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Lectures in the Winter Semester '20/'21 with participation from PC I


lab course "Chemical lab course for physicists" (Kutta)
???? course 53511 ??? GRIPS course

lecture "General Chemistry - Physical Chemistry Part" (Slenczka)
???? course 53001 ??? GRIPS course

lecture "Spectroscopy" with exercise classes? (Nürnberger)
???? course 53050???? GRIPS course

lecture "Theoretical Chemistry" with exercise classes? (Dick)
???? course 53051 ??? GRIPS course

lecture "Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy" with exercises? (Nürnberger)
???? course 53120 ??? GRIPS course

lecture "Spectroscopy and photochemistry in superfluid helium droplets and molecular beams"? (Slenczka)
???? course 53121 ??? GRIPS course

lecture "Physical Chemistry II (B.Ed.)" with exercise classes? (Slenczka)
???? course 53415 ??? GRIPS course

  1. Universit?t
  2. Fakult?t für Chemie und Pharmazie

Chair of
Physical Chemistry I



Physical Chemistry I

Secretariat: room CH 22.2.84

Phone:        0941 943 4486

Fax:            0941 943 4488