? Interdisciplinary exchange and advisory board ? Research cooperations ? Promotion of young academics
Organization of conferences and workshops
First interdisciplinary science conference for researchers in Regensburg (organized by CampusAsyl e.V., June 20/21, 2018)
Workshop ?School and schooling in a migration society. General and subject-specific didactical perspectives” (June 13, 2019, invited participants of the UR and other Bavarian universities in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril)
Conference ?School and schooling in a migration society. General and subject-specific didactical perspectives” (July 3 and 4 2020 in Regensburg in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril and Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karaka?o?lu)
Establishment of a regional, nationwide and transnational competence network
interdisciplinary exchange
Advisory board (e.g. in critical friend format)
Initiation of third-party funded research projects
Initiation of a post graduate program
Joint promotion of young researchers for master's and doctoral degrees (e.g. joint supervision, organization of conferences for young researchers)
Securing field access through systematic integration of CampusAsyl e.V. and other parties working in the pratical field of migration and education