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B.Sc. Computer Science & B.Sc. Data Science

On this page you will find the most important information about how to organize your studies. If you are missing any information, please do not hesitate to contact us!

For freshmen:

Before the start of studies

Know study periods

Semesters, lecture periods etc. - What is meant by this?

Your studies are divided into so-called semesters. Each semester spans half a year. As a rule, you will study 6 semesters, i.e. 3 years.

Semesters can be divided into winter semester (short: WiSe) and summer semester (short: SoSe).

A semester consists of the lecture period (15 weeks in winter semester; 14 weeks in summer semester), during which (most) courses take place, and the lecture-free period, during which (most) exams take place.

Semester and lecture periods

Winter semester and summer semester always span the same months:

Winter semester: October 1 to March 31

Summer semester: April 1 to September 30

Within these time spans, the lecture periods and lecture-free periods vary slightly each year:

Lecture period SoSe 2024: April 15, 2024 to July 19, 2024

Lecture period WiSe 2024/25: October 14, 2024 to February 7, 2025

Lecture period SoSe 2025: April 22, 2025* to July 25, 2025

* In accordance with previous regulations, Easter Tuesday (April 22, 2025) is lecture-free. Lectures will therefore begin on Wednesday, April 23, 2025.

Keeping track of all periods - with the semester calendar

Check the university's semester calendars for current and future lecture times.

Attend math bridge course

Get fit for your studies - with the bridge course in mathematics!

"School mathematics" and "university mathematics" are very different. The bridge course in mathematics makes it easier for you to start your studies by building a bridge between school and university mathematics.

For freshmen:

At the start of your studies

Welcome to FIDS! We are the Faculty of Informatics and Data Science and look forward to having you as a student.

Attend introductory events

Information events on the start of studies

In October 2025, two introductory days to the degree programs, the "FIDS Welcome Days", will take place for all first-semester FIDS students enrolled in the B.Sc. Computer Science and B.Sc. Data Science degree programs.

During these days, you will get to know the FIDS team and receive first-hand information about the degree programs. You will also get to know the most important university systems and we will help you with the registration for all courses in the first semester. The FIDS student association will also offer a colorful social program to get to know each other!

The program of the FIDS Welcome Days will be published here in sufficient time. It will provide you with, i.a., information on event times and locations.

FIDS Welcome Days for first-semester students of Information Systems

Are you starting your B.Sc. in Information Systems or M.Sc. in Information Systems? During the FIDS Welcome Days, you can look forward to special introductory events for Information Systems students as well as the colorful supporting program of the student association.

Gain an overview of study contents

Get an overview of the content of your study subject - in 3 steps!

1. Get an overview of the general structure of the program

Diagram showing the structure of the B.Sc. program in Computer Science:

Diagram showing the structure of the B.Sc. program in Data Science:

2. Get an overview of all teaching units (modules) of your study program

The course outline lists all modules* that are part of your study program, distinguishing between compulsory modules and compulsory elective modules. You must take compulsory modules in order to successfully complete your studies. With the compulsory elective modules, you have the opportunity to choose from a list of different modules those which correspond best to your interests.

* Modules are teaching units consisting of one or more courses that share learning contents and learning objectives.

3. Get an overview of every single teaching unit (module)

In the module catalog, you will find detailed information about the individual modules of your study program. Here you can learn, for example, what you will study in each module, what you have to do to pass the module, and how the module grade is calculated.

In the examination regulations (ER) of your study program, you will find specific information about which modules you need to complete to successfully finish your studies. You will also find information about the number of retake attempts allowed for an exam, when you can register for the Bachelor thesis, and how your final grade is calculated. The examination regulations are legally binding and therefore compulsory reading for all students.

For Every Student:

At the start of each semester

Create your lesson plan

What courses should I take in the 1st semester?

You can find all the courses you should take in the first semester in our annotated course catalog:

You can also find first-semester recommendations under a separate heading in the course catalog in SPUR :

What courses should I take in subsequent semesters?

The exemplary course of studies provides you with guidance for each semester on which courses you could take:

"Exemplary" is meant seriously: In the compulsory elective area, you can choose modules according to your own preferences. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that:

  • in the B.Sc. Computer Science program, at least 30 credit points (usually 6 modules) must be completed in the compulsory elective area, of which 12 credit points (usually two modules) must come from the General Computer Science are and
  • in the B.Sc. Data Science program, 30 credit points (usually five modules) from the area of Connectors and 12 credit points (usually two modules) from the Methods area must be chosen.

Enroll in courses

Course registration via SPUR

The registration for courses takes place through the course catalog in the SPUR campus portal:

In your first semester, you can, but are not required to, register for courses in SPUR before the start of lectures. During the FIDS Welcome Days in October 2024 you will have the opportunity to register for courses on-site with guidance from the program coordinator.

From your 2nd semester onwards, you must always register for courses before (!) the start of lectures.

Registration deadlines

When registering for courses, please note the respective registration periods and register for all courses on time! In SPUR, the applicable registration period is indicated for each course in the "Basic Data" tab (box "Course registration phase") in the course catalog.

For courses with participation restrictions (e.g., tutorials, individual lectures, seminars), registration ends before the start of the semester. Please also note that individual courses may have different registration periods than the usual ones for FIDS. This applies in particular to courses that are also offered in other degree programs, i.e., primarily courses in the compulsory elective area.

For every student:

During each semester

Attend courses

How do I know when my courses take place?

In the SPUR course catalog, you can find information about the course times for each course in the tab "WHO - WHEN - WHERE".

The abbreviation "c.t." means that the course starts starts 15 minutes later than indicated in the course catalog (Example: For 10:00 am c.t., the course actually starts at 10:15 am). The abbreviation "s.t." on the other hand, means that a course will take place at the time indicated in the course catalog (Example: For 10:00 am s.t., the course starts at 10:00 am).

How do I know where my courses take place?

In the SPUR course catalog, the tab "WHO - WHEN - WHERE" indicates in which room each course takes place.

The university's campus maps and the campus navigation system will assist you in finding your way.

Where can I find course materials?

Course materials such as lecture slides or exercise sheets can be found on GRIPS, the e-learning platform of the University of Regensburg. Each course has its own virtual space on GRIPS, which you can enroll in. Once you have enrolled in the GRIPS spaces for the courses you are attending, you will also receive course-related messages from the course instructors in your university email inbox.

In the SPUR course catalog, in the "Basic Data" tab of each course (box "Links") you will find the link to the respective GRIPS course.

Keeping an eye on exams

Compulsory reading: Examination Regulations (RE)

The Examination Regulations (RE) are compulsory reading for all students. They are legally binding and specify which academic achievements must be completed to what extent and at what time.

In the Examination Regulations, you will find, for example, information about which modules you must complete during your studies, when you can register for the bachelor thesis, and how your final grade is calculated.

Module catalog: Take a close look at the exams

The module catalog provides detailed information about the examinations with which each module concludes, as well as details such as the scope and duration of the examinations. You can find this information in all module descriptions under the section "13. module examination".


With one exception, all examinations take place towards the end of lecture periods or during lecture-free periods (at least in the first three weeks after the end of the lecture periods). Please take this into account when planning your vacation or similar.

One exception is the exam for "Lecture + Excercise on Foundations of Mathematics (FIDS)", which takes place every winter semester in December.

Register for exams

Registration for exams via FlexNow

In order to participate in examinations (course assessments), you must register in the university's examination administration system FlexNow. Please note that it is only possible to register and deregister for examinations during certain time periods.

Module (partial) examinations

  • Registration in FlexNow for module (partial) examinations is possible until one week before the examination date (example: For an examination on February 22, you can register until February 15 at 11:59 p.m.).
  • Deregistration in FlexNow is possible up to two days before the examination date (example: For an examination on February 22, you can deregister until February 20 at 11:59 p.m.).

Study achievements

In some cases, you also have to register for study achievements in FlexNow. You can find out which study achievements you have to register for in FlexNow for each module in the course catalog for your degree program under the respective modules.

Problems with exam registration or deregistration

If you are unable to register or deregister for an examination during the above-mentioned periods, e.g., due to technical problems, please contact our Study Affairs Coordinator Ulrike Allouche, stating the error message. In this case, the receipt of the email will be counted as examination registration or deregistration if necessary.

Non-attendance despite registration

If you are registered for an exam in Flexnow and do not show up, the exam will be counted as a failure (grade 5.0). In your own interest, please make use of the generous registration and deregistration periods for examinations.

Things to know about FlexNow

What is FlexNow?

FlexNow is the examination administration system of the University of Regensburg. Students can use this system to register for and deregister from examinations and keep track of their academic achievements.

How do I use FlexNow?

The University Administration provides students with brief instructions on how to use FlexNow.

Take exams

How do I know when and where exams are taking place?

You will receive an overview of all module (partial) examinations offered in the current semester in good time via the "FIDS Forum" in your student e-mail inbox. This overview will tell you the date, time, and location of each examination.

Behavior in case of illness

If you are ill on the examination date and can no longer withdraw from the examinations in Flexnow, please follow the university-wide instructions on what to do in the event of illness, in particular the information sheet "What to do if you are unable to take an examination due to illness" (Merkblatt "Verhalten bei krankheitsbedingter Prüfungsunf?higkeit"). In any case, you must ensure that you withdraw from the examination and obtain a doctor's certificate by the day of the examination at the latest.

Handling further exam matters

What other issues exist in terms of examinations?

The university's examination secretariats (often referred to as the "examination office" and in German the "Prüfungsamt") deal with concerns, questions, and problems relating to the administration of examinations and examination results. Each department or field of study has a dedicated contact point and dedicated contact persons at the examination secretariats. Those responsible for the degree programs at FIDS will help you with the following issues, among others:

  • Approval of academic achievements from other degree programs or from other (also foreign) universities
  • Approval of medical certificates
  • Registration of certificates from the Center for Language and Communication (ZSK)
  • Approval of an inability to take an examination due to an overlap of examinations
  • Rebooking of examination results (e.g., when changing the elective module)
  • Confirmation of internships
  • Technical problems with FlexNow
  • Registration for final thesis
  • Issuing certificates

How do I make inquiries to the Examination Office correctly?

Please follow the guidelines and forms that can be found on the websites of the examination offices responsible for the degree programs at FIDS. In addition, please always state your degree program and your student number ("Matrikelnummer").

Who should I contact at the Examinations Office?

Responsible contact points and contact persons of the examination offices by FIDS degree program are:

In general

Student life

Achieve work-life balance

Balancing study and free time

Student life is much more than just your lesson plan. The University of Regensburg offers a wide range of cultural, sports and social activities: whether it is film screenings, concerts or theater performances - you can be entertained or get involved yourself. Would you rather do radio, layout articles for the student magazine or get involved in the area of sustainability? No problem, you'll find something here too. If sports are your thing: From badminton to weight training to yoga, the university sports program has a lot to offer.

Overview of extracurricular activities at UR


Know your student association

Student association? What's that?

At universities, so-called Fachschaften (associations of students from a certain department or field of study) often take care of the organization of student life in the area of a certain department.

The Computer Science Student Association

The FS[i] - Fachschaft Informatik (Computer Science Student Association) is the contact in matters of student life for all students of computer science-related study programs at the University of Regensburg, i.e. for students studying

  • computer science,
  • data science,
  • information science,
  • media informatics,
  • digital humanities and
  • in the future also for students of information systems.

The FS[i] organizes various events for its students every semester - from a bar hop to quiz and games nights to a winter and summer party. In addition, the FS[i] helps students with questions about the study programs, the organization of their studies and student life in Regensburg.

Communication channels of the FS[i]

Website: fsi.ur.de

Email: fachschaft.informatik@uni-regensburg.de

WhatsApp: FS[i] WhatsApp Community

Instagram: @ur.fsi

In general

Further information channels

The "FIDS Forum"

All FIDS students (currently: Computer Science and Data Science students) are enrolled in the GRIPS course "FIDS Forum" at the beginning of every semester. Important announcements about the FIDS degree programs (e.g., information regarding course or exam registrations) are communicated via the FIDS Forum. You will also receive information on subject-related events, interesting job offers and much more. All messages from the FIDS forum will be sent to your student e-mail inbox.

"UR - Information Science"

The start of your studies can also be seen as the first step in career planning. It is therefore worthwhile to build up a network of like-minded people, relevant experts, and mentors during your studies: People who are passionate about the same IT topics as you. People who do research on these topics. People who bring these topics to the industry. People who offer jobs in these areas.

One of the many ways to build up such networks is through job-centered social media platforms. There you can, for example, network with your fellow students and lecturers, follow luminaries from the IT industry, find out relevant news and keep an eye out for internships and job offers.

And that is also where you will find us: The Chair of Information Science communicates events and research results relating to the intersection of technology, information, and people via its LinkedIn page "University of Regensburg - Information Science". You can also get inspiration for projects and theses and find out what exciting projects Information Science alumni are working on today. Let us connect!

In general

Special contact persons

FIDS Women's Representatives

This is what the FIDS women's representatives do ...

The FIDS Women's Representatives take care to avoid disadvantages for female students, female scientists and female faculty.

They are the personal contact persons for female scientists and students at FIDS

  • for questions concerning information, advice, and support with regard to women-specific and career-related issues,
  • questions concerning the compatibility of family and career, and
  • for cases of sexual harassment.

All questions are, of course, treated confidentially.

Communication channels


Email: frauenbeauftragte.fids@uni-regensburg.de


Women's Representative

Prof. Dr. Merle Behr

1st Deputy Women's Representative

Dr.-Ing. Tanja Auge

2nd Deputy Women's Representative

Dr. Kata Vuk

Student Assistant in the Team of the FIDS Women's Representatives

Franka Heinlein

Any more questions?

Student advisory service "Computer Science and Data Science at UR"

Study Affairs Coordinator

Ulrike Allouche

Phone: +49 941 943-5097



Faculty of Informatics and Data Science