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Bajuwarenstra?e 4

FIDS fits B4.

Our location at Bajuwarenstra?e 4 (B4) in the former Telekom building is characterised by its state-of-the-art facilities and good transport connections (bus route 11).

The lecture hall, several seminar rooms, two CIP pools, common rooms and study rooms, student council rooms, a family and nursing room and canteen/cafeteria (from winter semester 2024/25) make modern student life possible.

As the canteen will not be operational until the start of the winter semester 2024/25, a kiosk has been temporarily set up to offer hot and cold food and drinks. Two large seminar rooms will be completed in fall 2024.

Most of the FIDS teaching takes place in B4. As Information Science, Media Informatics and Information Systems teach in their own degree programmes on campus, but our students should also be able to attend these courses from the third semester onwards, there is currently a planned campus day. This means that third-semester students can attend all their courses on campus one day a week.

The bus timetable has been adapted to the lecture times so that students can commute between B4 and the campus in just a few minutes. The campus can be reached on foot in around 25 minutes and by bike in 6 to 10 minutes.

Faculty of Informatics and Data Science