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An important aspect of the work of the Center of Migration and Education in line with its Third Mission is networking with non-academic actors in the field of work.

Previous collaborations and networking activities

CampusAsyl e.V.

CampusAsyl was founded in late 2014 at the University of Regensburg and the East Bavarian University of Technology in Regensburg (OTH). Since then, the association has worked with several hundred volunteers in around 20 projects for a solidary and equal togetherness of people with and without an experience of forced migration.

At the beginning of 2017, the association initiated the establishment of an interdisciplinary science network at the University and OTH in Regensburg. Its objective was bringing together researchers in the field of migration and integration in order to strengthen their subject-related scientific work, giving them the opportunity to access the practical field of their research through the work of the association. Depending on the cooperation project, CampusAsyl benefits in return from the research results, for example if they are accessible to the association's volunteers as part of further trainings and workshops or if they are incorporated to enhance existing activities. For example, through the collaboration within the Certificate Migration and Education, CampusAsyl e.V. gains (new) volunteers, who can, thanks to their training, reflect on their pedagogical volunteering in a way that is critical of racism and sensitive to differences. On the other hand, the Center for Migration and Education gains access to the practical field for students in the education-oriented projects of CampusAsyl.
In 2018/2019, it became more and more obvious that the created synergies between higher education and civil society needed to be institutionalized.

It was therefore decided for 2020 to integrate or rather transfer the science network Migration and Integration of CampusAsyl e.V. into the Center of Migration and Education. The joint publication by contributors from CampusAsyl and the Center of Migration and Education "After the Flight. Interdisciplinary Perspectives of a Network of Universities and Civil Society", published in December 2019 as a follow-up to the conference of the science network of CampusAsyl in summer 2018, provided a first important step for this transfer.

  1. Universit?t
  2. Rechenzentrum



Prof. Dr. Meike Munser-Kiefer
Prof. Dr. Rupert Hochholzer
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Gruber


Cheyma Arfaoui, M.A.
Lisa Klein, M.A.

