Academic Positions
since February 2024 | Research Associate at the Department for Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies?(DIMAS), University of Regensburg |
2022-2023 | Post-Doctoral Research Scholar, Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES), Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University |
2023 | George F. Kennan Fellow, Kennan Institute, Wilson Center |
Academic Education
2022??????????????? | Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations, Centre de Recherche Europes-Eurasie (CREE), Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales (INALCO) |
2018-2022 | Doctoral Student at?Centre de Recherche Europes-Eurasie (CREE), Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales (INALCO) |
2018 | M.A. in War Studies ?Expertise des conflits armés? (summa cum laude, valedictorian), Institut des Etudes sur la Guerre et la Paix, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne |
2017-2018 | Master's Studies in War Studies ?Expertise des conflits armés?, Institut des Etudes sur la Guerre et la Paix, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne |
2016 | M.A. in International Relations; M.A. in European Studies (both magna cum laude), Institut Pierre Renouvin, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne |
2013-2016 | Master's Studies in International Relations and European Studies, Institut Pierre Renouvin, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne |
2013 | B.A. in Persian Language and Civilization?(magna cum laude),?Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) |
2010-2013 | Bachelor's Studies of Persian Language and Civilization?at Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales (INALCO) |
Research Interests
- Border Regions (in particular Tajikistan-Afghanistan borderlands)
- Relations between Afghanistan and Tajikistan
- History and Current Affairs in Central Asia?and Afghanistan
- Geography and Ethnography of the Pamir Region
- Central Asian Politics
- Regional Connectivity between Central Asia and other Regions
- History of the Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan
- Iranian Languages (Persian, Shughni)
- Digital Discourse Analysis
- Oral History
- Ethnographic Methods
Peer Reviewed Articles
- "L’image pour déconstruire l’imaginaire à la frontière entre le Tadjikistan et l’Afghanistan" [Image to deconstruct imaginaries at the border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan], EchoGéo 63 (2023).
- (with Sophie Hohmann) "Le danger aux frontières ? Que disent les terrains entre l'Asie centrale et l'Afghanistan ? [Danger along borders? What does fieldwork between Central Asia and Afghanistan tells us?" , Esprit (2023), XI-XXI.
- (with Suzy Blondin) “More Remote Yet More Connected? Physical Accessibility and New?International Contacts in Tajikistan’s Pamirs Since 1991”, Problems of Post Communism?70:3 (2022), 290-304.
- “The Tajikistani-Afghan Border in Gorno-Badakhshan: Resources of a War- Torn Neighborhood”, Journal of Borderlands Studies 38:3 (2021), 461-485.
- “Interview with Zalma?, Conducted in Paris, 1 February 2021 (FR)”, Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies [Online], 33 (2021).
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- “Enquêter en milieu frontalier isolé. Le terrain ethnographique dans le Haut- Badakhchan au Tadjikistan” [Investigation in a remote borderland environment. Ethnographic fieldwork in Tajikistan’s Gorno-Badakhshan] in Christelle Calmels, Léonard Colomba-Petteng, Emmanuel Dreyfus et Adrien Estève (Eds.) L’enquête en terrain “sensible”. Bricolages méthodologiques et enjeux des recherches sur l’international [Investigating on “sensitive” fieldwork. Methodological tinkering and challenges in international research] (Paris:?Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2024)
- “Being Afghani, French and not Soviet along the border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan” in Jasmin Dall’Agnola et Aijan Sharshenova (Eds.), Researching Central Asia: Navigating Positionality in the Field (Berlin: Springer, 2023)
- “Le Traité de gouvernement” [The Treaty of governement] in Delphine Allès et al. (Eds.), Approches extra-occidentales de la paix et de la sécurité: une anthologie commentée [Extra-Western Approaches to Peace and Security: An Annoted Anthology], (Paris:?CNRS Editions, 2023)
Non refereed scientific articles (selected)
- “Opportunities and Frustrations of a Closed Border Regime between Tajikistan and Afghanistan in Badakhshan: Back to Remoteness?”, BorderObs (2023)
- La frontière entre le Tadjikistan et l'Afghanistan depuis l'été 2021 (2) : Le quotidien à la frontière et la situation des réfugiés au Tadjikistan [The border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan since the summer of 2021 (2): Everyday life at the border and the situation of refugees in Tajikistan], Les Nouvelles d'Afghanistan (2023)
- (with Suzy Blondin) "In Tajikistan’s Pamir Mountains, Environmental Hazards Complicate Human Mobility and Connections with Afghanistan”, The Academic(2023)
- “Asie centrale-Afghanistan : des frontières sous haute surveillance” [Central Asia-Afghanistan: borders under high surveillance], The Conversation?(2022)
- “Taliban at the Border: A New Regime Neighboring Tajikistan”, Central Asia Program, CAP Paper no. 267 (2021)
- “Die Auswirkungen der Machtübernahme der Taliban in den Grenzgebieten des Pamirs” [The impact of the Taliban takeover in the Pamirs borderlands], Zentralasien-Analysen?150: December (2021), 2-6
- “Konflikt na granice: kakie budut posledstvi? dl? vnutrennej i vne?nej politiki Kyrgyzstana i Tad?ikistana?” [Conflict on the border : what will be the consequences for Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan’s domestic and foreign policies ?], CABAR Asia [Online]?(2021)
Policy Briefs
"Cross-border relations between Central Asia and Afghanistan in the Taliban era: Security and connectivity implications for the region", Policy Brief n°89, OSCE Academy Policy Briefs (2023)?
Winter Semester 2024/25
- 80760MS?Borders in Political Discourse
- 80761MS?Politics and International Relations of Central Asia and Afghanistan: Competing Approaches
- 80791MS?Researching (in) Remote Areas: Preparing, Conducting, and Reflecting on Ethnographic Methods
Summer Semester 2024
- 80740MS?Border Tensions in Europe
- 80741MS?Central Asia inside and out: politics, society and international relations
- 80790MS?When Border Studies Meet Social Sciences and the Humanities