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Chair holder (retired)


Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Gruber

Office: Sedanstra?e 1, Room 209
E-Mail: Hans.Gruber[at]ur.de

Secretariat: Sekretariat.Gruber[at]ur.de

Further information


Prof. Dr. Richard G?llner


E-Mail: Richard.Goellner[at]ur.de

Further information


Lessel-schuler Katrin

Katrin Lessel-Schuler

Office: PT 4.0.76 C
Office hours: Mon - Thu 08:30 AM - 11:00 AM
E-Mail: Sekretariat.Goellner[at]ur.de
Phone:?+49 (0)941 943 3783
Telefax:?+49 (0)941 943 4989



Academic staff

Gratton Vanessa News

Vanessa Davids, M.A. (née Gratton)

Office: PT 4.1.01
Office hours: by arrangment only
E-Mail: Vanessa.Davids[at]ur.de
Phone: +49 (0)941 943 3827

E-Mail für Praktikumsangelegenheiten: praktikumezw[at]ur.de
Further information

Foto Hanus

Stefan Schreder, M.A. (né Hanus)

Office: PT 4.0.74
Office hours: Wed 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
(during semester break by arrangement only)
E-Mail: Stefan.Schreder[at]ur.de
Phone: +49 (0)941 943 5950

Further information

Hrabetz Barbara

Barbara Hrabetz, M.A.

Office: PT 4.1.28
Office hours: Wed 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
(during semester break by arrangement only)
E-Mail: Barbara.Hrabetz[at]ur.de
Phone: +49 (0)941 943 3788

Further information

Dr. Helen Jossberger

Office: PT 4.1.27
Office hours: Tue 2:00 PM ? 3:00 PM
(during semester break by arrangement only)
E-Mail: Helen.Jossberger[at]ur.de
Phone: +49 (0)941 943 3767

Further information

Schmidt Simon

Simon Schmidt, M.A.

Office: PT 4.1.26
Office hours: Wed 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
(during semester break by arrangement only)
E-Mail: Simon.Schmidt[at]ur.de
Phone: +49 (0)941 943 3672

Further information

Melanie Troll, M.A.

Office: PT 4.1.28
Office hours: by arrangement only
Phone: +49 (0)941 943 3788

Further information

Student assistants

Verena Geudner

Office: PT 4.0.76 D
E-Mail: SHK.Gruber[at]ur.de
Phone: +49 (0)941 943 3415


Vanessa Davids, M.A.

(see above)

Double Degree Coordination

Dr. Helen Jossberger

(see above)

Johannes Kneidl

Office: PT 4.0.74

E-Mail: Double.Degree[at]ur.de

Phone: +49 (0)941 943 5655

  2. Institute of Educational Science

Chair holder (retired)

Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Gruber

Visiting Professor, University of Turku, Finland

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gruber

Building Sedanstra?e 1

Room 209
Mail: Hans.Gruber[at]ur.de
Secretariat: Sekretariat.Gruber[at]ur.de