundes Marzougui
  • User Perceptions of Security and Privacy for Group Chat
    Sean Oesch, Ruba Abu-Salma, Oumar Diallo, Juliane Kr?mer, James Simmons, Justin Wu, and Scott Ruoti
    DTRAP 2022
  • Open or not open: Are conventional radio access networks more secure and trustworthy than Open-RAN?
    Felix Klement, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Vincent Ulitzsch, Juliane Kr?mer, Slawomir Stanczak, Zoran Utkovski, Igor Bjelakovic, and Gerhard Wunder
    White Paper - [online access on arXiv]


  • Safe-Error Attacks on SIKE and CSIDH
    Fabio Campos, Juliane Kr?mer, and Marcel Müller
    SPACE 2021

  • CTIDH: faster constant-time CSIDH
    Gustavo Banegas, Daniel Bernstein, Fabio Campos, Tung Chou, Tanja Lange, Michael Meyer, Benjamin Smith, and Jana Sotáková
    TCHES 2021

  • Quantum Indistinguishability for Public Key Encryption
    Tommaso Gagliardoni, Juliane Kr?mer, and Patrick Struck
    PQCrypto 2021

  • Verifying Post-Quantum Signatures in 8 kB of RAM
    Ruben Gonzalez, Andreas Hülsing, Matthias Kannwischer, Juliane Kr?mer, Tanja Lange, Marc St?ttinger, Elisabeth Waitz, Thom Wiggers, and Bo-Yin Yang
    PQCrypto 2021

  • BUFFing signature schemes beyond unforgeability and the case of post-quantum signatures
    Cas Cremers, Samed Düzlü, Rune Fiedler, Marc Fischlin, and Christian Janson
    S&P 2021


  • Security of Public Key Encryption against Resetting Attacks
    Juliane Kr?mer and Patrick Struck
    INDOCRYPT 2020

  • Classical McEliece Implementation with Low Memory Footprint
    Johannes Roth, Evangelos Karatsiolis, and Juliane Kr?mer
    CARDIS 2020

  • Post-Quantum Secure Two-Party Computation for Iris Biometric Template Protection
    Pia Bauspie?, Jascha Kolberg, Daniel Demmler, Juliane Kr?mer, and Christoph Busch
    WIFS 2020

  • Deterministic Wallets in a Quantum World
    Nabeil Alkeilani Alkadri, Poulami Das, Andreas Erwig, Sebastian Faust, Juliane Kr?mer, Siavash Riahi, and Patrick Struck
    CCS 2020

  • Understanding User Perceptions of Security and Privacy for Group Chat: A Survey of Users in the US and UK
    Sean Oesch, Ruba Abu-Salma, Oumar Diallo, Juliane Kr?mer, James Simmons, Justin Wu, and Scott Ruoti
    ACSAC 2020

  • Secure Two-Party Computation in a Post-Quantum World
    Niklas Büscher, Daniel Demmler, Nikolaos Karvelas, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Juliane Kr?mer, Deevashwer Rathee, Thomas Schneider, and Patrick Struck
    ACNS 2020

  • The Lattice-Based Digital Signature Scheme qTESLA
    Erdem Alkim, Paulo Barreto, Nina Bindel, Juliane Kr?mer, Patrick Longa, and Jefferson Ricardini
    ACNS 2020

  • Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Encryption from Leakage-Resilient Pseudorandom Functions
    Juliane Kr?mer and Patrick Struck
    COSADE 2020

  • Encryption Schemes using Random Oracles: from Classical to Post-Quantum Security
    Juliane Kr?mer and Patrick Struck
    PQCrypto 2020


  • Sponges Resist Leakage: The Case of Authenticated Encryption
    Jean Paul Degabriele, Christian Janson, and Patrick Struck
    ASIACRYPT 2019

  • Post-Quantum Cryptography and its Application to the IoT – (Extended Abstract)
    Juliane Kr?mer
    Informatik Spektrum 2019

  • p3Enum: A New Parameterizable and Shared-Memory Parallelized Shortest Vector Problem Solver
    Michael Burger, Christian Bischof, and Juliane Kr?mer
    ICCS 2019

  • A new Parallelization for p3Enum and Parallelized Generation of Optimized Pruning Functions
    Michael Burger, Christian Bischof, and Juliane Kr?mer
    HPCS 2019

  • Post-Quantum Cryptography in Embedded Systems
    Soundes Marzougui and Juliane Kr?mer
    IWSMA 2019

  • Fault attacks on UOV and Rainbow
    Juliane Kr?mer and Miriam Loiero
    COSADE 2019


  • Differential Power Analysis of XMSS and SPHINCS
    Matthias Kannwischer, Aymeric Genêt, Denis Butin, Juliane Kr?mer, and Johannes Buchmann
    COSADE 2018

  1. Faculty of Informatics and Data Science

Chair of Data Security and Cryptography

Data Security and Cryptography

Quantum and Physical Attack Resistant Cryptography

Bajuwarenstra?e 4
93053 Regensburg